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BiG World Setup

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#321 Soul oWAR

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Posted 02 November 2010 - 08:35 AM

Ok trying again, it's my first time so I prefer to let the BWS do everything.

I've got 3 files on megaupload from the standard option which are:


Downloaded the 3, gave them the right name as suggested by BWS, I've put them in the download folder and redid a download check. He now only ask me for Volcanic. It ask for Volcanic 1.4 yet he ask me to name it "VolcanicArmouryV1.0.rar". Is there a version number that is wrong?

How should I proceed for those 3 mods


Edited by Soul oWAR, 02 November 2010 - 08:58 AM.

#322 dabus

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Posted 02 November 2010 - 09:16 AM

The downloads size and name are usually fetched by gathering the info from the URL.
Since this mod is located in mediafire, the BWS cannot do that.
I did not keep track of the filenames on a regular basis, so this one just slipped.

a) Use the name that the BWS suggests if you don't know how to edit an ini-file.
b) -Open BiG World Setup\Config\Mod.ini
-search for the mods name / setup-name
-edit the name=X and / or size=X entries (the size is saves as bytes)
-let the BWS do the check again
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#323 Soul oWAR

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Posted 02 November 2010 - 09:23 AM

If I did just unpack it in the direcoty will the install bat pick it up automatically?


#324 dabus

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Posted 02 November 2010 - 10:46 AM

Yes. To confirm that, the BiG World Install.bat will tell you if it's detected.
The batch will be started shortly after the extraction is done.
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#325 Soul oWAR

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Posted 02 November 2010 - 04:56 PM

Tx it now work great :)

I'm sure I'm asking in the wrong place but... I really don't know where to ask... I got the standard install ... I'm wondering about xpélv cap.. is there any? or I could grow to a real beast fighter/mage/cleric

#326 greymark

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Posted 02 November 2010 - 05:29 PM

Tx it now work great :)

I'm sure I'm asking in the wrong place but... I really don't know where to ask... I got the standard install ... I'm wondering about xpélv cap.. is there any? or I could grow to a real beast fighter/mage/cleric

There is a XP Mod in the standard install. However, it had an error during install I ran 2 days ago and I have not heard how/if it will be addressed. Unfortunate, because from what I read without proper XP adjustment the additional content cause balancing issues. So I have not really started to play yet. Probably will wait and reinstall once it is fixed.

#327 Soul oWAR

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Posted 02 November 2010 - 06:04 PM

Seems I installed some German mod yet I don't speak the language...yet... anyway, can I remove them?

Edited by Soul oWAR, 02 November 2010 - 06:08 PM.

#328 dabus

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Posted 03 November 2010 - 01:02 AM

It's saver to leave them in since
-there's a chance that you may hose your install
-in most cases you won't be able to use your savegame

If you want to know which mods are involved, look at the weidu.log.

You have a chance to remove foreign mods in the BWS.
You may have selected S/T without the L which does (should) not install foreign languages.
If you did have selected those, please help us fix that problem.

Edited by dabus, 03 November 2010 - 01:03 AM.

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#329 Frog Dragon

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Posted 15 November 2010 - 08:58 PM

I tried installing Big World again, and it actually worked this time, with no other issues in the program itself than the fact that some spell animations have black boxes around them (for example, Magic Missile). This is really something I don't care about much.
However, I have another problem, resulting chiefly from my own carelessness in the mod picking stage. It appears I accidentally installed the XPMod which reduces your XP gain to a fraction of the normal amount. Being that I installed close to 30gt of mods, there are a lot of added encounters, and Baldur's Gate one fights are very hard on first level. I do have Shadowkeeper (which works for Big World BG 1 on BG 2 engine just fine) which I have used to equalize the XP:s a bit.
Now, I already tried something. I deleted the files of the XPMod (after backing them up elsewhere) when I found them in the Big World folder. I really shouldn't have been surprised it didn't work though, since it mostly contained "Setup.tra" in various language subfolders. It does contain the files "Creature_XP.tph", "Quest_XP.tph" and "thiefmage_XP.tph" though. I'm guessing now that the modifications to the XP amounts have been edited straight into the game files, into something similar to "Baldur.ini" or something. Either way, I'd like to get rid of that mod in its entirety, or at least the results. Anyone know where the XP settings could be edited? I suspect the mod has touched on something like that.


Edit: Update: I found this in Weidu.txt

~SETUP-XPMOD.TP2~ #0 #1 // Creature XP Reduction -> Reduce to 50%: v6 BWP Fix
~SETUP-XPMOD.TP2~ #0 #12 // Quest XP Reduction -> Reduce to 50%: v6 BWP Fix
~SETUP-BP-BALANCER.TP2~ #0 #2 // XP for Spell Learning -> At 10% from your current configuration
~SETUP-BP-BALANCER.TP2~ #0 #7 // XP for Disarming Traps -> At 10% from your current configuration
~SETUP-BP-BALANCER.TP2~ #0 #12 // XP for Pick Pocket -> At 10% from your current configuration
~SETUP-BP-BALANCER.TP2~ #0 #16 // Installing files needed for the components of the group "Balancing XP and items of several mods"
~SETUP-BP-BALANCER.TP2~ #0 #17 // Restore original BG1 creatures' XP and items -> Keep custom items from other Mods
~SETUP-BP-BALANCER.TP2~ #0 #21 // Item and XP Balancing for 'Dark Side of the Sword Coast (v2.15)' -> Also randomly remove SOME overpowered custom items (will not affect quest relevanted items)
~SETUP-BP-BALANCER.TP2~ #0 #24 // Item and XP Balancing for 'Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (v1.70a)' -> Also randomly remove SOME overpowered custom items (will not affect quest relevanted items)
~SETUP-BP-BALANCER.TP2~ #0 #27 // Item and XP Balancing for 'Secret of Bone Hill (v2.75)' -> Also randomly remove SOME overpowered custom items (will not affect quest relevanted items)
~SETUP-BP-BALANCER.TP2~ #0 #30 // Item and XP Balancing for 'DrizztSaga (v1.0)' -> Also randomly remove SOME overpowered custom items (will not affect quest relevanted items)

Edited by Frog Dragon, 15 November 2010 - 09:03 PM.

#330 -Avathar-

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Posted 16 November 2010 - 02:47 AM

I bought the original Baldur's Gate on GOG.com, and installed Baldur's Gate 2 and the BiG pack. However, when I start the game it asks me for the Baldur's Gate expansion disk. Considering that it was a digital download, I don't have an expansion disk to insert. Is there a fix on the way for this? I know that GOG only recently released baldur's gate. OR perhaps is it possible to use a No-CD patch? I'm guess not, since the installation probably modified the original EXE, which is why it would be asking me for the disk now.

#331 -hydrael-

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Posted 16 November 2010 - 08:34 AM

i am running big world setup for the first time doing a recommended install and i have a question
after some hours the bat asked me to reboot
You must reboot to continue the installation [y]es [n]o
after restart nothing happens...
now what?

#332 dabus

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Posted 16 November 2010 - 12:46 PM

@Frog Dragon:
Editing setup-files will not help since the files in the BG2s override-folder are already altered and likely biffed by setup-generalized_biffing.exe. So you need to uninstall that mod by calling the SETUP-XPMOD.exe and SETUP-BP-BALANCER.exe. Since the biffing will be undone and redone twice that way, you might want to to uninstall generalized_biffing once, do your stuff and install it again. I might be wrong, but least I think that's how it works...

Don't know, maybe you did install the patches and broke your install that way?

Yeah, nothing happens because the BiG World Install.bat does not include itself in the startup-folder or something like that. And it nor the BWS do notice non-latin-codepages.

So, first question: Do you need your codepage to be set to your local one?
Applications that are not capable of displaying/using unicode might not be able to display characters correctly. So commandline-applications and maybe some older tools might be screwed.

If you you need these, you will have to leave out infinityanimations or set the codepage and reboot every time before and after playing Baldurs Gate since the mod uses some non-AscII characters that are not included in non-latin-codepages. Thus that's set and the reboot is done.

If you still want the mod, delete the infinityanimations folder and extract all its downloads again.
Look at the Readme to get it done correctly. To get the filenames, have a look at the value of the save-key of the [Setup-IAContentNN.exe]-sections located in the BiG World Setup\Config\Mod.ini, where NN is 01 to 12. So the filename for the download Setup-IAContent05.exe should/would be Shadows_harpy_frostgiant.zip.

Then open the BiG World Install.bat. Delete all lines after the last SET-line at the beginning of the file until the mod gets install.
In 9.5.2, its every line between line 87 and 3029, so that part would look like this:
SET INST="%BWIP%\Install.bat"
Call %INST% infinityanimations "0 25 50 100 150 210 260 400 410 450 490 500 550 600 650 710 7000 9000"

If you don't want the mod, also remove the "Call ..."-line.
Save the file (maybe using a new name) and run it to install the rest of your mods.

Edited by dabus, 16 November 2010 - 01:05 PM.

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#333 Frog Dragon

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Posted 17 November 2010 - 05:57 AM

How exactly do I uninstall them? Simply opening the Setup files does nothing, and there are no files in the actual folders that would uninstall it.

#334 Lollorian


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Posted 17 November 2010 - 06:50 AM

@Frog Dragon:

So you need to uninstall that mod by calling the SETUP-XPMOD.exe and SETUP-BP-BALANCER.exe.

Calling = running :P

Run setup-generalized_biffing.exe first, choose language and [U]ninstall it ... If you deleted anything, restore the mod files from the backup you made before deleting (didn't you?? :unsure:) and then run setup-xpmod.exe and/or setup-bp-balancer.exe and do your thing ;)

For a lag-free game, run setup-generalized_biffing.exe again and [I]nstall it :D

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#335 Frog Dragon

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Posted 17 November 2010 - 07:57 AM

Well, now I have done all that (uninstalled biffing, ran the setups and uninstalled the problematic parts and reinstalled biffing). Lets see if this fixed anything.
Edit: Oh glorious day!.... Everytime I run TobExLoader, it crashes. There are three error messages, claiming lost files, and then it tries to run anyway, but crashes.

Edited by Frog Dragon, 17 November 2010 - 08:06 AM.

#336 dabus

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Posted 17 November 2010 - 08:14 AM

So what's the error message then?
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#337 Frog Dragon

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Posted 17 November 2010 - 08:21 AM

It says something like "CruLeTablesEx::Init<>:*string of letters*.2DA not found. Did you install the required Weidu Components?"
Repeated 3 times, each time with a different string of letters. I cannot copypaste from the CMD, and it goes away quite fast.
Btw: When messing with the BP-Balancer setup, I got a few errors.

#338 Lollorian


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Posted 17 November 2010 - 08:46 AM

That should be easy to fix :) Just run setup-tobex.exe and [I]nstall ALL the components (DO NOT skip anything) ... Don't worry abour re-biffing your install this time ;)

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#339 Frog Dragon

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Posted 17 November 2010 - 08:50 AM

Thanks. Trying that now. And Reinstalling it all, just to make sure.
Edit: It doesn't work. I have broken my install. This weekend, I shall redo the whole thing, and make sure not to include those two mods.

Edited by Frog Dragon, 17 November 2010 - 12:37 PM.

#340 spanyam

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Posted 17 November 2010 - 12:59 PM

For a few of the mods that I selected and downloaded during BWS (Unfinished Business for BGII, Xan NPC, Get Rid of Anomen to name a few) failed to get extracted properly. I then stepped through manually to extract each of them and noticed that all of them were missing their setup-*modname*.exe file. I also chose NOT to remove them from the modlist at the end of that process. Now, even though I put them in the BGII - SoA directory, the BiG World Install.bat failed to recognize their presence. Must I rename all the exe's to be setup-*modname*.exe for the installer to recognize them?