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BiG World Setup

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#401 -Striko-

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Posted 09 December 2010 - 11:01 AM


Would anyone help me with a crash please? I've just started the game (via the first option "Baldur's Gate") and have yet to speak to Garion. The crash happens whenever I go to the world map (I've tried twice).

I heard about the Big World Project from this link: http://www.reddit.co...ldurs_gate_and/

I followed the directions and installed it. I'm on WindowsXP, I used the Recommended option and yes to everything (except foreign language mods) after that (I also disabled anti-virus during install). I'm using the CD version of the game (not GoG).

Here are the contents of my Baldur.err:

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

File: ChDimm.cpp
Line: 1246


Msg: ChDimm.cpp CDimm::Demand(): CRes pointer invalid (Check Baldur.log for missing resource)
Run Debugger?

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

File: ChDimm.cpp
Line: 1246


Msg: ChDimm.cpp CDimm::Demand(): CRes pointer invalid (Check Baldur.log for missing resource)
Run Debugger?
And here are the contents of my Baldur.log:

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 1110, 600 ) #:1114129 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 184, 342 ) #:1114129 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 3000, 498 ) #:1114129 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 536, 510 ) #:1114129 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 264, 234 ) #:1114129 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 392, 306 ) #:1114129 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 1128, 582 ) #:1114129 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 152, 318 ) #:1114129 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 4296, 1434 ) #:1114129 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 504, 1050 ) #:1114129 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 639, 914 ) #:7798989 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 526, 879 ) #:8192203 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 647, 851 ) #:8257743 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 589, 891 ) #:7471308 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 637, 861 ) #:8061134 R:14

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 3656, 2262 ) #:7471218 R:14

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 2936, 1950 ) #:7471218 R:14

I'm having exactly this problem!! Same install, same effect. I hope there is a solution!!!

After hearing about the BiG world project I re-purchased the game, excitedly awaited its delivery, eagerly waited through the install, followed all the instructions, and instead of childhood memories refreshed the game keeps crashing on me when I try to leave the map where my Imoen joins up for the first time. After searching everywhere for tips on how to get this running I'm going crazy. I've tried reinstalling the game and re-running various mods but am having no luck at all.

This seems to be a newish problem. Am I going to have to wait for a more stable update to mega-mod? I really hope not!

btw: it is amazing how much work the community has put into this game! Thank you all! Even if I have to run a more modestly modified game I really appreciate all that you have done.


#402 -Striko-

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Posted 11 December 2010 - 12:01 PM


Would anyone help me with a crash please? I've just started the game (via the first option "Baldur's Gate") and have yet to speak to Garion. The crash happens whenever I go to the world map (I've tried twice).

Note: there is another thread dealing with this problem. A solution that has worked for some people (but not me) is discussed there. http://www.shsforums...lation-trouble/

#403 barcibus

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Posted 12 December 2010 - 07:09 AM


Would anyone help me with a crash please?  I've just started the game (via the first option "Baldur's Gate") and have yet to speak to Garion.  The crash happens whenever I go to the world map (I've tried twice).

Note: there is another thread dealing with this problem.  A solution that has worked for some people (but not me) is discussed there.  http://www.shsforums...lation-trouble/

Thank you.  I looked over there and read the word "reinstall" and pretty much gave up haha.  However I did see a mention of 'Big World Debug.txt' and searching for "error"... it seems I did get an error during install: New Worldmap for use with Mega Modification.  I'll see if I can figure out how to install just that (and the related skipped installs that followed).

EDIT: It seems they have recently uploaded something that fixes it.  Your post in this thread predates the fix they put up.

EDIT2: Ok I went and reinstalled and the issue has been fixed for me (no crash on world map).  I deleted Trimpack/Setup-BP-BGT-Worldmap.tp2 and then just ran the Big World Setup program again, choosing to remove files from previous install; I used Recommended with no foreign language mods.

Edited by barcibus, 13 December 2010 - 12:08 AM.

#404 -pryszczu-

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Posted 11 February 2011 - 12:40 PM

Hello there,
ok so I tried to install this BiG World Mod by setup and with some chosen by myself mods in tactical version of the installation and where was possibile I used polish language
here is debug file:
and here are the mods that I chose
and here is tra file:

and every mod was downloaded by installer

I'm not sure where is the problem, all the mega mods installs without this whole big world setup

Big world project is great idea but there allways will be some crashes when you use so many mods

#405 -pryszczu-

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Posted 11 February 2011 - 01:04 PM

ok I forgot about the most important and most obvious thing, I couldn't turn on BG2 :P
So can you help me in finding a solution?

PS. I think that this is bad idea to allow answer guests and proscribe registered users (when I log in I can't write the answer in this topic)

#406 dabus

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Posted 11 February 2011 - 01:13 PM

Uhm, so what do you want now? :blink:
What's the problem?
Give some details about that.

Edited by dabus, 11 February 2011 - 01:14 PM.

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#407 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 11 February 2011 - 01:23 PM

ok I forgot about the most important and most obvious thing, I couldn't turn on BG2 :P

Well, erhm, were you able to run the game before the BWS.. as you NEED to be able to, without any mods so the game autosaves and makes accurate files so the game can be modified based on them.
Now, try to start the game from the "BGMain.exe", and make sure your file extensions are shown, to not get the file confused to other files, just in case.
Open up the file called "WeiDU.log" with Notepad and see if it has Generalized Biffing in it. If not, the game start can take 5 minutes or the time the World End has come, so you need to use the Generalized biffing.

[Setup-infinityanimations.exe] WeiDU version 22700
[Setup-infinityanimations.exe] Using scripting style "BG1"
Using Language [English]

Installing [Infinity Animations] [v5]
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...

Your ANSI code page is set to a value of 1250. Changing it to 1252 (Latin)
for mod animation compatibility.

You must reboot to continue the installation. Reboot now? [Y]es [N]o

Ah, scratch that, your install didn't finish because your computer has wrong non ANSI codec, instructions on how to get the right one(although you don't need it anymore),

3.2 Installing mods with non-ANSI compatible language systems.
The WeiDU.exe uses a preset non-Unicode codepage to load and copy resource files. Some of the resources in mods like the Infinity Animations use characters like £/µ/Ž/... which map to different numerical values on different language code pages. Therefore, when some mods like the Infinity Animations, detect the codepage other than the Windows-1252 "ANSI" codepage used with most Western languages, it can force a registry change to take the 1252(English/United States) as the current codepage and prompt to reboot the system so the change takes effect. Now, this has problems within the BWS as the mods are supposed to be installed in sequence and so a reboot in the middle of the operation will just crash the whole thing, so to fix this issue, you need to preset the language code page to the right one, namely to English(United States) one.

If you have a different codepage and wish to change it manually yourself (and only if), you can set the default system locale for non-Unicode applications to English. This can be done as follows on Windows systems:
* Start ->
* Control Panel ->
* Regional and Language Settings in Classic View OR:

Clock, Language and Region -> Region and Languages, in the fancy view ->

* Click on the Advanced or Administrative tab ->
* Then where it talks about non-Unicode programs, change the language to English(United States) ->
* Then remember to click the Apply. And you need to restart the computer for it to actually take effect.

And here's how to continue after... from the same post of mine:

3.7 Now, if you didn't do as you were told on the US code page thing and your install gets stopped...
...and you don't want to restart the whole BiG World Setup, do alike this poster did. Posted Image

Next time read the FAQ...

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.

#408 -pryszczu-

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Posted 11 February 2011 - 02:17 PM

ok so thanks for help, actually I have to admit that i have known that already but when you crash with that whole bunch of information about this BiG World and in the end I have forgotten about changing code page. Also I need to be sure and I would like to ask about that another error that occured which I was looking for in the web, error with this .key file, I thought that there is the problem, and here are those few lines that I was thinking of:
Copying 1 file ...
Compiling 123 dialogue files ...
ERROR: No translation provided for @0
[TSDLG/SOLATS.D]  ERROR at line 4 column 1-8
Near Text: @0
ERROR: parsing [TSDLG/SOLATS.D]: Not_found
ERROR: compiling [TSDLG/SOLATS.D]!
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Tortured Souls v6.10 (Wersja kompatybilna z BP)], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 392 files for [SETUP-TS-BP.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled    392 files for [SETUP-TS-BP.TP2] component 0.
Nie mo¾na odnale«? pliku - data\TS-ARE.bif
Liczba skopiowanych plik¢w: 0.
Bif removal complete.
Original .key file restored
Original \override\ folder also restored.
ERROR: Not_found
PLEASE email the file SETUP-TS-BP.DEBUG to Vlad & Domi, King Diamond (BP-compatible version)
Automatically Skipping [Tortured Souls v6.10 (Wersja kompatybilna z BP)] because of error.
Using Language [Polish (by SoM, part of CoB Clan)]
[dialog.tlk] created, 90079 string entries
[dialogf.tlk] created, 90079 string entries
NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Tortured Souls v6.10 (Wersja kompatybilna z BP)
Adding projectile file RoTerror/PRO/AQUADRGN.PRO ...
ERROR locating resource for 'getting 2DA lines'
Resource [PROJECTL.IDS] not found in KEY file:
	[C:\gry\Baldur's Gate/chitin.key]
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Region of Terror, v2.2], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall   4 files for [SETUP-ROT.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled      4 files for [SETUP-ROT.TP2] component 0.
ok so I have spent a lot of time on finding solutions how to install, and installed/uninstalled every mod a dozen of times, and gosh, the reason why I couldn't install this whole thing was code page, I wouldn't even thought about it, thanks, I will try to install it again
Once more thanks a lot!

#409 -pryszczu-

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Posted 11 February 2011 - 04:23 PM

ok so again there is a failure during the installation, even after changing the page code.
I simply closed the installation process just after I saw again the same error as above.

#410 pryszczu

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Posted 13 February 2011 - 09:36 AM

ok so I had actually strange problem: during the extraction the CTB didn't extract properly, and the mod was skipped, setup automatically installed TDD, SOS and TS during the installation deleted my chitin.key! (I'm sure that it was before the installation)
I've solved it just by proper unpacking the ctb, after installation of ctb, the installation of TS was succesfull and rest of the installation was ok

and of course if I wouldn't change the code page I would still be in installation part, thanks:]

so now I'm after allmost successfull installation

#411 -Jaraxal-

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Posted 11 March 2011 - 10:41 AM

my install stalls at the extraxtion of legion of hell

#412 -Jaraxal-

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Posted 11 March 2011 - 10:44 AM

my install stalls at the extraxtion of legion of hell

it says this Write failed, closing control connection.

--10:36:45-- ftp://trow:*password*@ftp.trow.cn/trow20090321/trowbg/LOHMod.zip
(try: 3) => `C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\LOHMod.zip'
Connecting to ftp.trow.cn[]:21... connected.
Logging in as trow ... Logged in!
==> SYST ... done. ==> PWD ... done.
==> TYPE I ... done. ==> CWD /trow20090321/trowbg ... done.
==> PORT ... done. ==> RETR LOHMod.zip ... done.

#413 -Cactus11-

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Posted 18 March 2011 - 08:55 AM

I have a two part question myself, for anyone who feels like helping.

The first thing is, I installed everything successfully and the game runs fine. Im unsure how I can change resolution though. I chose the install before tactical and expect...I forget exactly which.

Secondly, I was wondering if there was anyway I could look at a list of what I have installed and what those mods do. It came up like one time during the big world install but I cant find it anymore.


#414 10th

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Posted 18 March 2011 - 09:48 AM

The WeiDU.log in your BG2 folder lists everything you have installed. Readmes to all mods can be found in their folders.

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#415 Tolq

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Posted 15 April 2011 - 07:35 AM

Hi everyone,

I'm trying for the first time to install BWP using the setup app, and it all goes fine until i reach the tobhacks_v0.5.1 file,
it seems G3 have a newer version and the app cannot download the older one, also i can't seem to find the older version on the internet,

and as that file is marked as essential to any installation of mods it will no procede without it, does anyone here have the older version of the file or can suggest a workaround this issue?

#416 dabus

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Posted 15 April 2011 - 10:33 AM

It does sound as if the update failed (maybe you did while the kerzenburg-site was down for maintenance) since tobhacks have been removed in the last version that was put on the server. The best way to do updates would either be fetching the latest update for the standard BWS by restarting the BiG World Setup.vbs or just extract the files yourself by running the extraction script from the BiG World Installpack which resists in the folder BiG World Installpack\Additional Tools and then run the BiG World Install.bat yourself.

Please note that the standard BWS is not up to date any mote and I don't plan to do so. Visit this thread to have an updated version.

Edited by dabus, 15 April 2011 - 10:37 AM.

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#417 Tolq

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Posted 15 April 2011 - 01:38 PM

Thank you, i will try using the beta version of the new setup

#418 Tolq

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Posted 17 April 2011 - 08:25 AM

Used latest BWS for setup, game works, but apperantly i cant interact with any objects, leave area, talk to npcs etc

weidu log attached

ignore that please, im just stupid..

Edited by Tolq, 17 April 2011 - 09:04 AM.

#419 Eagleheart

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 04:31 AM

was the game paused?

#420 dabus

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Posted 29 May 2011 - 03:26 PM

Looking for BWS tender
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