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#1 Mistress Elysia

Mistress Elysia

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 08:05 AM

Oh, christ - I actually feel a little bit sick, I'm so nervous about doing this!! That's how silly I am...

Any hoo - hello, folks! You can pick your jaws up off the floor and ready your various missiles of the rotten fruit variety if you wish... :D

First off - a big apology to all and sundry! Yes, I fell off the face of the planet. This happened for many different reasons:

1) I was burnt out. Seriously, seriously burnt out. It got to a point where if I never saw BG2 again, I would have been happy. However, after getting the urge to play BG again, Fade's been niggling at the back of my mind, and so I decided to take a deep breath (one that took 3 days - I really should grow a spine at some point!) and see if there was still any interest in Fade... imagine my surprise (pleasant!) that this forum isn't the complete ghost towen I was expecting!!

2) I had to put some more effort into my career - teaching is majorly draining.

3) Lastly, and most importantly - I'm now a mother! :wub: I have a beautiful 16 week old daughter called Lucy who is just my life at the moment.

So, yeah. Tentatively looking at getting back into the modding saddle (if Sil will have me, that is!!). I also need to get my house rennovations finished before I can seriously get down to anything (all my mod files are on my main PC, which has been packed away in a cupboard for a good, ooo, 6+ months now...). Chances are, I will play through the mod myself (it's been that long!) and possibly re-write sections, simply because I feel I have definitely matured as a writer now (I've been indulging in a bit of NWN:HotU based fan fiction and other writing exersizes in my spare time, and when I read stuff I wrote back in 04 / 05, I just want to cringe!), but I definitely want to take the yoke that is the unfinished ToB section of this mod off from around my neck soon. It's going to take me some time to re-integrate myself back into this community, and although I am off work until September (and then going back part time), Lucy is the main focus of my life right now, so I won't be able to devote hours and hours of mod time a week like I used to back in Ye Olde Times, but I'd still like to give it a crack... that's if you all want me to, of course!

Love and hugs,


(and, of course, Fade herself... :lol: )

Posted Image
(Just to prove she is still in my thoughts forever - a new-ish painting of her ;) )

The Timely Resurrection of Fade!
Mistress Elysia's fantasy artwork.
Where Darkness Resides: A Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark fanfic

I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.

"Oh, little ice cream friends! Thog delays boredom-driven rampage only for you!"

#2 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 08:35 AM

but I'd still like to give it a crack... that's if you all want me to, of course!

"Hmm... the Imp would give you a hug, but as it's stands the Fireshield around it just would burn a nice crisp things onto your flesh, so let's leave that for now, and just lick our tails..."

And no, the community is not dead, and far from it as the BP->BWP is finally turning into the BWS, and the setups begin to be easier and easier, relatively easier.

PS: Hope you had a good Mothers day, and awesome rest of the time.

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.

#3 -erik-

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 10:29 AM


*random cheering ensues*


#4 Tassadar88


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Posted 17 May 2009 - 11:09 AM

Cool to see you here again, congrats for being a mum - and for modding, I am keeping my fingers crossed for both you and Fade :)
hey, I might take it as a sign to return to my own modding hot stone :D

Edited by Tassadar88, 17 May 2009 - 11:10 AM.

The Mind is its own place and in itself - can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven. -John Milton, Paradise lost

#5 Mistress Elysia

Mistress Elysia

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 11:58 AM

:hug: Thanks everyone!

Being a mum is awesome (even if Lucy seems to be allergic to everything right now... :( I'm going on an elimination diet to try to figure out what it is. We're guesing dairy (which = no more chocolate or cheese for me) since she had a major allergic attack which ended up hospitalising her the first time she ever had formula milk (a couple of weeks ago) - now she's just all itchy. It's really quite horrible, and there's nothing I can do about it until the bloody doctor stops faffing around and actually decides to help me! :angry: )

The Timely Resurrection of Fade!
Mistress Elysia's fantasy artwork.
Where Darkness Resides: A Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark fanfic

I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.

"Oh, little ice cream friends! Thog delays boredom-driven rampage only for you!"

#6 Tempest


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Posted 17 May 2009 - 05:09 PM

You and Fade were what drew me into the world of BG2 mods, so a hearty welcome back! :)

Rewrite Fade, add her ToB section, start another project, or simply drop modding altogether, it's good to have you back no matter what your plans.

"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

#7 Silmarien

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 05:27 PM

*HUGE HUG* (of an overly intense nature that causes embarrassment to random passersby)

Yay you're back! I've missed you... we've missed you... the board has missed you... the internets have missed you... And of course I'm still going to be working with you on Fade!

Congrats on becoming a mum - and my love to Lucy!

#8 Daulmakan


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Posted 17 May 2009 - 07:58 PM

Welcome back. :)

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#9 Miss Sakaki

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 12:57 AM

It's lovely to see you again. I know what you mean about feeling burnt out - Feuille and I sidled off a while back for a year or so, but we recently sidled back and are having a lot of fun. I hope it's fun for you, too!

Most importantly, huuuuge congratulations on your baby! :hug:

#10 berelinde



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Posted 18 May 2009 - 07:13 AM

Everyone needs a break, sometimes. Burnout is real.

Glad you're back!

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#11 --Arconian--

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 04:07 AM

Just want to congratulate you with becoming a mom, Miss Elysia. I hope she doesn't keep you awake night after night :D. Having a teacher as a parent is the most awesome thing a child can have, I should know :D I'm happy you decided to continue with Fade, she's one of the better mods out there. Welcome back :D

#12 Mistress Elysia

Mistress Elysia

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 05:45 AM

Wheee!!! Hooray - Lucy's asleep! We're having a bit of a trying time right now - I had to take her to the doc's yesterday with suspected (now confirmed) infantile eczema, and I've been with the paediatric dietician all morning discussing my diet... from now on, I am on a strict no-dairy-whatsoever diet (Lucy is horribly allergic to cow's milk (she had an anaphalactic response to her first ever bottle of formula - good job I was intending to breastfeed her near enough exclusively for a least the first 6 months, really) and we think it is affecting her skin), which isn't much fun. Nevermind, though - it's for her, so it's worth it ^_^

:hug: :hug: :hug: Thanks for the lovely warm welcome back, everyone!

Sil: You are the best, you know that?! I couldn't do this without you!!

Now I've got to start organising myself - I've even bought myself a new Fade modding notebook (to go with the 3 I have already filled out...), so if that doesn't say something, nothing does! :lol:

The Timely Resurrection of Fade!
Mistress Elysia's fantasy artwork.
Where Darkness Resides: A Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark fanfic

I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.

"Oh, little ice cream friends! Thog delays boredom-driven rampage only for you!"

#13 -Guest-

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 06:52 AM

Very much looking forward to any kind of progress on the TOB part of this mod. :)

Congrats on the kid. :cheers:

#14 Golden Thief

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 12:53 PM

Welcome back and congrats on the new born. When fade has her bady in TOB I know now where you ideas are coming from. Nothing like real life to give one inspiration.

Take care and looking forward to Beta Testing :ph34r:

#15 Zyraen

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 06:49 PM

Yay welcome back! :) *cheers about your daughter too* :clap:

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#16 MyFinalHeaven

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 10:48 PM

Huzzah! It's great to see you back.

Should you want any help with writing or editing the original SoA or any new ToB content, I'd be happy to provide it. Taking a look back at the little bit that I wrote for the Fade mod back then, I actually do cringe.
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#17 Mistress Elysia

Mistress Elysia

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 11:42 PM

GT - YOU ARE THE BEST! :Bow: Thank you so much; I can now go through my files and refamiliarise myself with everything (although, saying that, it doesn't take me long to get back into the mindset... last night I ended up unable to sleep due to the old noggin going into overdrive mode, which is a bugger considering Lucy had me up at 3am this morning - I'm knackered now!). And of course I'll be roping you in for any beta testing I need done ^_^

Heya, Zyraen! :hug: Long time no speak! How's everything your end?

Heaven!!! :hug: It's been too long... forgive me?! Of course I'll tap you if (when) I need help - I have to admit that right now, I could do with someone who knows CN Anomen (I am rather ashamed to admit that I have never had CN Anomen in my party - I always let him pass his test, because I am a great big softy like that!). If you do want to change the song you wrote, the let me know - I know how it feels to read back on old stuff and think 'oh, hells, that's just awful!' (although I have to admit that I think your song is lovely... ^_^)

Thank you, everyone, again for being so supportive!

The Timely Resurrection of Fade!
Mistress Elysia's fantasy artwork.
Where Darkness Resides: A Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark fanfic

I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.

"Oh, little ice cream friends! Thog delays boredom-driven rampage only for you!"

#18 kiwimike

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Posted 22 May 2009 - 04:00 PM

Welcome back, and congratulations on your baby girl.

There is actually a lot of good dairy free food out there, even chocolate (dark chocolate mostly including most if not all bittersweet) and cheese. I've been a vegan for 15 years now and never felt deprived.

#19 -Guest-

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Posted 22 May 2009 - 05:27 PM

:D Yay! You're back! Looking forward to seeing more of you and Fade!

All the best, and congrats! :cheers:

#20 Sillara


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Posted 28 May 2009 - 11:41 PM

Congratulations, Mistress Elysia! That's wonderful! So Lucy is four months old? My newest is five months old! She's a girl, too. You remember back in late 2006 when I got pregnant? Well, before that baby turned one I, umm, got pregnant again! So now I have Baby #5 who is about the same age as your Lucy. That is SO cool! Isn't being a mother the best?

But if you can eventually learn to type with one hand, you can write and nurse at the same time. It's the only way I really get anything written anymore. We still host Fade over at our website, and we'd love to update her when the next release comes out.

Welcome back, and, most importantly, congratulations!!!
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