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Faren crossmod: what do you want?

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#1 Miss Sakaki

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 12:51 AM

We've been working on optional crossmod content for Faren, and were wondering what - and who - is in demand. Currently we've drafted material for Kelsey, Keto, de'Arnise Romance, Nathaniel, Andrei and Sebastian - with romance conflicts for Kelsey, Nalia, Nath and Sebastian. Some of this depends whether other authors are up for collaborating, but what would you like to see?

More specifically, I've put together a script for Faren's reactions to Romantic Encounters. However, I'm not sure how many people would install it - after all, the point of Romantic Encounters is no-strings flings. If you play RE, would you want Faren to react, or would you want him to just leave you to it?

Edited by Miss Sakaki, 06 May 2009 - 12:55 AM.

#2 yarpen


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Posted 06 May 2009 - 05:33 AM

Don't forget about Ajantis :)

#3 berelinde



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Posted 06 May 2009 - 06:45 AM

Keep in mind that with RE encounter reactions, they don't all have to end in tears.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#4 My Anata

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 10:42 AM

Xan. Definitely.

I feel that Xan's cautious insecurities would clash with Faren's easy-going manner enough to provide for an interesting conflict. IF Kulyok is okay with it, of course.

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#5 xdeathplanetx

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 12:13 PM

he should react to RE of course :angry:

#6 Ekera

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 02:29 PM

I've yet to try RE, but I think it'd be neat to have that alter how Faren sees the PC being serious about the relationship, seeing as it was said the content changes initially with how serious the PC is about it.

#7 Miss Sakaki

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Posted 07 May 2009 - 08:10 AM

berelinde said:

Keep in mind that with RE encounter reactions, they don't all have to end in tears.

That's true, especially since a lot of the time Faren wouldn't care about flirting, and even if you confess to more he wouldn't necessarily break up with you. Looking at the Bioware reactions, we would use them as a model - there would be opportunity to lie and to confess, and generally he'd believe the lie unless it was completely implausible.

#8 berelinde



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Posted 07 May 2009 - 08:55 AM

If he's that easygoing, it might even be possible that the PC could tell him the truth and he'd handle it maturely. He might express disappointment, concerns about his own adequacy, or ask the PC if the stranger that had taken possession of his/her self-control had left yet.

Or then again, he might exhibit more realistic behavior, i.e. calling the PC a lot of unflattering names, demanding half the treasure, and storming off in a huff. :P

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#9 Leomar

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Posted 07 May 2009 - 07:20 PM


Some of this depends whether other authors are up for collaborating, but what would you like to see?

Some of the G3 NPC mods, like Kivan and Angelo (SoA and ToB content) and Amber (SoA and ToB in progress). :)

Greetings Leomar

Edited by Leomar, 07 May 2009 - 07:20 PM.

A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
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#10 Nix


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Posted 10 May 2009 - 03:29 AM

berelinde, on May 8 2009, 02:55 AM, said:

If he's that easygoing, it might even be possible that the PC could tell him the truth and he'd handle it maturely. He might express disappointment, concerns about his own adequacy, or ask the PC if the stranger that had taken possession of his/her self-control had left yet.

Or then again, he might exhibit more realistic behavior, i.e. calling the PC a lot of unflattering names, demanding half the treasure, and storming off in a huff. :P

If he's that easygoing, maybe he'd join in on some of these encounters :naughty:

What about Solaufein? Is the crossmod stuff going to be packaged with Faren or is it going to go into the G3 Crossmod?
Posted Image

#11 berelinde



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Posted 10 May 2009 - 08:11 AM

Nix, on May 10 2009, 07:29 AM, said:

berelinde, on May 8 2009, 02:55 AM, said:

If he's that easygoing, it might even be possible that the PC could tell him the truth and he'd handle it maturely. He might express disappointment, concerns about his own adequacy, or ask the PC if the stranger that had taken possession of his/her self-control had left yet.

Or then again, he might exhibit more realistic behavior, i.e. calling the PC a lot of unflattering names, demanding half the treasure, and storming off in a huff. :P

If he's that easygoing, maybe he'd join in on some of these encounters :naughty:

What about Solaufein? Is the crossmod stuff going to be packaged with Faren or is it going to go into the G3 Crossmod?

I'm not answering your question, obviously, but I will say what's easier to put in the mod and what's easier to put in Crossmod Banter Pack.

If somebody else's NPC is involved, it's generally easier to put it in Crossmod Banter Pack, if nothing else, to spare concerns about installation order. For example, there is no Crossmod Banter Pack for Tutu, so if I had to detect for BG1 NPC and only install files that called on BG1 NPC resources if the mod was detected. If Gavin is installed before BG1 NPC, that content won't show up. Likewise, I wasn't comfortable including crossmod banters for a beta in CBP, so the crossmod banters between Haldamir and Kivan are in Haldamir. If Haldamir is installed before Kivan, the banters won't be installed.

If Fueille and Miss Sakaki wanted to have Faren interject into Romantic Encounters dialogue, it would certainly be easier if it went into Crossmod Banter Pack, because it's assumed that CBP will be installed towards the end of the installation. If, however, all they wanted was to have Faren comment on the encounters, they *could* put it in CBP, if they wanted, but they wouldn't have to. Since most of the time, RE reactions just rely on variables, it's whatever is easiest for the modders.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#12 Miss Sakaki

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Posted 10 May 2009 - 11:49 AM

Nix, on May 10 2009, 12:29 PM, said:

If he's that easygoing, maybe he'd join in on some of these encounters :naughty:

I'm sayin' nothing. :whistling:

Mostly, though, we'd be doing reactions rather than actually interjecting, but as far as I can tell we'd need to extend the RE dialogue to set a "Faren Should React After This" variable during the encounter so he'd have something to react to.

Crossmod Banter Pack wise, I think it'll depend on what others prefer - it's ultimately about convenience for players. On one hand, if everything is packaged with Faren, it would be possible to install Faren and the crossmod content all in one go. On the other, as Berelinde says, the CBP is really handy because it removes installation order issues.

#13 berelinde



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Posted 10 May 2009 - 06:24 PM

Miss Sakaki, on May 10 2009, 03:49 PM, said:

Mostly, though, we'd be doing reactions rather than actually interjecting, but as far as I can tell we'd need to extend the RE dialogue to set a "Faren Should React After This" variable during the encounter so he'd have something to react to.

Ah, but RE was coded with the intention of making it easier for modders to have their NPCs react to its encounters. It sets global variables any time something significant happens, with regards to the encounter. Using Laran as an example, if the PC flirts with Laran, RE sets the global RE_LaranFlirt to 1. Any mod NPC can check for that variable, without any need for ADD_TRANS_ACTION. If she spends the night with him, RE sets the global RE_LaranSex to 1. If she does it again in ToB, there's another variable.

So, you don't need to do anything complicated to have Faren react to RE encounters... apart from writing the reactions, that is. The RE readme has all the info on the variable naming conventions, so you won't have to comb through the code for it. I think it also gives the specific variable names for each encounter.

Anyway, here's a sample script to illustrate what I'm talking about. This would be enough to have a RE reaction play.


Edited by berelinde, 10 May 2009 - 06:29 PM.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#14 Miss Sakaki

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Posted 11 May 2009 - 12:20 AM

Awesome - that makes sense now. Thank you very much for the info!

#15 Ankhes

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Posted 12 May 2009 - 10:12 PM

Why does everybody forget Edwin Romance? Or is it just that Laufey isn't around much? I always have him in my parties. I think a conflict would be appropriate. And for Ajantis of course.

#16 Ankhes

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Posted 20 May 2009 - 04:20 PM

Besides Edwin Romance I hardly ever use Kelsey anymore even though he is one of the first and the best because his crossmod content is (imo) limited. I don't know if Compton minds dialogs written for him but it would be nice to see more Kelsey, unless you mean some regular talks and not just romance conflicts. I mean he doesn't talk with any of Nethrin and Sillara's characters and now he doesn't speak with yours. No big deal probably but it would be nice! At least you terrific ladies are writing for your other cute and great guys.

Oh, and don't forget Berelinde's upcoming Gavin and how about Angelo? Wow. If I think about it you have enough on your plates as it is.

But if possible PLEASE Eddie Romance conflict!!! Pretty please? :Tasty: And you too Berelinde if you are reading this. Eddie and Gavin could be very funny and/or sweet.

Edited by Ankhes, 20 May 2009 - 04:22 PM.

#17 Ankhes

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 05:06 PM

Do you ladies have CBP content ready for the upcoming release? Maybe with Faren and the Luxleys and Nathy with others?

#18 -KLite-

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 12:02 PM

Personally, I'd *really* like cross-mod content with Kulyok's Xan or Kivan. Especially Xan. They're just two mod NPCs I'm really interested in playing.

Hurry up and release this! I need me some M/M content. Speaking of which, is there much differentiation if he's romancing a guy or a girl or is it just changes between he/she etc?

Is it due any time soon? I want to play with the BiG World Project as well, so I hope it gets in its next version. That would totally make my summer. I'm just putting off my run through now.

Go on... make my summer.

#19 Kulyok

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 09:55 PM

I think crossmod with Xan would be a good idea. Actually, I sent Miss Sakaki a PM about it some time ago(=if you haven't got it and are interested in crossmod, please, contact me). We all have other obligations, however. As Faren and Nathaniel creators are active modders, I won't write anything without their permission - I want both sides to be involved. But if we get together to write something or to approve each other's work, I'll be glad.

Note that Faren still hasn't been released, however, and to write for a character, you first have to know this character. So, I believe that "Please, release Faren soon!" would be more appropriate.

#20 -KLite-

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Posted 02 March 2011 - 09:07 AM

Definitely Xan. I would love a few with Xan... then I'd definitely play through again. I can't wait!