Now, onto the story itself - I know I already left a comment on Fanfiction.net, but I felt it right to tell you how much I enjoyed the beginning of it here as well.

Posted 25 May 2009 - 04:33 AM
Through lightning, travel shadow,
Through hell and all above,
Surviving sword and arrow,
Bound stronger by the love
And in the end a witness,
To where the death has lain,
Silent through the sorrow,
Where innocents lie slain
Posted 28 May 2009 - 11:03 AM
The Timely Resurrection of Fade!
Mistress Elysia's fantasy artwork.
Where Darkness Resides: A Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark fanfic
I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.
"Oh, little ice cream friends! Thog delays boredom-driven rampage only for you!"
Posted 31 May 2009 - 03:55 AM
and as I have said before, thank you so much for your lovely reviews on ff.net! hug.gif)
I shall post the chapters up here slowly, if Queen Lucy lets me (she seems to have a 6th sense for when I want to write or draw, meaning as soon as I start doing so, she always wakes up / begins to cry / shouts for attention... rolleyes.gif If she wasn't so damn cute... happy.gif)
Edited by Shadowhawke, 31 May 2009 - 03:58 AM.
Through lightning, travel shadow,
Through hell and all above,
Surviving sword and arrow,
Bound stronger by the love
And in the end a witness,
To where the death has lain,
Silent through the sorrow,
Where innocents lie slain