I have to say, I really don't understand what you're doing that takes 12 teammembers 4 years.

Nothing, and that's the point. The first six months were a real drive, and then a variety of events stopped the team dead. Since then there have been a lot of changes which have made it hard for several key members to push this project through. There weren't (and aren't that I know of) 12 team members, there were originally four, one for dialogue, one for AI, one for areas/items/creatures, and one for testing. As well as dialogue I had to do all the
WeiDU. It took a LOT of time.
The problem was there weren't enough people to start with and each vital element (AI, dialogue etc.) had only one person to it.
You won't see what looks like four years work because it isn't four years work. I got a new partner, I bought a house and I changed jobs. Each of these events made it harder and harder to spend time on this project. There's only a couple of dialogues to go, but they're big and writing at this point is a hell of a grind. Like with everyone else, your interests change.
Oh, and its been three years, not four.
Edited by Quitch, 29 April 2005 - 04:55 AM.