Jaheria portrait switch at statue of amantour is this a bug?
Posted 02 April 2009 - 12:06 PM
(I am playing BGI-II w/ the BGT-WeiDU mod and BGT-Tweak Pack only)
After curing love intrest (jaheria) at statue of armatour, the NPC had the BG1 portrait upon rejoining the party.
Also she had a very odd dialog line when querried to join the group, not the 'Thanks for saving me from being undead' which I expected.
Is this an indicator of a bug / broken romance, or no?
Also, would it be possible to replace the BG1 NPC portraits w/ those from BG2?
Finally, thankyou Spellhold Studios for making this mod, it is fantastic. I immensly enjoyed BG1 at the higher resolution.
I have not BG for several years and your work has revitalized this deserving game. I greatly appreciate your efforts and appreciate
the care you have shown for this timeless RPG. Thanks again-
Posted 02 April 2009 - 02:14 PM
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not but the following occured
(I am playing BGI-II w/ the BGT-WeiDU mod and BGT-Tweak Pack only)
After curing love intrest (jaheria) at statue of armatour, the NPC had the BG1 portrait upon rejoining the party.
Also she had a very odd dialog line when querried to join the group, not the 'Thanks for saving me from being undead' which I expected.
Is this an indicator of a bug / broken romance, or no?
Also, would it be possible to replace the BG1 NPC portraits w/ those from BG2?
Finally, thankyou Spellhold Studios for making this mod, it is fantastic. I immensly enjoyed BG1 at the higher resolution.
I have not BG for several years and your work has revitalized this deserving game. I greatly appreciate your efforts and appreciate
the care you have shown for this timeless RPG. Thanks again-
Im pretty sure thats a bug. TweakPack has a component, that gives some BG1 NPCs their portraits from BG2, and that somehow interfered or was messed by that script sequence with Bodhi and Amaunator. What i recommend is - try to reinstall ([R]) that component ("Give Jaheira her Bg2 portrait") from the mod.
Posted 02 April 2009 - 02:43 PM
Good luck with your epic install, it looks like a lot of fun
Posted 04 April 2009 - 07:01 AM
you could make a save, open it in shadowkeeper and alter her portrait from there, or you can take any portrait you like and use those instead. to do this rename the large one NJAHEIRM and the small one NJAHEIRS, then make a copy of those and rename them JAHEIRAM and JAHEIRAS (i forget if bgt uses the baldur's gate 1 or baldur's gate 2 portrait names), then put them all in your override folder. even if you don't use that option at the moment it's good to know how to do it for the future, i replace all the npc portraits with custom ones before starting a run through.
hope that helps you. : )
Posted 04 April 2009 - 10:59 AM
Thanks for the tip. I just re-ran the tweakpack as per the above suggestion and then restored jaheria at the statue again.
I think my problem runs deeper than I first realized.
It seems that the jaheria that amantor chose to restore is the jaheria from chapter 1 of BG, not the jaheria from chapter 6 of SoA.
Wrong portait, wrong xp's and levels. The charater info does not indicate a level drain or other 'in-game' condition, so I think the script(?)
is broken.
I've done a bit of searching in the forums and can not seem to find anyone with the same issue. But searching, like programming and trying to install and run mods, is art more than science and I am definitly still finger painting.
Posted 04 April 2009 - 11:35 AM
Thanks for the tip. I just re-ran the tweakpack as per the above suggestion and then restored jaheria at the statue again.
I think my problem runs deeper than I first realized.
It seems that the jaheria that amantor chose to restore is the jaheria from chapter 1 of BG, not the jaheria from chapter 6 of SoA.
Wrong portait, wrong xp's and levels. The charater info does not indicate a level drain or other 'in-game' condition, so I think the script(?)
is broken.
I've done a bit of searching in the forums and can not seem to find anyone with the same issue. But searching, like programming and trying to install and run mods, is art more than science and I am definitly still finger painting.
You can fix it simply by giving her correct XP (CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("....")) and changing her portrait as mentioned above, with SK (you can change exp there too).
Posted 04 April 2009 - 12:09 PM
Yes, it looks like CLUAconsole is the only way to fix this.
I've just spent 2 hours knocking about various forums, and I can not find any other mention of this bug.
I'll have to research what to set other variables to inorder to resume the romance dialog in its proper place.
Thank you for your help-
Posted 04 April 2009 - 01:11 PM
When I checked the romance vairables, the "JaheiraRomanceActive" variable was correct at 2,
but the "LoveTalk" variable had gone missing.
Funny bug, but easily bypassed.
Thanks again for the replies.
Posted 04 April 2009 - 02:06 PM
Posted 05 April 2009 - 03:37 PM
To restate the bug,
In Chapter 6 of SoA I placed my romance character into the arms of the statute of arumantor for the resuraction / vampire cure.
Instead of the NPC being restored correctly, the STARTING VERSION of the NPC was restored.
Meaning I got Jaheira from Chpt 1 of BG, not from Chpt 6 of SoA.
While using Shadow Keeper to correct the xp's and portait seemed to work, the romance thread was broken.
I appears that I could not restore the timer / continue LoveTalk dialouges no matter what I did via the console commands.
And then game crashes started to happen.
So it looks like its back to CandleKeep!
Posted 05 April 2009 - 05:20 PM
Local variables get stored within actors.but the "LoveTalk" variable had gone missing.
Is there a cleanse.bcs file in your override folder? If yes, try putting there the attached one instead, then resurrect Jaheira. If still no effect then my only guess would be that something very wrong had happened.
Attached Files
Retired from modding.