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BiG World Project (BWP) v7.0

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#61 JesterRaiin

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Posted 15 May 2009 - 08:05 AM

Hejo !

First of all : hats from heads guys ! By creating BWP You did something so important, that i can compare it only with... f*ck, there's nothing i can compare it to... Even Large Hadron Collider pales in comparison :cheers:
It may sound stupid, but i already think about separate Linux distro created only for purpose of playing BWP :ph34r:

Then again...

I tried to install Standard version and failed. Why ? Here we go...

- After 8 hours (!!!) BWP was still doing it's WeiDu magic, and i didn't had time to continue. I don't own powerfull machine - i run on 2+ Ghz AMD processor with 2-4 Gbs of RAM. I know it's not too much, but frankly...

- Speed was one thing. Another was hdd space. With free 18 Gb on my hdd i had to free additional 15 Gb during compilation. When i halted whole process, there was only 4 Gb of free space ! 29 Gbs ? And installation wasn't finished yet !

- After first OGG decompilation installation freezed for good 15-20 minutes, and processor wasn't busy. I CTRL+BREAKed it, and BWP un-freezed itself. There was no error, no warning, no prompt for ending DOS session.

- After every 3-4 mods installs, widescreen setup would start and do "some stuff". Like in infinite loop. Is it normal ?

So my questions are :
- Is there any way to check how advanced installation process is ?
- How long whole BWP installation should take ? Approximately, on standard, modern machine.
- How much space every version of BWP needs for installation ?
- How much space every version of BWP "weights" AFTER installation ?
- Is there any way to make whole process continuos ? Of course i want to select my version and mods, but after seeing DOS window for first time i don't have time nor patience to guard it for hours and hours. I don't care for errors, i don't care for problems, i am determined to try it anyway. :devil:
- If i'll do installation on one machine, would i be able to just copy everything, install BGI/BGII on different machine, and paste everything on top of it ? Will it work ?

Once again : THANK YOU !!!
Silly as it sounds, i have now something to wait for ! :rolleyes:

#62 Leomar

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Posted 15 May 2009 - 11:55 PM

I am attempting to make a large BG2 installation, using some of the instructions in these posts:


The documentation in the given links is right for the BWP v7.0, too and you must do the changes in the Install.bat if you want to play a modded BG2 only. We'll allow the Install.bat to make a BG2 installation only next time.

In total I am using about 40mods, including the megamods Check the Bodies, The Darkest Day and Shadows over Soubar. To this end I included BGT as the BiG World guide says that this mod makes some corrections to SoS, TDD and CtB. However, when I attempted to change the BiG World install program to skip Baldur`s Gate 1 as the above instructions suggest, I still found the installer hanging while looking for the Baldur`s Gate directory. Unfortunately this meant I had to exit the installer, leaving BiF files in my directory.

You have understand this wrong. Yes, BGT make corrections to the big BG2 mods, but the corrections are for BGT and not for a BG2 game only. You can't use BGT if you want a BG2 installation. The mistake with BGT and the Install.bat happens, because you have BGT in the BG2 directory. Next time don't use BGT and don't put it in the BG2 directory.

How does one change the 7.0 installer so as to only install BG2 mods?

Like it is described in the given links and don't use BGT.

If I uninstall all the WeiDu mods so far installed, delete the biffed files, and then restore my backups of the dialog.tlk file, override directory, chitin key etc. can I restart the installation from there?

Here you get the informations about a clean install:


But if you want to do a BG2 installation only, I recommend to us the "BiG World Setup (BWS)", because you can do with it a BG2 installation only and the BWS will automatically change the parts for it in the Install.bat.

Greetings Leomar

Edited by Leomar, 16 May 2009 - 01:04 AM.

A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#63 Mantis

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Posted 16 May 2009 - 01:32 AM

OK, thank you for the advice. I shall try again with a simplified install of only 20 or so mods. Your hard work on this project is greatly appreciated.

#64 Leomar

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Posted 16 May 2009 - 01:53 AM

- After every 3-4 mods installs, widescreen setup would start and do "some stuff". Like in infinite loop. Is it normal ?

No, don't put the extracted Widesceen mod into the BG2 directory. Only you have run the Install.bat and finished your installation you should install it. If you use the "BiG World Setup", download the Widescreen mod with it, too and if the Install.bat starts, close it. Delete the setup-widescreen.exe in the BG2 directory and run the Install.bat again. After the installation is finished, rename the WeiDU.exe in the BG2 directory to setup-widescreen.exe and start it to install the Widescreen mod.
Here is the reason why you must do this:

- Is there any way to check how advanced installation process is ?

Yes, during the installation the Install.bat creates a "BiG World Debug.txt" and list the whole installation process in there. You find this textfile in the BG2 directory.

- How long whole BWP installation should take ? Approximately, on standard, modern machine.

It depends on the machine you have. It could be between 6-24 hours and more.

- How much space every version of BWP needs for installation ?
- How much space every version of BWP "weights" AFTER installation ?

I think both questions have the same answers:

Around 34 GB for BG1, ToSC, BG2, ToB, the downloaded mods, the extracted mods and an installation of the complete Standard-Version. 1-2 GB more for the Tactic- and the Expert-version. With the Standard-version you install all the biggest mods in case of space. For the BGT Minimum-version you need with all around 10 GB. So if you choose your mods for your installation it could be between 10-36 GB.

- Is there any way to make whole process continuos ? Of course i want to select my version and mods, but after seeing DOS window for first time i don't have time nor patience to guard it for hours and hours. I don't care for errors, i don't care for problems, i am determined to try it anyway. :devil:

Were the Install.bat closed during the installation process or has such errors like you have, then you must do a fresh clean install like it is described here. After that you must start your installation anew.

- If i'll do installation on one machine, would i be able to just copy everything, install BGI/BGII on different machine, and paste everything on top of it ? Will it work ?


Greetings Leomar

Edited by Leomar, 16 May 2009 - 01:57 AM.

A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#65 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 16 May 2009 - 03:55 AM

- If i'll do installation on one machine, would i be able to just copy everything, install BGI/BGII on different machine, and paste everything on top of it ? Will it work ?


Yes... you don't need to install the game into the new computer even, but you just have to copy the entire game folder to the exact same directory on the new computer, as it was in the old computer, and when it's done, you just need to start the game from the BGMain.exe, not from the baldur.exe ...
Then if you wish to copy it to a different folder, you need to change the baldur.ini's [Alias] directions.

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#66 JesterRaiin

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Posted 16 May 2009 - 06:24 AM

Hejo !

Thanx kind sirs ! :coolthumb:

Jarno : Are You sure ? I was convinced BG adds some information into Windows registry.
If so, then... - hell - i'll strike :
Maybe someone here is able to create such installation, compress it, and hang on some remote server ? I am more than sure i saw MINIMAL version of BWP somewhere, but that's not enough for me.

#67 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 16 May 2009 - 06:38 AM

Jarno : Are You sure ? I was convinced BG adds some information into Windows registry.

Yes, I am, as I have had ten simultaneously working BG2 games.

Now, what comes to the Windows InstallShield registery, yes the game adds it information to it in the installation, but when you start the game from the BGMain.exe, the registery is never used... the baldur.exe does use it as it looks for information that points it to the BGMain.exe which would be started then, if the registry is accurate... but, as I can't have that if I have multiple variations of the game(made by mods) on the same computer... the registry can only have one of them as the registered copy.

Maybe someone here is able to create such installation, compress it, and hang on some remote server ? I am more than sure i saw MINIMAL version of BWP somewhere, but that's not enough for me.

And if you can determine what the frell that minimal version of the BWP is and then support it and not get trouble with the law with it and then you are in business... yes, it's illegal to support this cause one would need the game to be preinstalled...

And not to mention that there is 10 000 million of possibilities of which mods are installed and which are not.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 16 May 2009 - 06:50 AM.

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#68 mercurier

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Posted 16 May 2009 - 10:13 AM

Hello Leomar,

I've just finished reading most contents of BWP7 PDF mannual and found some minor issues in the installation guide. Since I am not a experienced MOD player, I am not sure whether all these issues would cause "harmful" results. Nevertheless, I'd appreciate it if you take a look on them and have a check if necessary. I really like BWP and just wish it become better:)

1. Melf's Minute meteors is nerfed to +2 weapon twice, both by Spell Revision and SCSII;
2. Viconia's wis is set to 18 twice, both by Lost Items and BG2Tweak;
3. Since "Protection from Normal Missiles" is changed to "Protection from Missiles" in Spell Revision, the is no need to install [Make Protection from Normal Missiles affect magical projectiles]@SCSII;
4. Globe of Invulnerability is set to be dispellable twice, both in Spell Revision and aTweak;
5. +1 Weapons are replaced fine ones twice, both in Item Revision (page 22) and SCSII (page 135)

Additionally, some components from different mod are said (or may) to be conflicting but by default they are both/all installed if approiate files are available. I think some detection mechanism should be added to avoid these situation. So far I found the following conflicting pairs:
1. [Streamlined Trolls]@Tactics vs. [More Resilient Trolls]@SCSII
2. [Enhanced Trademeet Crypt]@AzenMOD vs. [Improved Trademeet Crypt]@Revised Battle (not sure if they really conflict)
3. [Improved Kangaxx]@DSoA / [Improved Kangaxx Encounter, by Kensai Ryu]@BP vs. [Spellcasting Demiliches]@SCSII (not sure, but both have AI adjustments and spell spell/innate adjustments)

At last, about True Gramdmastery:
True grandmastery from Baldurdash ToB FixPack and BG2 Tweak are said (in the PDF) to conflict with TDD, however I doubt if they really do. TDD patches the original WSPATCK.2da file to fit level 50 rule, while Bdash and BG2Tweak just copy their own version of WSPATCK.2da and WSPECIAL.2da (both are level 50 rule compatible) to override folder. A comparison between the TDD-patched version and the Bdash/BG2Tweak version revealed no difference except for some values change (mostly # of attack), which should not affect compatibility, so I guess it would be OK if I choose to intall True Grandmastery from Bdash or BG2Tweak after the installation of TDD, would it?

Best regards!

Edited by mercurier, 16 May 2009 - 08:34 PM.

#69 Leomar

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Posted 16 May 2009 - 08:17 PM

Torrent uploads of BWP versions

And if you can determine what the frell that minimal version of the BWP is and then support it and not get trouble with the law with it and then you are in business... yes, it's illegal to support this cause one would need the game to be preinstalled...

Yes it is illegal and we don't like it, that users uploaded different complete BWP versions. At first this uploads included the original mods and that is not allowed. Second, this has nothing to do with the BWP, because you get an outdated BWP version there and we try to be updated daily. And third, it is a BWP version with selected mods and components the upload-user like and mostly not fit what the other gamers want.

If you download such a torrent version, it is mostly outdated, because new mod-versions were released and/or the BWP and his tools/fixes were updated. Everytime you start a new installation with the "BiG World Setup" you can be sure, to get the recent mod-versions from the mod-webpages, you get the recent BWP changes and you can choose the mods and the components you like. So you can decide, if you want an one go download which is outdated, bugged and not what you like or try today your own choosen megamod which is up to date.

But the main reason of all is: Respect and honor the work of the modders. Visit their web-pages and download the mods there and don't use the torrents.

JesterRaiin, all what I said is not for you and you could not knew it. It is a general thing.

Greetings Leomar
A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#70 Leomar

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Posted 16 May 2009 - 10:07 PM

I've just finished reading most contents of BWP7 PDF mannual and found some minor issues in the installation guide. Since I am not a experienced MOD player, I am not sure whether all these issues would cause "harmful" results. Nevertheless, I'd appreciate it if you take a look on them and have a check if necessary. I really like BWP and just wish it become better:)

Thanks very much for your time, your content check of the PDF and your report about it. You have found several nice issues, but mostly all these things are harmful, because the authors of the named mods do a good job in terms of compatibility and some mods checks for a similiar mod or component, so it will not overlap or conflict with it. Sometimes we let install similiar components, because the gamer could choose only one of the mods and so we gurantee, that the component will be installed with the Install.bat. The most named issues are tested and working together, so you can install both or choose the one you want.

If you open the Install.bat with a texteditor like notepad, you see many checks in there, which depends on mod-conflicts and dependencies. So what you can read in the guide about conflicts and dependencies is included in the Install.bat too, to avoid incompatibilities. Now I'll get to your comments:

1. Melf's Minute meteors is nerfed to +2 weapon twice, both by Spell Revision and SCSII;

Both mods doing exactly the same thing and will work together. You must know, that the mod-authors of Spell Revisions and SCSII are working together in terms of compatibility.

2. Viconia's wis is set to 18 twice, both by Lost Items and BG2Tweak;

No problems.

3. Since "Protection from Normal Missiles" is changed to "Protection from Missiles" in Spell Revision, the is no need to install [Make Protection from Normal Missiles affect magical projectiles]@SCSII;

You mean SCSI, because it is not included in SCSII, yet. Like I told you above, both components can be installed together and we do this for the case, that should one take only one of the mods. If we would set only one of them and you want to install the other, you must change that in the Install.bat. So you don't need to do it, because both components are set for default.

4. Globe of Invulnerability is set to be dispellable twice, both in Spell Revision and aTweak;

aTweaks is one of the mods which checks for other mods and in case of compatibility it is one of the best ones.

5. +1 Weapons are replaced fine ones twice, both in Item Revision (page 22) and SCSII (page 135)

Both can be installed together. And like Spell Revisions, the mod-author of Item Revisions does a good job in terms of compatibility with SCS1 and 2.

1. [Streamlined Trolls]@Tactics vs. [More Resilient Trolls]@SCSII

Like you can read by SCSII in the guide:
This component ist compatible with the Tactics component "Streamlined Trolls"!

2. [Enhanced Trademeet Crypt]@AzenMOD vs. [Improved Trademeet Crypt]@Revised Battle (not sure if they really conflict)

No, they don't conflict, because both mods were supported from the same mod-author erebusant. And erebusant is another modder, who does a great job in terms of compatibility.

3. [Improved Kangaxx]@DSoA / [Improved Kangaxx Encounter, by Kensai Ryu]@BP vs. [Spellcasting Demiliches]@SCSII (not sure, but both have AI adjustments and spell spell/innate adjustments)

The most gamers install all these mods/components together and reported a very tough fight with Kangaxx. But I've heard nothing about problems between the mods/components. So it should be fine.

At last, about True Gramdmastery:
True grandmastery from Baldurdash ToB FixPack and BG2 Tweak are said (in the PDF) to conflict with TDD, however I doubt if they really do. TDD patches the original WSPATCK.2da file to fit level 50 rule, while Bdash and BG2Tweak just copy their own version of WSPATCK.2da and WSPECIAL.2da (both are level 50 rule compatible) to override folder. A comparison between the TDD-patched version and the Bdash/BG2Tweak version revealed no difference except for some values change (mostly # of attack), which should not affect compatibility, so I guess it would be OK if I choose to intall True Grandmastery from Bdash or BG2Tweak after the installation of TDD, would it?

This is the only question I really can't answer. The informations in the guide about it are very old and if you wish you can test this. By the way, Demivrgvs has released the "Revised Grandmastery".
You can get it here.

Greetings Leomar

Edited by Leomar, 16 May 2009 - 10:12 PM.

A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#71 JesterRaiin

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 12:10 AM

Hejo !

Thanx for clearing that for me guys, and sorry for bringing it up. I hope i didn't offend anyone. :cheers:

It's just BG Saga was released around here many times, and for laughable price, so i just kind of forgot it is still legal thing.
Ha ! I own 4 copies of it - i couldn't resist buing it, since last release was comparable (in price of course) with one big pizza :devil:

All i'm thinking here is some way to speed up whole process.
Idea of waiting 24 hours for compilation is a little scary. :ph34r:

Is there any way i can help ?
I don't have powerful enough unit @ home, but at my job i have PCs, which can work for days and nights. Ideal for testing purpose.

Edited by JesterRaiin, 17 May 2009 - 02:59 AM.

#72 Leomar

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 12:03 AM

Is there any way i can help ?
I don't have powerful enough unit @ home, but at my job i have PCs, which can work for days and nights. Ideal for testing purpose.

Sure, use the "BiG World Setup", choose your own selected megamod, install and play it. We can always need testers to find out, if there exist more bugs or compatibility problems. If we have special things to do, I'll come back to you.

A great help for us is, if you have a bug and know which mod causes this, is to report it in the right mod-forum. So the mod-author get the information and together we can try to find a solution. I'm looking around in all the other mod-forums, so I'll be there.

Greetings Leomar

Edited by Leomar, 18 May 2009 - 12:05 AM.

A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#73 melkor_morgoth75



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Posted 18 May 2009 - 12:21 AM


i noticed BGT NPC Portraits v1.6 does have issues if u don't have installed other bigger mods (as NTotSC for example). The installation, as soon as doesn't find some cref iles, stops giving errors.


Tired of the same boring spawned creatures u face in BG? Try BGSpawn

#74 JesterRaiin

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 12:50 AM


Is there any way i can help ?
I don't have powerful enough unit @ home, but at my job i have PCs, which can work for days and nights. Ideal for testing purpose.

Sure, use the "BiG World Setup", choose your own selected megamod, install and play it. We can always need testers to find out, if there exist more bugs or compatibility problems. If we have special things to do, I'll come back to you.

I'm on it !

#75 Chevalier


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Posted 20 May 2009 - 01:45 AM

Re: Install Order

After reading about Spell Revisions I see that Spell Revisions changes Familiars. 'Authentic mischiefous Fairy Dragon v6' is installed before Spell Revisions. Will Spell Revisions overwrite/change Authentic Fairy Dragon? Should the order be changed?

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#76 Leomar

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Posted 20 May 2009 - 01:53 AM

i noticed BGT NPC Portraits v1.6 does have issues if u don't have installed other bigger mods (as NTotSC for example). The installation, as soon as doesn't find some cref iles, stops giving errors.

There are some more special circumstances with the installation of the mod. The mod-author knows that and fixes the installation process at the moment. Sorry, but we must wait until he released a new modversion.

@ JesterRaiin
Happy installing and gaming. :D

@ Chevalier

Will Spell Revisions overwrite/change Authentic Fairy Dragon? Should the order be changed?

We'll check this, thanks.

Greetings Leomar
A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#77 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 20 May 2009 - 02:23 AM

Re: Install Order

After reading about Spell Revisions I see that Spell Revisions changes Familiars. 'Authentic mischiefous Fairy Dragon v6' is installed before Spell Revisions. Will Spell Revisions overwrite/change Authentic Fairy Dragon? Should the order be changed?

Not at least for now, as the familiars are not even in the v3...

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#78 Chevalier


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Posted 20 May 2009 - 02:40 AM

Then why in the Hells have all the info about it in the Readme? :crazy:

For documentation on content, please follow these links:

* General Content Information
* Priest Spells
* Mage Spells
* Familiars

That will teach me to read the readmes!!! :new_bottom:

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#79 Chevalier


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Posted 20 May 2009 - 04:12 AM

I see you changed setup-NEJ2Biffer.tp2 so that it would not auto start setup-NeJ2.exe (I understand this is for your install.bat). You might think to put a note about it in the BiG_World pdf so those few of us who still use manual install can remove the '\\' on the last line.

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#80 Icendoan


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Posted 20 May 2009 - 10:16 AM

Right, I have used BWS to organize the mods I want to install, and covered everything that has told me to do.

Now, I have run the BiG World Installer batch, but it complains that the installation is not patched. I restored it from a (iirc) patched backup, and I have a copy of the required patch on my system. However, since I am looking to install BWP onto a duplicate install, the patch only is affecting the original install (C:\Game\BG2) and not my new one (C:\Game\BGII - SoA).

Any thoughts?

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