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My looooong goodbye to The Saga.

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#1 Nc.Hroft

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Posted 30 March 2009 - 08:06 AM

So, this is going to be a little diary of my final walkthrough of the greatest-of-the-greatest-best-of-the-best-roleplaying-saga-whatsoever.
Since i've been playing it for about 10 years, and seen pretty much everything i could, and no more massive additional content is going to happen, AND whats mb the most important - we're going to see Dragon Age (finally, i hope :whistling:) this fall, i've decided to put end to my bhaal-spawn adventures, BUT do so in epic way :rolleyes:.

The installation is going to be quite enormous, right enough to keep me busy up to fall (hopefully :)). Possibly this can also serve as a test-check on such an installation, thus making a little contribution to future generations :wacko:. Sooo....

Original Saga + SoA + ToB
BGT v107+BP Worldmap v7.1+Big World Project (huge thanks to guys who developed it, really immense and very important job u've done fellas!)

Big Modes:
The Darkest Day v1.12
Ascension v1.4.23 + Longer Road v1.5.1
Shadows over Soubar v1.13
Check the Bodies v1.11
NTotSC v171
Tortured Souls v6.10

Quest-related mods:
Ding0's QuestPack v23
Tower of Deception v3.2
Wheels of Prophecy v2
Unfinished Business Iv7 & IIv18
The Stone of Askavar v1.3
AlexMacintosh v3
DungeonCrawl v4
DSotSC v215
Sirines Call v9
Quallo v111
Vault v7
PlanarSphere v26c
Expanded Thief Stronghold v2.15
AdalonsBlood v4
LucyTheWyvern v1

Tactical mods:
SwordcoastStratagems Iv12 & IIv8
Revised Battles v6.3
Big Picture v177a+TOB
Impoved Asylum v92
AzenMOD v5

NPC mods:
Solafein v103
IE Banters v18
BanterPacks v9
Xan v8
Xan BG1 Friendship v5
Xan's BG2 voice for BG1
BG1 NPC Project v17
Mazzy Friendship v1

Tweaks & Fixes:
BGT Tweak v8
BG2 Tweaks v7
BG2_Fixpack v8
BP_balancer 0.33b
Ding0's Expirience mod v6
Song&Silence v3
Rogue Rebalancing v404
Spell Revisions v2.9
gMinion v1.8
Oversight v12
Refinements v3.20
Oversight v12
Level 1 NPCs mod v1.2
BG Spawn mod
Weimer ItemUpgrade v37
Thalantyr ItemUpgrade v34
Ruad Item Upgrade v 20
ItemRevisions v2
1PPixel avatars&art

Minor stuff:
Override End_biff v2.1
MTS_Crappack for solving some compatibility issues

I've more or less walked through most of this stuff already, but not on the same time. ATM all mods are dl'ed and ready, and the installation is about to start.

P.S. Any bets on how long is it gonna take to install :wacko:? Will report on progress :rolleyes:.

Upd 1: As it surely affects installation time, and possibly will also affect further gameplay (in sense of multi-mod installation performance), here are basic characteristics of the PC: AMD Athlon DualCore 5600+ (2,81 Ghz), 4 GB RAM, Nvidia 8600, WindowsXP SP3.
Upd 2: Also had to add MTS_Crappack mod, it seems to be needed for some compatibility matters. Since only this (compatibility) components are installed, it will be included in minor stuff section.
Upd 3: Screenshot with mod list from BWP installer: Posted Image
Upd 4: Installation totalled 5.5 hours. Not as much as you'd expect with all those mods.

Edited by Nc.Hroft, 30 March 2009 - 02:17 PM.

Benefacta male locata malefacta arbitror.

#2 Zyraen

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Posted 30 March 2009 - 08:25 AM

Tactical content aside, You should also try playing No Reloads :)
That is quite a kick. I never ever made it even to Spellhold in SoA playing No Reloads on Hard...]
Then again I'm not a very tactical sort of person, veer more to the cheesy side.

Love between a Law Enforcer and a Fugitive - can such a thing even happen?
SoA Release - Overview / Download Links

Zyraen's Miscellaneous Mods - Ust Natha Accelerator, item tweaks, XP caps, The Ub3r Reaver Kit, and much more...
Spellhold Gauntlet - more than just a Spellhold-Be-Gone
Hidden Kits - hidden dual-classed kits with a twist for progression

#3 Nc.Hroft

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Posted 30 March 2009 - 08:41 AM

Tactical content aside, You should also try playing No Reloads :)
That is quite a kick. I never ever made it even to Spellhold in SoA playing No Reloads on Hard...]
Then again I'm not a very tactical sort of person, veer more to the cheesy side.

It could be interesting, but honestly i dont think i'd make it either :). With all this modes it's about 500 hours of gameplay (rough estimate) + tactical part is kinda heavy indeed :ph34r:.
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#4 Nc.Hroft

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Posted 30 March 2009 - 08:42 AM

Installation started 8:40 forum time, Original Saga goes 1st :).
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#5 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 30 March 2009 - 08:46 AM

Hmm, where is the Widescreen mod?

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.

#6 Nc.Hroft

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Posted 30 March 2009 - 08:51 AM

Hmm, where is the Widescreen mod?

I'm okay with 1024x768 resolution, which is achievable with just BGT. Bigger resolutions make me discomfortable with BG, everything is too small :).
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#7 Nc.Hroft

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Posted 30 March 2009 - 09:13 AM

Installation started 8:40 forum time, Original Saga goes 1st :).

Installed all games, patched them, followed strictily instructions given in BWP manual. ATM extracting all dl'ed mods. This IS going to last quite long, around 2,5 hours, as WinRar suggests.

Upd: WinRar is and idiot, its already 40% unpacked, and he says "20 min" now.

Edited by Nc.Hroft, 30 March 2009 - 09:29 AM.

Benefacta male locata malefacta arbitror.

#8 Nc.Hroft

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Posted 30 March 2009 - 10:34 AM

Ok, all games installed, patched, etc. All mods unpacked and moved to game directory (that took a while :unsure:). Finall instructions followed, .bat-file edited so that only needed components are installed. Theoretically, all i need now is - start the .bat file, so that installation begins. Let's see if it works (i really hope it does - installing all this manually would be a major pain). Enclosing the aforementioned .bat file, just in case for latter (possible) testing.

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#9 Nc.Hroft

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Posted 30 March 2009 - 10:47 AM

Okay, actuall BWP installation started in 10:45 forum time. Wonder how long will it take? :D
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#10 Nc.Hroft

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Posted 30 March 2009 - 02:09 PM

Surprisingly, its installed already! Quite fast, i expected to wait longer. Most mods installed correctly, i got "Installed with warning" for BGT (couldnt see which one though), and failed to install "romance cheats" component. No problem, wasnt going to use them anyway :). Attaching Weidu.log.

And here's 1st screeshot from the game: Posted Image

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#11 Nc.Hroft

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Posted 04 April 2009 - 11:39 AM

So, a little report on the game. I've made it to the Candlekeep quest in the main storyline, but got a bit stuck there, because of the Vault mod (cant find solution, and its close to none info on it, already contacted the modder, Erebusant, waiting for him to answer :)). Also finished some sidequest from the main game, and the Secret of Bonehill mod. Started NTotSC and DSotSC and the Askavar Stone quest. Havent yet found bugs whatsoever, and its kinda strange, with all those mods. Tactical side is ok too, 50% exp and mass tactics modes quite compensate for other mods (and additional xp and items that comes with them). My party atm includes prot (4/4/4 bers/mage/cleric), Minsc (ranger 5), Shar-teel (Fighter 6), Jet'laya (cleric 6), Imoen (multiclassed sharpshooter/wizard 4/5) and Dynaheir (wizard 5). The items are maybe even too good, but "insane" difficulty+tactic mods compensate for it.

Edited by Nc.Hroft, 04 April 2009 - 11:43 AM.

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#12 Nc.Hroft

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Posted 05 April 2009 - 11:59 AM

Just killed Rieltar, got 2 crowns from his corpse. I understand that 2nd one, "Crown of Shar'Dukha", is from DSotSC, but i also got the "Crown of fallen kings". I wonder if it supposed to be so.
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#13 Nc.Hroft

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Posted 06 April 2009 - 12:26 PM

Encountered a bug in 2nd part of Secret of the Bonehill mod. Spoilers for this mod ahead

I've cleared the castle, got 2 documents (evidence), brought them to Peltar, and he send me to confront with the abbot, but when i talk to him - i only get lines about him unable (or unwilling) to ressurect the baron. My quest updates on it, but no confrontation occurs, and neither him, nor Peltar say anything else to me. Guess i had to have talked to him already, BEFORE getting the evidence that he is the villain, then the bug might not occur, but i cant know for sure ofc. So im unable to complete the mod and leave the island (Had to CLUAConsole out of there). I also find that this mod quite cheezy, it brings many overpowered items, ones that would be awesome even for SoA.

Edited by Nc.Hroft, 06 April 2009 - 12:29 PM.

Benefacta male locata malefacta arbitror.