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Any progress?

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#1 yarpen


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Posted 15 April 2009 - 10:40 AM

As in topic. Brythe was one of these NPC with SOMETHING. These banters with Keldorn and Anomen were really impressive. Any chance for this mod? :(

#2 Shfelliot

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Posted 15 April 2009 - 05:28 PM

As in topic. Brythe was one of these NPC with SOMETHING. These banters with Keldorn and Anomen were really impressive. Any chance for this mod? :(

Oh goodness yes. I have a ton written. The mod will probably be long be finished in writing before the coding begins. And the fun part is, since every piece of Brythe dialogue is mostly optional...I can almost put a novel worth of material into it and it'll only affect the game as much as you put into it...and you'll have to play it several times to get every long, branched crazy path. Someone mentioned that other NPCs don't talk as much as Brythe...but you see, I made a decision awhile back that I had to decide between making Brythe just another viable downloadable NPC or making the -NPC- I always wanted to take along with me in a party. I decided with the latter, because Brythe is very free-form in that he only puts into the game what YOU invest into him; he will never say anything without you asking him to. So he can be as talkative or as silent as you want. Personally, I think if you're taking Brythe, you're taking him because you *want* the mindscrew of his mess of a situation and want to absorb yourself in trying to rationalize his warped mind and the mysteries that surround him. And since everything is player-initiated, you can do it at your own leisurely pace while playing the game and as fast or as slow as you want at any point (for the most part) in SoA or ToB, without ever having to worry that he will start talking at length without starting the contact. He will do all the things normal NPCs do and much much more...but only if you ask/allow him to.

But you can also take him as a meat shield or the occasionally bantering minor character. You can do that too!

I'm just saying Brythe isn't for everyone...he's a very fluff, character-driven character and a harrowing experience for your player. He's a role-playing NPC where much of the point and the game is to role-play/interact with him. There's no one answer, either. Not one perfect solution...every decision just leads somewhere else. Part of the fun is trying to figure out what angle to approach him with and what to decide to do with him. You will be playing mind games and trying to match wits with a very broken, flawed soul created from the depths of my own mind. If I challenge you just a little bit on your own morality, I've done my job. There's a lot of me at the core of Brythe...I had to do it to make him seem real to the player. I hope you will enjoy the madness.

I promise I'll put some more banters up soon.

I just don't want to bother poor SConrad or Kaeloree until Khadion is done...they've put a lot of time in him. When Khadion is finally finished and released, then I will get off my lazy butt and give them all the writing I have done and form it into Brythe the mod.

#3 yarpen


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Posted 16 April 2009 - 07:16 AM

It's great to hear that - please, don't show everything in previews, we still need to excite about something in-game :) I have to say that I'm really impressed by your work. I can only complain about few details of Brythe (would prefer to make him more ehm... "realistic" [in fantasy game???], certainly about amount of years spent in prison (from 63 to 23) and amount of people slayed - but that's your vision, your story so am going to my little corner and wait for that. Also his skin, gosh! But that's everything to complain.

As I can see it's one of these NPC who aren't compareable to original one from BG2. That's far deeper. But really I'm waiting for him. :)

Thanks for a lot of good work at writing :)

#4 Kaeloree


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Posted 16 April 2009 - 01:39 PM

yarpen, all of the things you mentioned are actually integral to his story--they're explaned in the game. :)

#5 Shfelliot

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 05:16 PM

, certainly about amount of years spent in prison (from 63 to 23) and amount of people slayed

I would like to point out, like Kaeloree those are in fact, actually very important questions to the story and imply much deeper things beneath the surface. Bear in mind this is Faerun we're talking about, and not everything is as it seems on the surface. ;) I would thus counter suggest to you that the very things you can't wrap your mind around...ie, the two 'bizarre' facts that really don't seem to fit into the truth of what happened in those two weeks. are not in fact hinderances to Brythe but rather the most crucial pieces of trying to unravel his mystery. :) They *don't* fit at all, do they? That's sort of the point. :) Nothing about Brythe, in either his past or his present, fits well. And that's what makes this such a fun mod to me.

Thus it's very logical for it not to make sense to you. I will however say that as an absolute statement of fact again: Brythe was in prison over 63 years, he looks in his twenties, and he killed over one hundred people in a period of two weeks...men, women, and children, all of which have reasons currently much beyond your understanding simply because you haven't been given most of the information yet yet nor do I intend to give you until you play the mod. :) I can say with absolute certainty no matter how much I present here on the forums and no matter how much you *THINK* you know about Brythe, it's a pinprick on the amount of mindscrew and facts actually hidden behind the teasers I give you.

And presented with the *real* truth, I will make a believer out of all of you. ;)

#6 Cal Jones

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 11:11 PM

Fab. I'm just at the point where I've played all the mods I'm interested in (plus a few dodgy ones) and am waiting for new ones to arrive. This is definitely one of the ones I've been waiting for, so keep up the good work!

#7 yarpen


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Posted 17 April 2009 - 12:08 AM

So I am sorry that I was asking for. I think that he became a sort of hmm... other creature. Undead? Maybe. Uh huh. Creepy. Cool. :)
Can't wait any longer for him :)

#8 darlarosa


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Posted 17 April 2009 - 05:25 PM

ooo creepy and cheeky, I'll like him, in fact I'll love him and gladly want him to chop Anomen to pieces and win his affection >.>

Cheeky Serial Killers <3.....thats a bit disturbing isn't it XD
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