I've just finished reading most contents of BWP7 PDF mannual and found some minor issues in the installation guide. Since I am not a experienced MOD player, I am not sure whether all these issues would cause "harmful" results. Nevertheless, I'd appreciate it if you take a look on them and have a check if necessary. I really like BWP and just wish it become better:)
Thanks very much for your time, your content check of the PDF and your report about it. You have found several nice issues, but mostly all these things are harmful, because the authors of the named mods do a good job in terms of compatibility and some mods checks for a similiar mod or component, so it will not overlap or conflict with it. Sometimes we let install similiar components, because the gamer could choose only one of the mods and so we gurantee, that the component will be installed with the Install.bat. The most named issues are tested and working together, so you can install both or choose the one you want.
If you open the Install.bat with a texteditor like notepad, you see many checks in there, which depends on mod-conflicts and dependencies. So what you can read in the guide about conflicts and dependencies is included in the Install.bat too, to avoid incompatibilities. Now I'll get to your comments:
1. Melf's Minute meteors is nerfed to +2 weapon twice, both by Spell Revision and SCSII;
Both mods doing exactly the same thing and will work together. You must know, that the mod-authors of Spell Revisions and SCSII are working together in terms of compatibility.
2. Viconia's wis is set to 18 twice, both by Lost Items and BG2Tweak;
No problems.
3. Since "Protection from Normal Missiles" is changed to "Protection from Missiles" in Spell Revision, the is no need to install [Make Protection from Normal Missiles affect magical projectiles]@SCSII;
You mean SCSI, because it is not included in SCSII, yet. Like I told you above, both components can be installed together and we do this for the case, that should one take only one of the mods. If we would set only one of them and you want to install the other, you must change that in the Install.bat. So you don't need to do it, because both components are set for default.
4. Globe of Invulnerability is set to be dispellable twice, both in Spell Revision and aTweak;
aTweaks is one of the mods which checks for other mods and in case of compatibility it is one of the best ones.
5. +1 Weapons are replaced fine ones twice, both in Item Revision (page 22) and SCSII (page 135)
Both can be installed together. And like Spell Revisions, the mod-author of Item Revisions does a good job in terms of compatibility with SCS1 and 2.
1. [Streamlined Trolls]@Tactics vs. [More Resilient Trolls]@SCSII
Like you can read by SCSII in the guide:
This component ist compatible with the Tactics component "Streamlined Trolls"!2. [Enhanced Trademeet Crypt]@AzenMOD vs. [Improved Trademeet Crypt]@Revised Battle (not sure if they really conflict)
No, they don't conflict, because both mods were supported from the same mod-author erebusant. And erebusant is another modder, who does a great job in terms of compatibility.
3. [Improved Kangaxx]@DSoA / [Improved Kangaxx Encounter, by Kensai Ryu]@BP vs. [Spellcasting Demiliches]@SCSII (not sure, but both have AI adjustments and spell spell/innate adjustments)
The most gamers install all these mods/components together and reported a very tough fight with Kangaxx. But I've heard nothing about problems between the mods/components. So it should be fine.
At last, about True Gramdmastery:
True grandmastery from Baldurdash ToB FixPack and BG2 Tweak are said (in the PDF) to conflict with TDD, however I doubt if they really do. TDD patches the original WSPATCK.2da file to fit level 50 rule, while Bdash and BG2Tweak just copy their own version of WSPATCK.2da and WSPECIAL.2da (both are level 50 rule compatible) to override folder. A comparison between the TDD-patched version and the Bdash/BG2Tweak version revealed no difference except for some values change (mostly # of attack), which should not affect compatibility, so I guess it would be OK if I choose to intall True Grandmastery from Bdash or BG2Tweak after the installation of TDD, would it?
This is the only question I really can't answer. The informations in the guide about it are very old and if you wish you can test this. By the way, Demivrgvs has released the "Revised Grandmastery".
You can get it here.Greetings Leomar
Edited by Leomar, 16 May 2009 - 10:12 PM.