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Big World installation problem

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#21 2red

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Posted 26 July 2009 - 06:44 AM

logs frome where? Which file?

BTW After my last stuck, I started bat file again, without any reinstalling the game. There a lot of warnings and i got a feeling that some mods did't installed.

#22 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 26 July 2009 - 06:52 AM

logs frome where? Which file?

BTW After my last stuck, I started bat file again, without any reinstalling the game. There a lot of warnings and i got a feeling that some mods did't installed.

From the game directory, there is a WeiDU.log, and then when you install a mod, it gives you a setup-*modname*.debug file that logs what's happening at every turn of that mods installation, and the BiG World Install.bat makes 'BiG World Debug.txt' file. Now, as you should know, never restart the BiG World Install.bat, as it starts the first mod, not the last you ended up into, so you are just doing bad and worse things to your game. I would suggest that you uninstall the whole game and re install it from scratch, after you have cleaned the game directory...

Also take note that some of those files are really large when in .txt file format when you upload them, so package them in to a .rar or .zip archive and you spare a lot of time up and downloading the files, from you and us.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 26 July 2009 - 07:05 AM.

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#23 2red

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 03:00 AM

This time setup stops in the beginning

#24 2red

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 03:01 AM

This time setup stops in the beginning

Attached Files

#25 Fouinto

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 04:15 AM

This time setup stops in the beginning


Does it look like this?

#26 2red

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 01:42 PM

i did't install widescreen mod, but i have one in BiG World Downloads though

#27 dabus

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 02:26 PM

Oh well. since you have posted the lo, you know that you can resolve the problem by looking at it. ;)

The weidu-auto-update is going through the setups and it seems to be stuck.

[Setup-A6XPPATCH.exe] WeiDU version 20200
{setup-1pp.exe} Queried (pid = 1892) version = 21000 query done.
{setup-abystore.exe} Queried (pid = 1908) version = 195 query done.

Setup-A6XPPATCH.exe] WeiDU version 20200
{setup-1pp.exe} Queried (pid = 1868)[WeiDU-Backup] WeiDU version 21100

So I'd suggest you replace the setup-1pp.exe with another copy of weidu.exe and start the BiG World Install.bat with the same settings again.
THINK! - It's not illegal.

#28 2red

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 05:06 PM

So, i have to just make a copy of weidu.exe, rename it to setup-1pp.exe and then replace old file?

#29 dabus

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 05:19 PM

That's what I've said.
THINK! - It's not illegal.

#30 2red

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 04:01 PM

OK, the game installed, but now i have another problem: An Assertion failed in ChDimm.ccp at line number 628
Programmer says: Unable to Open BIF:DATA\HD0GMOSC.BIF. My Alias are right. And no, im not gonna reinstall it again. I did it too many times, i need a solution without any reinstalling.

#31 2red

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Posted 01 August 2009 - 05:17 AM

I've solve the problem, but now i have another one:

When im leaving candlekeep for the first time(with Gorion) there must be a cutscene when Gorion dies, but after loading this location, black screen appears and nothing happening.

#32 ivanus

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 05:23 AM

Sorry for necro (again :P) but I have the exact same problem.
I checked folder for the .exes with 3,909Kb size and found none.
BiG World v9 (with the latest update)
Halp! :D

#33 Capricornus

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 11:04 AM

I decided to do a fresh BWP tactics install but my Install.bat stops in the beginning all the time.
Any suggestions? :unsure:

Attached File  BiG World Debug.txt   14.69K   349 downloads

Edited by Capricornus, 30 May 2010 - 11:08 AM.

"The Self is a Sun inside every atom"

#34 Drewkey

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 03:24 PM

I decided to do a fresh BWP tactics install but my Install.bat stops in the beginning all the time.
Any suggestions? :unsure:

Attached File  BiG World Debug.txt   14.69K   349 downloads

I had the same problem doing a install on my machine last night.
I traced the problem to the code for updating all the SETUP-*.exe files to the latest version of WEIDU. The routine to get the size of the WEIDU.EXE file fails with something like "\Black Not expected" but this does not get logged and the only way to see it is to run the batch from a command line.
I got around this by manually updating all the SETUP-*.exe files by:
At a command prompt doing a dir /s setup-*.exe whilst in the SOA install directory to get a list of setup files, noting which directory they are in.
For each directory copying the weidu.exe file there from the install directory then run it and giving it the command --update-all

The following code was then removed from the BiG World Install.bat :-

:: otherwise the mods cannot be installed automatically by WeiDU
%IFE.%     All Setup-x.exe get updated with the recent WeiDU.exe, now.
%IFE.%     This may take some time. Please be patient! 
%IFG.%     Alle Setup-x.exe werden nun auf die neue WeiDU.exe geupdated.
%IFG.%     Dies kann etwas dauern. Bitte seid geduldig!
%IFH.%     Todo Setup-x.exe se actualiza con los ultimos WeiDU.exe, ahora.
%IFH.%     Esto puede tomar algun tiempo. Por favor se paciente!
:: Start of replacement
:: Loop until WeiDU.exe exists
%IFN% WeiDU.exe (
	%IFE.%     A recent WeiDU.exe was not found.
	%IFE.%     Please get it at [http://weidu.org/main.html#weidu].
	%IFG.%     Eine aktuelle WeiDU.exe wurde nicht gefunden.
	%IFG.%     Holt sie Euch bitte bei [http://weidu.org/main.html#weidu].
	%IFH.%     Un WeiDU.exe recientes no fueron encontrados.
	%IFH.%     Por favor, llegar a [http://weidu.org/main.html#weidu].
	goto :ReplaceWeiDU
Call :GetSize weidu.exe
SET SIZE=%errorlevel%
:: Show tasks that will be closed
%IF% %windir%\system32\tasklist.exe (
	%IFE.%     Close the following setups which are expected to be weidu-instances.
	%IFE.%     WARNING: All running instances will be killed with taskkill.
	%IFE.%     If you wanted to do something with those setups, you better do it now.
	%IFG.%     Schlieáe die folgenden Setups, da sie voraussichtlich WeiDU-Instanzen sind.
	%IFG.%     WARNUNG: Alle laufenden Instanzen werden mit taskkill beendet.
	%IFG.%     Wenn Ihr noch etwas mit diesen Setups tun wollt, solltet Ihr es jetzt machen.
	%IFH.%     Cerrar las siguientes setups que se espera que sean las instancias WeiDU.
	%IFH.%     ADVERTENCIA: Todas las instancias en ejecución se mató con taskkill.
	%IFH.%     Si quería hacer algo con esas configuraciones, es mejor hacerlo ahora.
	tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq setup-*"
) else (
	%IFE.%     Close all open weidu-setups that you can find.
	%IFG.%     Schlieát alle offenen WeiDU-Setups, die Ihr finden k”nnt.
	%IFH.%     Cierre todas las abiertas weidu-setups usted puede encontrar.
:: Kill tasks silently, tell if they will be replaced and check if it worked.
FOR /f %%s IN ('dir /b /l setup-*.exe') DO (
	%IF% %windir%\system32\taskkill.exe (
	taskkill /F /IM "%%s" 2>NUL 1>NUL
	Call :GetSize "%%s"
	If Not "!errorlevel!" == "!size!" (
		%IFE.%     Replacing "%%s" because its size [!errorlevel!] is not equal [!size!]
		%IFG.%     Ersetze "%%s", da die GrӇe [!errorlevel!] nicht mit [!size!] ?bereinstimmt
		%IFH.%     La sustitución de "%%s" debido a su tamaño [!errorlevel!] no es igual [!size!]
		copy /Y WeiDU.exe "%%s"
		Call :GetSize "%%s"
		If Not "!errorlevel!" == "!size!" (
			%IFE.%     Replacing failed. Please replace the file "%%s" manually.
			%IFG.%     Das Ersetzen schlug fehl. Bitte ersetzt die Datei "%%s" manuell.
			%IFH.%     Sustitución fracasado. Por favor, reemplace el archivo "%%s" manualmente.
:: End of replacement

And the Big World Install.bat ran through successfully.

After a bit more looking I think the following code fix should correct the Big World Install.bat

Right at the bottom of the batch file change
:: Returns the size of a file. Parameter %1 = the line that has to be searched, %2 = the file to search for
For /d %%i In (%~1) Do (
	If "%%i" == "%2" (
::return the size
		Exit /b !size!
	Set size=%%i
:: return with return-value 0 (failure)
Exit /b 0

:: Copyright 2008/2009/2010 by Leonardo Watson
:: This file or parts of it may not be copied or changed without permission.

:: Returns the size of a file. Parameter %1 = the line that has to be searched, %2 = the file to search for
echo "%~1" | find "%2" > nul
if errorlevel 1 (Exit /b 0)
For /d %%i In (%~1) Do (
	If "%%i" == "%2" (
::return the size
		Exit /b !size!
	Set size=%%i
:: return with return-value 0 (failure)
Exit /b 0

:: Copyright 2008/2009/2010 by Leonardo Watson
:: This file or parts of it may not be copied or changed without permission.

Adding the two lines after the "SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION" command

Edit: Put the echo text in double quotes to stop a further issue from occuring later.

Edited by Drewkey, 31 May 2010 - 03:58 AM.

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