Edit2: Actually, it appears to be the same CRE, with the same footlocker. Well, sort of - the cb4287mj.cre that appears in ar4287 offers to give the footlocker *back* to the PC that he took from him earlier. So I'm assuming he's supposed to be the same as the cbsoumjr in ar4286. So all that's really necessary here is to change cbsoumj1.dlg to use GiveItemCreate since cb4287mj.dlg already does.
Thank you for your quick reply

and you are correct in that they are the same "character." The footlocker is used to put all of the party's gear in since they have to use Soubar's special purple armor

and weapons while they are lower ranks. If any items are not put into the container, they will be gone forever with the exception of
NPC non-removable items. Once the party reaches lieutenant or something, they get the footlocker back. CBSOUMJR gives the initial footlocker and destroys it when he receives it, thus no exploited pickpocketing for the full footlocker. Later he will give the party CBTRVBAG (GiveItemCreate) which is a prestocked bag of holding with supplies. The other, CB4287MJ returns the foot locker later at the appropriate time in the quests.
The quirk I think was that not all items would be included on the bag's return and I have noticed this in other "removing bags and giving back" uses. If the bag is set to infinite with a tweak and has +100 items and then removed/taken for a period of time (like here), when it is given back it will only have 100 items, the first 100 that were in the bag when the party first gave it away.
I removed the footlockers from their inventories to prevent duplicate container bugs, because I thought they used GiveItemCreate instead of GiveItem. Meaning you could kill or pickpocket them for another footlocker (which is really the *same* one accessing the same store). But now that I look at it further, this whole thing is pretty buggy, because they use *both* GiveItem and GiveItemCreate in their dialogues.
Also, I wouldn't worry about pickpocketing the footlocker and if the player does, they will know what it is for when they reach that point and won't get a second one the first time. As far as killing them, well the Majors have a MINHP1 and can't be killed

Can you restore the creatures back for your next version? The BAMS are great that you used
Edited by Hoppy, 21 October 2009 - 09:19 PM.