1)The vampire wolf lord and his buddy summons would wipe out my low level party. Remove/protection from fear/protection from undead is a must. Sometimes more than one would show up and the party would run for their lives...I came to dread the "awooooo".
It is indeed a difficult encounter at low levels, but, as u pointed out, not impossible. Teorically anyway, unless u go to wild areas, u are not able to face such "monsters". Protection are usually not that often used in a
BG1 game and yes they are needed here.
2)The coast spawns were fun.
Thanks i also like them as the "east" ones
3)Kind of got sick fighting so many hobgobs, maybe some orcs, ogres, bugbears could be added?
Well, Chev here is quite correct. I really wanted to follow RPG in my mod and basically the storyline, anyway u will find Orcs, Ogre and such around as well. It just depends on areas ... different areas are populated differently

Generally Hobgolins can be found close to the towns and villages, Orcs closer to mountains and wildest areas. This is true in my mod as well. Really different humanoids are spreads through areas, please let me know if u find this is not true or u just encounter Hobgoblins humanoids.
4)Not sure if it is your mod but there are kobold spawns that include a kobold scribe who carries a lot of high level spells. That was funny. (They don't use them though)
Yep ... it's mine. I like it honestly

Did u have
SCS in your install? It should be able to cast spells from scrolls ... but if u kill him too fast, well ... nice reward then

Anyway, please let me know if u believe this brings too strongs items to the game, i could think of change something here...
5)Once my party was around level 5 to 7 and they crossed some of the areas again the spawns would show up on top of each other. The game would slow down as one group spawned, and then two more. So I would get three spawns together. It was good, but maybe a smaller group of harder enemies could spawn instead?
Sorry ... i didn't get your point here. U should anyway get a single spawn (i mean a single group of creatures eventually). What do u mean u got spawns on top of each other? U "see" them the first time but don't face them ... run away and ... some days later u come back again?
All together it was well done and a big improvement. Thanks again.
Thanks to you for your compliments and your feedbacks, MUCH appreciated