Four ? Introductions
It took the small group just over half an hour to gather the supplies they needed for their first foray out into the wild Underdark beyond Lith My?athar. During their spree, Valen had left them to collect his own backpack that he had left in his quarters, arranging to meet them alongside the drow once they had finished; this wouldn?t have bothered Jen much if it hadn?t been for the fact that Nathyrra was still largely ignoring her for her decision to allow Imloth?s recruits to join them.
After visiting her third merchant in a row, Jen was grateful she had decided to spend what, at the time, had seemed to be a vast sum of gold on a Bag of Holding; without it, she doubted she could have carried what appeared to be some kind of mountain comprised of dry rations and other mundane items, let alone the rest of her equipment. She was also pleased ? and more than a little relieved ? to find that the city was not besieged by spiders; although the décor would suggest that the creatures were popular amongst the drow, Nathyrra rather stiffly explained that they were the sole preserve of the Spider Queen, and that since she held no sway in the city anymore, they were no longer welcome there.
Once the had finished with their third and final merchant, Jen looked around herself, trying to see if she could judge how long they had spent shopping; she simply had no idea how much time they had before they needed to meet up with the Valen and the drow recruits. Turning to Nathyrra, she steeled herself for another curt, uncomfortable exchange.
?How much time do you think we have? Before we have to meet up with Valen, that is,? Jen asked, carefully ensuring her voice sounded light and non confrontational and deciding not to mention Xen?shai at all.
Nathyrra turned a cool crimson gaze upon the half elf. ?Not long. Perhaps half an hour, if that.?
?How do you tell??
?You get used to the passage of time here. ?She then pointed to the temple of Lolth that dominated the city from the square. ?That and the main spire of the temple glows brightest during what would be moon-time upon the surface. The Seer enchanted it so that the Dark Maiden may be worshipped properly.?
?Oh.? Jen couldn?t think of anything else to add.
Deekin peered up at the Spire, eager to help.
?So it?s? halfway to brighttime, boss.? A small look of confusion mingled with disappointment crossed his face. ?Deekin doesn?t know what that means.?
Giving Deekin a slightly condescending look, Nathyrra turned away from them again.
Jen shared a significant look with the kobold and sighed. ?Nathyrra? I know you?re not happy with regards to the decision I have made??
?You are right ? I am not happy. But not for the reasons you might think,? Nathyrra interrupted. ?You do not know how things work in the Underdark. The politics of it all.?
Jen shook her head. ?You?re right ? I don?t. But I do know that we have been sent out to deal with dangerous?? she paused and shrugged ?? people, creatures, beings - see, I don?t even really know what I?m facing half the time! ? and so I figure that if someone who does know is offering to help, then grab it with both hands.? The half elf gave the drow a weary, resigned smile.
With a resigned smile of her own, Nathyrra nodded. ?I? guess I can appreciate that sentiment, Jen,? she replied eventually. ?I just wish that we had been offered rather more trustworthy people to guard our backs.?
?What is it about Xen?shai you don?t like?? Jen asked, curiously.
Nathyrra gave her a guarded look. ?Xen?shai has been associated with? rebel activities for a long time, although whether he really is a devotee of the Masked Lord, he?s not about to admit it publicly and it?s never actually been publicly proven.?
?In that case, maybe he just isn?t what you think he is,? Jen reasoned. ?Maybe he is innocent.? She thought back to the Deathsinger. ?Well, as innocent as he can be.?
?Xen?shai? Innocent?? Nathyrra raised a snowy eyebrow and chuckled. ?Hardly. No ? for a drow male without a House, he is far too confident. He has support elsewhere ? be it from the Masked Lord?s clergy or the Masked Lord himself, I am not sure? but he managed to band together those males we have now recruited rather too quickly for there not to be a reason.?
Jen?s brow furrowed. ?So he?s a lone male with the?? Jen hesitated ? she was going to say ?charisma?, but for some reason decided she did not want to use the word ?? ability to draw others to him?why is that so bad? Why does he have to be affiliated with a House??
Nathyrra shook her head. ?Jen? if I had the time, I would explain all drow customs and politics to you, but, as you are aware, I don?t. Basically, we live in a matriarchy, with the Matron Mothers in charge.?
?Yeah, I got that. It still doesn?t explain why opting out of that system is so bad.?
?Because it just isn?t the done thing, Jen,? Nathyrra explained with an emphatic hand gesture to the heavens. ?Males have no status in drow society without the support of the females. Whether you are male or female, to have no House is to have nothing; is to be nothing. And in such a hostile place as the Underdark, to give up any position you have ? no matter what it is ? is tantamount to suicide.?
?Like kobold without master,? Deekin commented. ?Kobold need master to protect kobold clan, whether master is nice or not. Apart from Deekin, of course.? He gave Jen a loyal look. ?Deekin have boss.?
Jen smiled at Deekin, noticing once again the slightly confused look that crossed Nathyrra?s face each time the kobold made his undivided allegiance to the half elf plain. She then nodded slowly, her attention focused back on Nathyrra, a thoughtful look upon her face. ?And so for a male to do that to himself??
?? yes, I see you?re beginning to understand now, ?Nathyrra nodded. ?It either takes a lot of guts, a lot of stupidity or a lot of confidence that there is something out there to help you to do what Xen?shai and his cronies did.?
?What about the other males? Are they all in the service of this ?Masked Lord???
?No,? smiled Nathyrra. ?Most of them are open devotees of Eilistraee, the Dark Maiden. Some have come from one of the few drow enclaves that are found on the surface ? this one located near Waterdeep; others the Seer has rescued and converted.? She frowned. ?What worries me is that usually the followers of the Masked Lord will have nothing to do with those of us that worship the Dark Maiden; in fact, they traditionally cause us nothing but grief. For them to join us willingly? it is disturbing, to say the least.?
?Maybe it is just a case of ?needs must in times of strife?,? said Jen in a reassuring manner. ?The Valsharess is as much a threat to them as she is to you. It?s times like these when people do put aside their differences and work together towards a common goal ? they simply don?t have any other choice at their disposal. Work together, or face the consequences.?
At that, Nathyrra grinned widely, and Jen could see that she had been truly forgiven. ?Ahhh, Jenalil? you are such an optimist; always trying to see the best in people.? She laid a hand upon Jen?s forearm and squeezed it gently in a spontaneous gesture of unity. ?Once I would have seen it as a weakness, but now? now I can see that it is your strength.?
At the gesture, Jen grinned gratefully.
?You know, I?m really glad to have you on my side, Nathyrra. If it was just Valen?? She allowed the sentence to trail off with a shrug.
The drow nodded ruefully. ?He is being? difficult, I know, but in a way, I can understand it. Before you came here, he was our main line of defence; he?s kept us safe, and he hasn?t done this by being open and friendly to strangers.? She smiled. ?Don?t worry ? he will come round. It?ll just take time.? She then looked up towards the Spire and sighed. ?And talking of time??
?Time to go?? Jen asked.
The small group of drow recruits were already waiting by the city gates by the time Jen, Nathyrra and Deekin arrived. Valen, on the other hand, was conspicuous by his absence and was nowhere to be seen.
Upon seeing the two females? approach, Xen?shai straightened himself up from the nonchalant slouch he had positioned himself in and offered them both a lazy salute and roguish smile. Nathyrra?s stance grew guarded again, and her face became as an obsidian mask, cool and expressionless. Jen, however, had never been able to perfect such a cold demeanour, and so decided to stick with what she knew and smiled back.
?Jallil d' Ssussun!? the Deathsinger near purred as he approached, and by way of greeting, took Jen?s hand and raised it to his lips briefly, causing the half elf to fight a blush once again. ?Jabbress Jenalil, we have waited patiently for your arrival. For a little while, we worried you might not come?? he raised an eyebrow pointedly as he let go of Jen?s hand and then turned his attention to Nathyrra. ?And you, Nathyrra. I take it you have informed Jen of everything she needs to know?? His tone was one of pure innocence, but there was a flicker of challenge deep within his eyes.
Nathyrra answered his question with a withering glare.
?Siyo,? she answered abruptly.
?Good? good? we should all be informed as to what we are getting ourselves into, don?t you agree, Jenalil??
Glancing at Nathyrra, Jen nodded dumbly.
?Speaking of being informed? where is the Errdegah-chath? We thought he would be with you?? Xen?shai asked, his face now a picture of concern.
?Uh, Valen?s okay? he went to get things. Supplies and the like. For the journey. Well, that?s what he said. He?s going to meet us here?? Jen trailed off under the Deathsinger?s scrutiny, painfully aware that she sounded like a stuttering fool.
?I see. We shall wait for him here??
?That is what we agreed,? snapped Nathyrra
Xen?shai turned his attention to the other female for a moment, his face carefully blank, before refocusing back on Jen. The gesture was pure insolence, and upon seeing the furious tic that flitted across Nathyrra?s face, the half elf had no doubts in her mind that had he acted like this in front of a female in normal drow society, he would have been in a lot of trouble indeed.
?Maybe it is time for you to meet the others that will be fighting by your side?? he smiled, gesturing with one delicate ebon hand towards the other four drow that lounged by the gate and taking the half elf gently by the arm with the other.
Allowing herself to be propelled forward, Jen stole a last backwards glance towards Nathyrra, whose jaw had now tightened, a small furrow upon her brow. Seeing Jen?s glance, she gave a small, curt shake of her head, indicating that Jen should not let the Deathsinger take the upper hand in the situation.
Deciding to take the assassin?s mute advice, Jen shook Xen?shai?s hand from her arm and squared her shoulders, preparing herself to meet the others; in response, the Deathsinger gave her a fleeting, slightly calculating look from the corner of his eye, giving Jen the impression that this was all just an amusing game to him.
Unfortunately, it was a game that Jen didn?t currently know the rules for.
She wondered if she ever would.
Nathyrra looked on warily whilst Jen was introduced to the rest of the drow troop, barely noticing the tall figure of Valen approach her. Seeing the serious look upon her face, the horned warrior frowned and dropped his pack by his feet.
?What?s going on?? he asked quietly.
?Xen?shai is introducing Jen to his cronies,? replied Nathyrra, not taking her eyes off the exchange.
?How well is it going??
?Not well.? Nathyrra turned a grim face to him. ?Xen?shai is totally dominating her.?
Valen shrugged. ?He?ll do that if she lets him.?
?I don?t think she?s used to dealing with people like Xen?shai and his brother, Valen,? the drow chastised softly.
?Then it begs the question: why is she here?? The warrior?s face was impassive, but there was a definite, tight edge to his voice.
Nathyrra rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her stomach. ?Valen, she is not here to usurp you. She is here to help us.?
?So says the Seer.?
The assassin looked at him incredulously. ?Is that why you went back? To again try to convince Mother Seer that she is wrong??
?I went to collect my pack.?
Nathyrra?s eyes narrowed as she studied the warrior?s face for any sign of emotion, but the shutters had well and truly been thrown up; if he was lying to her, he wasn?t giving away any clues. Shaking her head, the drow female decided to change tack and refocused her attention upon the meeting.
?I don?t trust him,? she commented between gritted teeth after a short while.
?I don?t trust her,? Valen deadpanned by way of response.
Upon the half elf?s approach, the other drow males didn?t bother to straighten up; they just gazed impassively at her, each one surrounded by a palpable air of self confidence that Jen found just a little unsettling.
Gesturing to the first dark elf, Xen?shai began to make his introductions.
?This is Szinaufein,? he said, motioning the fighter with twin blades strapped to his hips. ?He is the nearest thing to what you on the surface might call a Ranger, and the youngest amongst us.?
Szinaufein inclined his head towards Jen. ?It? pleasure,? he commented eventually in broken Common. ?I fight with you. Fight against Valsharess.? As if to emphasise his point, he smiled; this only emphasised his youth, and due to this Jen couldn?t help but smile back.
The Deathsinger continued with his introductions with a slightly pointed cough.
?Next, we have Tsabandiir.? From behind her, Jen heard a derisive snort, obviously coming from Nathyrra; the half elf was positive that Xen?shai heard it, but chose to ignore it. ?He is, like you, a rogue. Isn?t it good to have something in common??
Jen stole a sideways glance at that decided odd and slightly condescending question, trying to discern exactly why Xen?shai had asked it? and, upon seeing the scowl that now sat upon Tsabandiir?s face, who it was actually aimed at.
?Kyorl dosst ooble', Elghinnsunduiri?? the drow rogue hissed in a low voice.
Xen?shai raised a silvery eyebrow and pursed his lips in disapproval for a mere second before reverting back to his habitual half-smile.
?Tsabandiir extends his welcome. Please excuse him; he understands your surfacer tongue, but does not speak it well. Hopefully that will be remedied in time.?
Tsabandiir?s scowl deepened.
?Nathyrra said he can cast spells, too?? Jen asked hesitantly.
Xen?shai?s almost shark-like smile widened again.
?Ahhh, you were listening before.? His eyes slid to where Nathyrra was standing. ?Or maybe dear Nathyrra has given you more information? No matter; you are correct. Tsabandiir has the ability to cast some healing spells. Useful, no??
Again, Xen?shai?s odd question and rather condescending tone made Jen feel rather like she was playing a somewhat complicated, uncomfortable game.
?Well, healing?s always a bonus...? she replied, unsure of what else to say.
?Indeed it is, Jallil d' Ssussun. Having Tsabandiir with us gives us a clear advantage, does it not??
?Yes? I suppose so?? Jen hazarded guardedly.
This time, it was the drow rogue?s turn to snort.
Ignoring this, Xen?shai indicated towards the next drow. She had noticed before that he was the tallest of the group, but upon seeing him up close, Jen paled a little and had to hold in a gasp; every piece of exposed skin apart from his face was covered in scars, carven images of spiders and cobwebs. She couldn?t imagine why anyone would want to do that to himself.
?Next is Rizonym, a fearsome fighter who has paid the price for defying his Matron.? Xen?shai made a show of shaking his head sadly. ?Normally, he would have paid with his life... but, despite his rebellious tendencies, Rizonym was still one of his Mistress?? ah, favourites, and so she decided to torture him instead.? Xen?shai winked mischievously at Jen, as if sharing a rather amusing secret. ?She did cast a permanent spell of silence upon him as well as painting his body to remind him where his loyalties should lie. ?Xen?shai leaned a little closer towards Jen so he could whisper in her ear and gave her a significant look. ?His Mistress did not want to cut out his tongue.?
Jen?s brow wrinkled for a moment as she puzzled out why that would be the case. ?Why didn?t she want to do that? A permanency spell is expensive?
At that, Xen?shai glanced over to the drow Jen guessed might be a mage with a slyly wicked smile touching his lips ? a smile that the other drow, rather worryingly, returned.
?Folt biu vassnti...? he murmured, his voice like silk. ?It would be wise if you thought before you spoke. Take a moment to think about it.?
Taking his advice, Jen did just that. When it eventually dawned upon her what he might be alluding to she went an impressive shade of crimson and now feeling embarrassed as well as uncomfortable, Jen leaned away from the Deathsinger a little.
?C? can he talk now??
It was Rizonym that answered, his voice slow and ponderous.
?Yes. The Seer broke the enchantment for me. I am grateful.?
?Oh. I see.?
The scarred drow did not reply and just regarded her silently.
?He does not speak much; a century or more of silence will do that to you,? Xen?shai broke in. ?But you would want no other at your back.? The Deathsinger raised an eyebrow and then moved on to the last drow in the group, the one who wore the attire of a mage.
?And last, but by no means least, this is my half brother, Jehk?ril,? Xen?shai grinned broadly at the drow he had shared the sly smile with, clapping him lightly upon the back. Jehk?ril grinned back.
Oh great. Two of them? thought Jen with an internal sigh.
?It is an honour to fight by your side,? Jehk?ril offered, the sentiment of his words not quite matching his tone.
Having been taught not to lie, Jen did not answer him; this, however, just seemed to amuse both the mage and the Deathsinger alike.
Valen and Nathyrra continued to observe the introductions: the drow with a sense of cold anger, the horned warrior with an air carefully contrived detachment. However, if someone had studied his eyes closely they would have seen the obvious flicker of fury deep within them.
After the exchange between Jen, Xen?shai and Rizonym, Valen balled his hands into fists. ?Trust or not; some lines aren?t crossed,? he muttered under his breath. Upon hearing those words, Nathyrra glanced up at him.
?See how she handles it,? the drow murmured in a quietly mollifying voice .
?They?re toying with her,? Valen said, his voice a low growl.
?I know. It angers me too. If things get out of hand then step in by all means? but just bear in mind that if you charge to her side like some knight of legend, they will never respect her.?
At that, Valen?s jaw tightened, but he did not respond
?You?re brothers??
Jehk?ril inclined his head. ?Half brothers, Jallil d?Ssussun. We share the same mother. Normally family plays little part in drow society, but we are not part of normal drow society, and so we value each other highly.?
Jen thought of her own half brother, and the simple love she felt for him. Somehow, she couldn?t see Xen?shai and Jehk?ril feeling the same way about each other as she did about Renlan.
?I can appreciate that, I suppose.?
Jehk?ril then looked past her, his gaze falling upon Deekin. ?Is that your familiar?? he asked a little disdainfully.
?No,? replied Jen, matching his scathing tone. ?His name is Deekin.?
?So, a pet, then??
Jen gave Jehk?ril a cool look. ?No. He?s a bard.?
Jehk?ril offered her an incredulous look. ?Truly? A kobold bard? I have never heard of such a thing before.?
Aware that he was being spoken about, Deekin strummed his lyre self consciously. ?Deekin is bard - not usual for kobolds, but Deekin very rare, very different. Still a bard, though. Boss made it so. It why Deekin travels with boss a long time.?
?Boss?? Jehk?ril commented faintly. ?How? quaint.? He turned to his half brother, smirking a little. ?Dalninuk, it looks like you have competition??
For the first time since she had met him, Xen?shai did not look pleased.
?There is a world of difference between a Deathsinger and just being a bard, Jehk?ril,? he said, a slightly icy edge to his voice.
Jehk?ril?s amusement deepened at his brother?s displeasure. ?But do you not both sing songs in battle, Xen?shai?? He gave Jen a conspiratorial wink. ?I prefer to rain down death from above? but each to their own, I suppose.?
?Tlu suust lu' vrine'winith galla ulu toun l' jalil,? Xen?shai responded in a low voice. ?Usstan zhaun ol uriu tlus fol draeval, drill dosst brou'ka xo'an ulu morfeth uns'aa lor myar uns'aa orn naut morfeth ilta nuor wun ulu dosst orlingg jala qeeh.?
Jen had no idea what Xen?shai had just said, but it sounded for all the world like a reprimand. Jehk?ril on the other hand, just raised his eyebrows and smirked. ?We shall see??
Seeing Jen?s confusion, Xen?shai softened his expression. ?We should not speak drow around Jenalil. It is unfair.?
?Maybe we could? teach her?? offered Jehk?ril, the smirk still firmly in place.
Before Xen?shai could answer, one large, gauntleted hand descended down and came to rest upon the Deathsinger?s shoulder; the other did the same, with Jehk?ril as its target, pulling the two of them far apart.
?That?s enough,? growled Valen, his visage, if anything, sterner than ever. ?There will be time for? small talk later.? He gave both the drow males a slightly distasteful look. ?Now, we have to get going.?
Xen?shai and Jehk?ril both returned the large warrior?s look with one that promised violence, then, remembering themselves, backed up as graciously as they could without losing any more face.
Surprised as she was, Jen gave the warrior a grateful look.
It was a look that Valen did not return as he turned to face the city gates.