Any hoo - hello, folks! You can pick your jaws up off the floor and ready your various missiles of the rotten fruit variety if you wish...

First off - a big apology to all and sundry! Yes, I fell off the face of the planet. This happened for many different reasons:
1) I was burnt out. Seriously, seriously burnt out. It got to a point where if I never saw BG2 again, I would have been happy. However, after getting the urge to play BG again, Fade's been niggling at the back of my mind, and so I decided to take a deep breath (one that took 3 days - I really should grow a spine at some point!) and see if there was still any interest in Fade... imagine my surprise (pleasant!) that this forum isn't the complete ghost towen I was expecting!!
2) I had to put some more effort into my career - teaching is majorly draining.
3) Lastly, and most importantly - I'm now a mother!

So, yeah. Tentatively looking at getting back into the modding saddle (if Sil will have me, that is!!). I also need to get my house rennovations finished before I can seriously get down to anything (all my mod files are on my main PC, which has been packed away in a cupboard for a good, ooo, 6+ months now...). Chances are, I will play through the mod myself (it's been that long!) and possibly re-write sections, simply because I feel I have definitely matured as a writer now (I've been indulging in a bit of NWN:HotU based fan fiction and other writing exersizes in my spare time, and when I read stuff I wrote back in 04 / 05, I just want to cringe!), but I definitely want to take the yoke that is the unfinished ToB section of this mod off from around my neck soon. It's going to take me some time to re-integrate myself back into this community, and although I am off work until September (and then going back part time), Lucy is the main focus of my life right now, so I won't be able to devote hours and hours of mod time a week like I used to back in Ye Olde Times, but I'd still like to give it a crack... that's if you all want me to, of course!
Love and hugs,
(and, of course, Fade herself...

(Just to prove she is still in my thoughts forever - a new-ish painting of her