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Interjection lister utility

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#1 SConrad


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Posted 05 May 2009 - 12:34 AM

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When looking for interjection points for Khadion, I realized that it would be very nifty to have a list of all dialogue files which the Bioware NPCs interject to. With that in mind, I wrote a little WeiDU utility which I've dubbed "Interjection lister." After using it myself, I decided to put it up for general use in case anyone else would be interested. I figure it can be a good start for creating an interjection points list for any NPC.

The usage is fairly straight-forward, as you can install it like any mod. It outputs a .txt file called "out.txt" in the mod folder, which contains all dialogues which contains an EXTERN to one of the Bioware NPCs, as well as listing which NPC(s) it is who has the interjection. One of the lines would look like this:

I haven't included state names or any other information aside from dialogue file and interjecter, as I didn't want to spend the extra time to add something that would complicate matters a lot.

The .tp2 contains lists for all SoA and ToB NPCs, the latter being commented out. The result of this is that it lists all SoA interjections by default, and you can comment the SoA line and uncomment the ToB line to switch to listing ToB interjections. It should be fairly easy to customize for other platforms (BG1NPC, any of the IWD NPC mods, CA, etc) as well.

I consider this open source under a MIT license, so anyone who wish to improve the utility (by adding state names, for example), be my guest. It's also very possible that the same result can be obtained with better/smarter coding, so if somebody wants to optimize it, feel free to do that as well. If you make an improved version, please post here so I can update the file in the Download Manager.

I won't be providing a lot of support on this, and future releases from me are unlikely--unless there's new functionality I need for my own projects.

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#2 cmorgan

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Posted 05 May 2009 - 04:37 PM

Cool! Snagged - I would like it for the opposite reason, too. I am looking for places where there are tons of interjections already, so that if I want to add "group banter" style I_C_T3's I don't end up with a real mess. This will help immensely with the folks who I don't usually carry with my player party, and therefore don't have every line memorized!

#3 SConrad


    I swear to drunk I'm not God

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Posted 05 May 2009 - 08:18 PM

That's another good way of utilizing it, yeah. I'm glad somebody's found any use of it. :)

Posted Image Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Posted Image Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
Posted Image NPC Damage - Coder
Posted Image PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Posted Image Brythe NPC mod - Designer
Posted Image DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
Posted Image The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
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#4 Kaeloree


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Posted 07 January 2011 - 06:41 PM

Moved to the more appropriate Modding Tools forum. :)

#5 Zyraen

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Posted 16 January 2011 - 06:40 PM

I only just came across this, its been a year since it was released lol.

Thank you :) I'm sure we'll all find it, very very useful. Hee.

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