You know how when you start the game, you have 9 in all stats (which you can't reduce) and you have 21 points to distribute?
This tweak will start you with 3 in all stats, and 57 points to distribute.
You want a REALLY ugly TNO? Now you can haz. Want him to be slow as molasses? Go for it.
There IS a fair amount of dialogue in the files that we've never seen before because you couldn't have lower stats than 9, by the way. For example, trying to get a thief trainer to train you when you have less than 9 DEX will probably get you laughed at. Same with trying to be a mage with less than 9 INT. You really -won't- be able to become those classes if you shrift those stats. Being really dumb has some other amusing dialogue instances (though don't expect anything like being an INT<4 in Fallout type, it's just a few instances). And if you have less than 9 charisma, you can expect to generally just scare the crap out of all of the regular Hive Townies, heh. So it won't just be a matter of tweaking stats, having stats below 9 does actually have significant impact on gameplay and in some dialogues

(And if you're thinking, cool, I can stick 3 in charisma and then cast friends repeatedly on myself whenever I need it, sorry, but Fixpack 4.0 will also make the Friends spell not stackable with itself, cause that is a bug

I have no idea what to name this tweak, though, heh. Any suggestions?
Edited by Qwinn, 08 May 2009 - 04:36 PM.