I have to answer, it simply made my day to see Fade back! (Red Wings won, sun shines and Fade is back - what can go wrong?)
It was always my intention to make Fade more than 'just a romance mod' and add in equivalent material for non-romancing males and female PCs.
Fade has never been 'just a romance mod'. Understood? Good.
With regards to this, I have had two ideas floating around for a while:
For non-romancing male PCs: If you let Fade down nicely / gently early on in her romance path (via a player initiated dialogue), that will kick off the male 'friendship' track. I figured, however, that just because you don't want to romance Fade, she wiil automatically not find you attractive - so I figured for non-romancing males, I might write an 'unrequited love' subplot, with a possible chance to requite it in ToB (if the player so wishes). She won't try to steal you away from your current love interest per se, but unless you are absolutely foul to her (and even then, she can't deny her heart completely), she will still initiate dialogues that might be mildly flirtatious in nature - I thought this might also give the current romance (Bioware ones only initially) a good chance to show some reaction / get jealous / be a bit insecure themselves. You know, just like in real life...
Good idea? Bad idea? Indifferent idea?
The unrequited love thing is a nice and unsual idea seeing others are always pissed when something happens like Tashia or Tsujatha. There's a reason why you like someone and that doesn't change with one wrong answer. If there is another chance - why not? That is definetly something I like to see. When Fade declares her love she asks if they can still be friends so a friendship from then on should be only natural. One thing that made Fade so great was her honesty when it comes to her feelings so she should stay true to that path and not get bitchy in
ToB because the PC favoured another. If it didn't work with whoever it was a new attempt with Fade sounds wonderful.
For female PCs: there will be a friendship track (already started on this), but in lieu of a Bhaalspawn to fancy, I thought Fade might turn her affections to another victim: namedly Valygar. There has already been ground laid that she quite likes Valygar (yes, this is author bias too; I am just a complete sucker for that whole 'stoic warrior' thing), but again, should it be unrequited, or should Valygar eventually reciprocate? I have to admit, I am erring on the side of it being unrequited (but then again, I like torturing my own creations
), but I could be easily swayed if people want it requited.
Fade - Valygar might not be the best idea. For example there is the Xan mod, where Valygar supports the female PC after Xan's death beyond friendship. Romantic Encounters also features a component with Valygar. That could cause quirks that are either strange or funny like Imoen being romanced by the PC, Chloe and Kelsey. Both mods are still supported, however, so it could work. Seeing that you already have a friendship running I guess you can work it out.
When I think about both personalities of Fade and Valygar that sounds rather interesting. Would she drive him nuts, could she be soured, could he loosen up? He doesn't seem to like unnatural things and beings. Don't know how far this goes, it's one thing to befriend her another to fall in love. I'm undecided on this, but don't take it as discouragement. It simply means I take it both ways.
For female PCs romancing Anomen: Yes, I am guilty as charged with regards to ridiculing this much maligned character, and so I am rather keen to set the record straight a bit and allow female PC's to discuss why they are with Anomen... again - good idea / bad idea / indifferent idea?
The romance reaction is clearly a great idea. I really loved that in the
BG1NPC project. Party members reacting to you, why or how you could do that or talk to your love interest about that relationship. That your companions make the growing love a topic should be normal but it is not often seen in mods. You can talk with Amber about Aerie, NPCs talk with Xan or in the Crossmod Banter Pack Imoen shows her curiosity. Having Fade join that exclusive club can only be good, no matter whether she talks with the PC about Anomen or the jealous/insecure reaction if Fade cannot give up hope. It creates a feeling of a party not a collection of NPCs even though all talk with each other.
Any input is very much welcome!
Any output is equally welcome! (Oh man, that was bad, I'm sorry... really

Seeing the way you write your stuff you haven't lost your creativity. I still have the override folder and saves of my stoic warrior that romanced Fade years back stored somewhere. Didn't dare to bring him into
ToB with a silent honeykitten. He must be jumping up and down in the archives to replay
SoA with Fade. Don't want to push you, but you seem to be full of energy right now. Keep it up!