In my experience, recruiting \(near\|total\) newbies has never done anything good to a project: they almost always ended up disappearing, or lacking the skills to actually accomplish anything useful, and would just end up as a burden for the team (who would hand them out some jobs, only to later discover that they have to do them themselves). Also, unfortunately we have no open positions for non-techies.
As for Kaeloree (or whatever is her nick written like

That being said, we actually need a dedicated .d coder badly - as long as we don't end up with you getting carried over and dragged in idle mode by the rest of us, so, if you really insist and want to code pages upon pages of .d files, I'll forward your application to the mailing list

We'd also need other skill ranges (mainly AI and dialogue writing), but unfortunately we're after experience (both general modding experience, and experience with RtWP), rather than simple dedication, hence simple adding up numbers isn't going to be anywhere near enough

Edited by the bigg, 24 October 2006 - 06:55 AM.