For some (I'm sure) heavily-rationalized reason, they've disabled the ability to disable DDraw acceleration with certain video cards in Vista. Or something. Anyway, the nVidia fix also did not work for me but I managed to unearth a workaround somewhere. Some time ago. It's rather complicated, but here 'tis:
Download the Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit.
Install, etc.
Run the Compatibility Administrator.
Then you can manually set up a "database" that will run baldur.exe with the compatibility fix "ForceDirectDrawEmulation."
It took me a while to figure out how to set that up, so for simplicity's sake I've uploaded the .sdb file (
Copy that file to your BGII
SoA folder.
In the Compatibility Administrator, select "Open" and then navigate to baldur.sdb within your installation folder.
Expand Applications on the left and click baldur's gate.
Click "Run." It may ask you to locate the baldur.exe file. If so, just browse to find it.
Then hit OK, should all be okay. You will have to run Baldur's Gate through the Compatibility program every time. Like I said, complicated.
Hope it helps you. If all of this still does not work, you could also try setting the graphics options to 16-bit color and enable Software Transparent BLT (Bacon Lettuce Tomato?), but that really decreased my framerate when I tried it.
Edit: ERK! I just realized that the original post was asking for help with
BG I. The same process is applicable, only use the Baldur's Gate I main .exe file. You won't be able to use the .sdb file I posted, you'll have to create your own database. For that, click "New," then click "Fix." For name of program, pick something descriptive. Vendor is unimportant. Browse to
BG I's main .exe file (don't know the particular name, I don't have
BG I installed at the moment) and select that. Hit Next and select no operating system modes or compatibility modes. Hit Next, and under compatibility fixes check "ForceDirectDrawEmulation." Hit Finish and save your database. Then you can finally "Run" it. *wipes sweat off forehead*
Edited by Kepster, 18 January 2010 - 07:35 PM.