In this little segment, I'll be putting some light...or more accurately, small biographies about the few supporting characters in Brythe's past and future, which will give me the chance to help you understand Brythe a little better by understanding a little of the few individual NPCs who have had an impact on his life. You might even get some extra information about the NPCs which won't be in the mod itself...don't worry, if it's relevant, it'll be in the mod, but I'm big on fluff like that.

I will also use this segment to showcase a couple of pre-existing information about Faerun/core DnD which is particularly relevant to Brythe. *How* it is relevant I'll leave to your imaginations until the mod is released, of course. I'm tantalizingly evil that way.

The first NPC/Faerun Showcase will feature Izen Kail. This individual, a half-elf and quite the wise-ass, was the city guardsmen Brythe became quite acquainted with during his post in Saradush in his stint in the Tethyrian military and would later become his best friend during their adventuring days.