Thanks, everyone! Dex Devil is actually quite dear to me - he is inspired by Ronon Dex, a character from Stargate Atlantis, played by the actor Jason Momoa (whom I adore just a teensy bit more than I possibly should....). I met him about 18 months ago and showed him a portrait I drew of him (which I will be posting here at some point, I imagine!), which he signed (for free, he was so chuffed with it). He then insisted that I sent his mother a copy. I was a bit nervous about doing this, so my friend Rachael told her about my artwork via his official website (his mum runs it, bless him...) and so I eventually sent it to her... she then included it in a charity calendar, and asked if I had any more Jason artwork (which I do. Sad, aren't I??). She saw the sketch and loved it, and asked if I would colour it for her, so I did (it has also been included in the calendar - I got 5 pieces in in the end!). So, in a sort of surreal twist of fate, I did this for one of my favourite actor's mum (hence the reason why I took supa-care with regards to the colouring...) - not something everyone gets to do, but heigh ho!

The font I used was from this deviant: