1ppv3: Female Dwarves
Posted 19 April 2009 - 01:04 PM
It's probably that the compiler they used is optimizing duplicate strings; you'll need to find and change the pointers to each string in the program.
Posted 20 April 2009 - 03:21 PM

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Not much to say. I wanted this one to be good, so naturally everything that could possibly go wrong did go wrong. Anyway. I really hope I haven't messed anything else up (like the installer *cough*).
I hope you enjoy it <3
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Edited by Erephine, 20 April 2009 - 03:22 PM.
Posted 22 April 2009 - 01:51 PM

I have no idea how to implement this into a patcher yet, as the changes are a little more profound (and I could very well have broken something else). Also I'm not actually sure how versions differ, or which patch version I had installed originally. It would be lovely if someone could PM/upload for me to compare. If possible, I'd like to see the latest patched versions for US/UK (I don't know if they're the same?) and International installs in as far as they differ - I couldn't find any good information on if there's just one international version, or if they're separate by language.

Posted 22 April 2009 - 11:52 PM
You don't know how happy I am that you're doing this. Are you planning on doing female dwarves in full plate, too?
"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde
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Posted 24 April 2009 - 02:31 PM
There's still the two plate armour animations missing (fighter/cleric), the thief animations, and all of the mage ones.
That said, I've finished (and included) the patching for IWD II and IWD HoW. The latter was a lot easier to patch than the sequel, so that was nice. The WeiDU installers for the components are really really ugly, but they work and verify everything they patch. The different installers have been moved into subcomponents, with only the appropriate ones being offered. Similarly to BGII there's not that much to enjoy yet, but hopefully not for that much longer.
There's two versions of IWD II supported, and though the second one says 'EU' I'm not really sure what it is. Use it if the first one fails. The first one matches all official patches for download (both international and English) so it should work for almost everyone though.
The IWD I support includes fully patched HoW (v1.4.1) and TotL (v1.4.2) installs, which in contrast to the IWDII patch are detected by the installer.
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Posted 29 April 2009 - 06:19 PM
I'm wondering from a technical perspective what the difference is between your female halfling avatars, the female dwarves and the game's default female halfling. I'm looking at all three unarmoured avatars and it appears your halflings are a bit less "hunchbacked" looking than the default, maybe because they have lighter clothing too. Whereas the dwarves are a bit stockier but otherwise roughly the same size. Also, I'm wondering what you're planning for female gnomes. I'm asking because I'm wondering what would be the best animation of the existing ones to use for a female gnome NPC.
(And no, female dwarves generally do not have beards, despite Chev's fantasies

Posted 30 April 2009 - 08:24 AM

There's four categories (L, M, N, S) the various objects you can equip are rendered for. This means any animation that should make use of them has to 'fit' one of the categories in terms of relative positioning of hands, head, etc. So they're not just roughly the same size, they're exactly the same size, because they all belong to the 'S' avatar category. As you pointed out, the visual difference between males, females, dwarves and halflings obviously is their anatomy.
The gnomes currently use the halfling animations except for mages, where they use the dwarven ones. In the IWD components I posted, all classes of gnomes use the dwarven animations, which I feel are slightly more appropriate (because they wear shoes and don't have hairy feet!). I may change the BGII patching component to this behaviour as well once this is finished (not sure about it yet).
Posted 30 April 2009 - 11:58 AM
The original unarmoured halfling females look more like they're wearing bodysuits, whereas yours look more like they're wearing dresses or skirts. Is this intentional, or am I looking at different animation series?From a technical perspective, they're independent different animation series? Not quite sure what you mean
The female halflings are mostly the same as they were originally, though shifted by one. You can read about it here.
Understood. Dwarven females should be a bit taller than halflings or gnomes (roughly 4' instead of 3' or so) but there's no way to do this without a lot of hackery, repositioning of weapon animations, and would probably end up looking wrong anyway. Besides, there's only so much you can do with avatars only a few dozen pixels in height.There's four categories (L, M, N, S) the various objects you can equip are rendered for. This means any animation that should make use of them has to 'fit' one of the categories in terms of relative positioning of hands, head, etc. So they're not just roughly the same size, they're exactly the same size, because they all belong to the 'S' avatar category.
Yeah, it sucks, because female gnome mages ended up (originally) looking like male dwarves, beards and all (and female gnomes definitely do *not* have beards - even male gnomes have only sparse ones if that). Not sure about IWD since I haven't played it yet, but for BGx I think the female halfling is the best for a female gnome, since they aren't supposed to be as stocky as dwarves. At least, until you do the gnome avatars, which I'll eagerly await...The gnomes currently use the halfling animations except for mages, where they use the dwarven ones.

Posted 30 April 2009 - 12:32 PM
The male dwarven mages were the only small-sized mage avatars the game had, so they were used for all of them. This is actually a leftover from BG1, where gnomes didn't have their own animation slot at all (they all used dwarven paperdolls and avatars) so the animations included aren't supposed to actually be dwarves but gnomes, just sharing the dwarven naming convention. The only other option would have been halflings but, like dwarves, they can't be mages in BGII and as such not even an animation slot exists for them.
With the 3rd Edition rules in IWDII, the class restrictions don't apply but as the content is copied over from BGII exactly the same animations and animation slots exist. IWD is 'smarter' in that female dwarves were linked to the female halfling avatars but as no mages exist for those, halfling mages end up with the bearded dwarf/gnome mage look as well.
The original unarmoured halfling females look more like they're wearing bodysuits, whereas yours look more like they're wearing dresses or skirts. Is this intentional, or am I looking at different animation series?
Did you read the post I linked to? The original animation series was pretty much off by one armour level. The new unarmoured ones are in fact the 'leather armour' animations that shipped with the game, the leather armour ones are the original 'chainmail' ones (with no chainmail to boot), only the actual chainmail animation itself is new (because there wasn't any).
In other words, the original game had two unarmoured animations, and no chainmail at all. I got rid of the bodysuit one because it seemed more consistent that way.
Understood. Dwarven females should be a bit taller than halflings or gnomes (roughly 4' instead of 3' or so) but there's no way to do this without a lot of hackery, repositioning of weapon animations, and would probably end up looking wrong anyway.
If you really wanted it to be representative, you'd have to add gender height differences as well (they vary quite a bit for different races), not to mention separate series for full and half elves, tieflings, and halforcs.
Posted 01 May 2009 - 05:25 AM
Oh. I guess I misread this post above:I won't. Gnomes will either use the dwarven ones, or the halflings.
But I guess you were saying only they'd have their own paperdolls, not also avatarsFemale halflings already have their own paperdolls, and female gnomes will have them 'soon'.

Yeah, I read it, but I don't think I understood it the first time. Bear with me, I'm just a half-orc. I think I get it now. Basically, as per this graphic you deleted the progression on the left and added the one on the right (and is it just me or is the only difference between the two panes the colour?). Bear with me just a bit more on another dumb question, but is the engine not capable of having *four* animation series for the halfling? Don't some of the other series have as many different "armours"? I think the "bodysuit" series looks a bit more like leather armour than the 2nd skirt series, but it would be nice to have both.Did you read the post I linked to? The original animation series was pretty much off by one armour level. The new unarmoured ones are in fact the 'leather armour' animations that shipped with the game, the leather armour ones are the original 'chainmail' ones (with no chainmail to boot), only the actual chainmail animation itself is new (because there wasn't any).
In other words, the original game had two unarmoured animations, and no chainmail at all. I got rid of the bodysuit one because it seemed more consistent that way.
At any rate, having real female dwarves is a big improvement. Cheers.
Posted 01 May 2009 - 07:25 AM
But I guess you were saying only they'd have their own paperdolls, not also avatars
. I guess I could live female gnomes using the halfling animations. It'd be nice if they had longer hair and shoes, but I've read the issues with the former, and it's not like you can really make out any kind of detail on these tiny sprites.
I guess it depends on the resolution you play in and the size of your screen. If you push the resolution high enough, you won't even need this component

Yeah, I read it, but I don't think I understood it the first time. Bear with me, I'm just a half-orc. I think I get it now. Basically, as per this graphic you deleted the progression on the left and added the one on the right (and is it just me or is the only difference between the two panes the colour?).
Yes, exactly! (and they're different).
Bear with me just a bit more on another dumb question, but is the engine not capable of having *four* animation series for the halfling? Don't some of the other series have as many different "armours"? I think the "bodysuit" series looks a bit more like leather armour than the 2nd skirt series, but it would be nice to have both.
Not the way the original game is set up.
What would you use the second unarmoured one for?
Posted 01 May 2009 - 02:01 PM
Yeah, that's why I hate playing on high resolution.I guess it depends on the resolution you play in and the size of your screen. If you push the resolution high enough, you won't even need this component
Well, like I said, the bodysuit looks a bit more like realistic leather armour to me. Leather skirts really aren't that practical for armour if they leave the legs exposed - maybe for a blacksmith. Whereas chain skirts were quite common (for men and women) and practical if you also have leg protection (which your avatar does). The 2 skirt series are similar enough that one could probably be lost. I suppose I'd keep the one on the right if I had to choose. The bodysuit may not be as consistent, but it allows for greater avatar diversity. I guess I don't have a really strong opinion though - it's just something that'd be nice. It'd also be nice to have a plate armour series for those female halfling fighter tanks, but I guess we can't have everything now, can we? At least we have chain mail now.What would you use the second unarmoured one for?
Posted 01 May 2009 - 03:29 PM

There's one frame error in the cleric plate mail animation which I've fixed but I was too lazy to upload the entire avatar fix files again just for that one frame. I should remember to do that sometime.
Well, like I said, the bodysuit looks a bit more like realistic leather armour to me.
Except it doesn't have any leather armour except some shoulder pads. The rest is clothing.
Posted 01 May 2009 - 04:25 PM
Oh? Maybe I never checked for halflings. Mine are typically thieves or thief combos (therefore, leather wearing).The plate mail was implemented correctly in the original game
Well, someone could repalette it to use the leather/armour instead of major/minor coloursExcept it doesn't have any leather armour except some shoulder pads. The rest is clothing.Well, like I said, the bodysuit looks a bit more like realistic leather armour to me.

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Posted 04 May 2009 - 07:55 AM


This one was a bit tricky.
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Progress is going to be a little bit slow, as when I was making the IWD patch I was quite pleasantly suprised by how easily structured the animation slot information is, so I absolutely had to patch something else in (very hush-hush, not telling yet) which requires a fair bit of content too

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Posted 05 May 2009 - 07:01 AM

I wonder if it's possible to disable that stupid automatic avatar change in IWDII - for example, I changed Peony's animation to CLERIC_FEMALE_DWARF and she looked fine until leveling up - she change into a bearded creature, using the default animation (male dwarf mage, as far as I remember). The same thing when I create a character leveling as a mage and a ranger - despite wearing robe, her avatar changes to fighter.
I know it's not an 1pp issue, but maybe something can be done about it?
Posted 09 May 2009 - 03:21 PM
In any case thanks for pointing it out, I didn't know IWDII updated that by itself.


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I really like how this one turned out. The paperdoll is pretty much new, as the old one didn't fit the animation so well. This would have been finished sooner, but rebuilding the animation the first time around the offsets somehow managed to get messed up, which meant I had to do it twice. If it isn't one thing, it's another

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Posted 09 May 2009 - 03:46 PM
I can't believe how fast you work.
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Posted 09 May 2009 - 03:54 PM

So it isn't quite like I started to do this one from scratch after I posted the cleric animations, I already had a rough draft at that point.
Though I do spend an unhealthy amount of time on it

Edited by Erephine, 09 May 2009 - 03:55 PM.
Posted 10 May 2009 - 10:00 PM
Thank you very much for each minute you put in your great work.Though I do spend an unhealthy amount of time on it

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