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[MOD] Bard Song Switching (Icewind Mode) V4.1

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#1 shohy

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Posted 14 March 2009 - 04:24 PM

With this pack you can freely switch your bard song in several songs, just like in Icewind Dale.
Jester and Skald song effects are modified and improved to make up for them not being able to switch between songs like Standard Bard and Blade.
Characters of all bard kits can learn Enhanced song and Lingering Song (which allows all bard songs last for 2 extra rounds) after 3,000,000 exp.
Different battle songs can work at the same time. The same bard song has no accumulation effect, except when The Chorus component is installed, with which a battle song can be enhanced by multiple bards performing at the same time. A leader of chorus should be designated first.

***** Compatibility *****

    Only BG EE series are supported.
    Compatible with any other MODs that modifies the original bard kits. Requied to be installed after such MODs, then all modifications of them as well as HLA revisions are remained.
    In component of The Chorus and The Custom AI, creature states of BACKSTABDAMAGEMULTIPLIER, SHAMANIC_DANCE and BERSERKER_RAGE_FATIGUE are used to help checking bard songs. There may be some compatibility issues with other MODs, but since these states are only used on bards, they generally do not cause obvious conflicts.

***** Main Effects *****

[Kit Adjustment & Custom AI for Bards enhanced by this MOD]

    [Kit Adjustment]

    Bard will learn different songs on different level. You can switch to the song you need by clicking new buttons in Special Abilities.
    LV1: The Ballad of Three Heroes, which has the effect of +1 to hit, +1 to damage and +1 to all saving throws.
    LV4: The Tale of Curran Strongheart, which gives the immunity to Fear and Morale Break.
    LV8: Tymora's Melody, which has the effect of +1 luck, +3 to all saving throws, +10 to lore and thief's skills.
    LV12: The Song of Kaudies, which gives the immunity to all sound effects like silence, deafness and spells that use sound as a medium, e.g. Power Words.
    LV16: The Siren's Yearning, which enthrals enemies in the visual range unless they make save vs. spell. Does NOT affect mindless enemies e.g. golems.
    LV20: The WarChant of Sith, which has the effect of AC-2, +10% physical damage resistance, and regenerate 3 HP per round.
    Enhanced Bard Song: Gives all allies +4 to hit, +4 to damage, -4 to AC, +5% magic resistance, and grants them immunity to Fear, Morale Break, Confusion and normal weapons. While singing the Enhanced Bard Song, the Bard himself gains an extra bonus of -6 to AC and +5% magic resistance.

    Blade starts with +1 to hit and damage, get maximum proficiency (3 points) in two weapon fighting style, and then +1 to hit and damage per 10 levels. He can learn different songs on different level, but less than normal Bard. He can learn skill of Whirlwind after 3,000,000 exp.
    LV1: The Ballad of Three Heroes, which has the effect of +1 to hit, +1 to damage and +1 to all saving throws.
    LV6: The Tale of Curran Strongheart, which gives the immunity to Fear and Morale Break.
    LV12: Tymora's Melody, which has the effect of +1 luck, +3 to all saving throws, +10 to lore and thief's skills.
    LV18: The Song of Kaudies, which gives the immunity to all sound effects like silence, deafness and spells that use sound as a medium, e.g. Power Words.
    Enhanced Blade Song: Gives all allies +4 to hit, +4 to damage, -4 to AC, +5% magic resistance, and grants them immunity to Fear, Morale Break and normal weapons. While singing the Enhanced Blade Song, the Blade himself gains an extra bonus of +2 to hit, +2 to damage, -2 to AC and +5% magic resistance.

    Jester starts with +1 luck, +5% stealing, immunity to charm and confusion. Effect of his battle song improves with level, but he can't perform other songs, and the Enhanced Jester Song will merely replace the original song.
    LV1: Opponents in 30 feet must save vs. spells once per round or be confused (+4 save penalty).
    LV5: Opponents in 30 feet must save vs. spells once per round or be charmed (+2 save penalty).
    LV10: Opponents in 30 feet must save vs. spells once per round or be slowed (no penalty) or confused (+2 save penalty).
    LV15: Opponents in 30 feet must save vs. spells once per round or be slowed (-2 save penalty) or confused (no penalty).
    LV20: Opponents in 30 feet must save vs. spells once per round or be slowed (-2 save penalty) confused (-2 save penalty), and must save vs. poly or be unconscious (+2 save penalty).
    Enhanced Jester Song: Affects every opponent within 30 feet, they must save vs. spells once per round or be slowed (-4 save penalty) confused (-2 save penalty), and must save vs. poly or be unconscious (no penalty). They may also fail in casting spells and innates by 10% chance.  While singing the Enhanced Bard Song, the Jester himself gains an extra bonus of -6 to AC and +5% magic resistance.
    Note: mindless creatures e.g. golems are immune to Jester' songs.

    Skald starts with +1 to hit and damage. Effect of his battle song improves with level, but he can't perform other songs. And the Enhanced Skald Song will merely replace the original song.
    LV1: +2 to hit, +2 to damage, -2 to AC.
    LV5: +2 to hit, +2 to damage, -2 to AC, offers the immunity to Fear and Morale Break.
    LV10: +3 to hit, +3 to damage, -3 to AC, offers the immunity to Fear and Morale Break.
    LV15: +4 to hit, +4 to damage, -4 to AC, offers the immunity to Fear and Morale Break.
    LV20: +4 to hit, +4 to damage, -4 to AC, offers the immunity to Fear, Morale Break, Stun and Confusion.
    Enhanced Skald Song: Gives all allies +4 to hit, +4 to damage, -4 to AC, +2 to all saving throws, +5% magic resistance, and grants them immunity to Fear, Stun, Confusion and normal weapons. While singing the Enhanced Skald Song, the Skald himself gains an extra bonus of -6 to AC and +5% magic resistance.

    Lingering Song (Enhanced Song pre-requested): Effects of all Blade songs last for 2 extra rounds. Can be learned by all bard kits.

    This component also modifies the problem that Enhanced songs (except the Jester) only works for the 6 teammates. Enhanced songs (except the Jester) now work for all friendly creatures within twice of the visual range, while the effective range of normal songs is also increased to the visual range (50').
    Most of the different battle songs can be effective at the same time, but when a Bard, Blade and Skald play Enhanced songs at the same time, only one of them will play a role, with the priority of Skald > Bard > Blade.
    According to the original settings of bards in EE games, Battle Songs do not work on deaf creatures (except The Song of Kaudies, which relieves teammates' deafness); and the bards are forced to be visible while singing, but extra bonuses of Improved Invisibility can be retained.

    [Custom AI]

    The Custom AI provides the ability to make brief attacks between playing intervals and maintain the presence of battle songs, but only for bards fixed by this MOD.
    Select Customize > Script > BI#BARD in the character's Record interface.

    Press "V" to switch in three Attackive Modes: Sing songs without attack actions / More singing than attack actions, try to keep songs effective / More attack actions than singing, with songs occasionnally expire.

    Press "F" to force a bard to sing and attack when invisible. As a bards will be visible when he starts singing, this AI tells him to do nothing when invisible, unless "F" is pressed to give a command.
    This command ends with your invisibility, and "F" should be pressed again next time.

    Press "B" to cast a memorized protective spell, in the order of Stone Skin, Spirit Armor / Ghost Armor / Armor, Shield, Blur, Protection from Evil, Improved Invisibility (remember to press "F" to active an invisible bard) and Mirror Image.
    You can press it multiple times to add all BUFFs. Existing spells will not be repeated.

    Press "S" to switch Lingering Mode and Normal Mode. The character will greatly increase the attack chance and reduce time of singing in the Lingering Mode.
    If your bard has acquired an High-Level Ability of Lingering Song, he will automatically enter the Lingering Mode and will not switch back.
    If your bard gets the ability of Lingering Song by means other than High-Level Ability (such as the Bard Hat in Siege Of Dragonspear), you need to switch to Lingering Mode manually because the game engine does not provide a way to check those means.
    Please remember to switch back to Normal Mode manually if your bard lose ability of Lingering Song (such as taking off the Bard Hat).

[The Chorus]

    With this component installed, all songs can be played by multiple bards (or their magical illusions) at the same time to gain extra bonus.
    You need to click the "Lead a chorus" skill button of one of the bards to specify the leader of chorus.
    When the other bards join the chorus and play the same song with the designated leader, they will get extra bonus.
    If the other bards join the chorus but play different songs with the designated leader, their songs will temporarily become the same with the designated leader and get extra bonus in the next round. They're not necessary to have learned the song that the leader is singing.
    If there is no designated leader of chorus, there will be no chorus effect.
    Each time you assign a new leader of chorus, the other bards stop leading chorus.
    In addition, the lead singer must be one of the 6 team members. Clicking the "Lead a chorus" skill button of other creatures (such as magic illusions) takes not work. In this case, effects of his song can coexist with others but without a chorus bonus.
    All bards agree to join the chorus by default. Clicking the "Drop out of the chorus" skill button ensures that a bard's song does not change with the leader of chorus. Effects of his song will coexist with other songs, but will not contribute to a chorus bonus. By clicking "Join the chorus" he can join the chorus again.
    The bonus effect of the chorus lasts only one round, and the duration cannot be increased even by Lingering Song.
    Bards with Kits from other MODs also join the chorus probably, but they can't lead or drop out of the chorus.

    The more bards in the chorus, the stronger the effects of the battle song. When the amount of chorists reaches 2/ 3/ 4~5/ 6/ 7~9/ 10, the extra effects are improved to different levels, which can be identified by red / yellow / green / green / blue / purple glow on chorists.
    The details are as follows:

        The Tale of Curran Strongheart, which gains immunities to Charm/ Confusion/ Hold and Slow/ Feeblemindedness and Unconscious/ Berserk, Fatigue and Stun/ Maze and Imprisonment at the 6 levels.
        The Song of Kaudies, which forces enemies around to make save vs. breath with a penalty of -1/ -2/ -3/ -4/ -5/ -6, to avoid deafness and bleeding (1 damage per second) for 1 round.
        The Siren's Yearning and the Jester songs, gain an entra chance each round to take effect, which forces enemies to save with a penalty of -1/ -2/ -3/ -4/ -5/ -6.
        For all other battle songs that provide bonus values, the bonus values are improved to 1.5/ 2/ 2.5/ 3/ 3.5/ 4 times as the original songs. (To avoid touching the lower limit of AC, Chorus of Enhanced Songs afford bonus AC vs. crushing, missile, piercing and slashing instead of normal AC)
        Extra bounses of Enhanced Songs for bards themselves, e.g. -6 to AC and +5% magic resistance, are not improved in the chorus.

[Allow Image Projections to Perform Bard Songs]

    In the enhanced edition games, image projections made by Mislead can no longer perform bard songs. This component changes it back to the old settings so that the image projections can sing and join the chorus.

***** History *****

    V4.1    Kit descriptions of all bards will also be modified to show all of the adjustments (including instructions for the Chorus and Custom AI).
    The Custom AI and the Kit Adjustment are combined into one component.

    V4.0    No longer supports no-EE games.
    New component of The Chorus, with which a battle song can be enhanced by multiple bards performing at the same time. A leader of chorus should be designated first.
    According to the original settings of bards in EE games, Battle Songs do not work on deaf creatures (except The Song of Kaudies); and the bards are forced to be visible while singing.
    Tymora's Melody can be learned before The Song of Kaudies, the same as Icewind Dale.
    Changed the settings that Enhanced Bard Songs only work on 6 teammates, they work on all friendly creatures around now.
    For lingering Enhanced Songs, extra bounses for bards themselves alse last for 2 extra rounds now.
    A custom AI for bards in this MOD only.
    Better compatibility.

    V3.1    Better compatibility. All Bard HLA revisions of other MODs will remain only if this MOD is installed after all of them. And no more error messages will appear no matter how names of HLA tabs are altered by such MODs.

    V3.0    Supports BG EE series.
    If Rogue ReBalancing Pack is already installed, its Bard HLA revisions will remain.
    Jester gain the same extra bonus as others while singing Enhanced Bard Song.
    Enhanced Blade Song is weakened.

    V2.2    Fixed the icon of the Song of Kaudies.
    Fixed the problem that Ctrl+R invalids fixed Bard Songs.
    Fixed the bug that leaving team (and then join again) makes Lingering Songs nolonger take effect.

    V2.1    The bug that lingering Songs lose their effects if a bard sings when Cromwell forges an item, is fixed.

    V2.0    Bard Songs can be switched without an extra action, therefore an extra round is no longer required. You'll feel much freely in making choice from songs during the battle.

    V1.5    Extended to level 50.
    Different icons appear when different songs take effect: Blessed - The Ballad of Three Heroes; Resist Fear - The Tale of Curran Strongheart; Vocalize - The Song of Kaudies; Good luck - Tymora's Melody; Mental Combat - The Siren's Yearning; Regenerating - The WarChant of Sith.
    Lingering Songs now take effect with a new method, by which they can really last for 2 extra rounds after the bard stops his song.

    V1.4    Some adjustments for BGT: New songs added, now bards may learn all songs from IWD, and their skill learning processes are changed. No longer supports single SOA.
    Jesters are forced to be VISIBLE when singing. The Song of Kaudies no longer gives immunity to stun, but gains immunity to all power words.
    The high-level-skill lingering SONG is added. And a little adjustments of Enhanced songs are made. New skill icons are added.

    v1.3    Added an Traditional Chinese Version, and fixed the disappearance of The Ballad of Three Heroes.

    V1.2    An English Version was added.
    The Song of Kaudies now gives immunity to Commands of clerics and War Cry of fighters.
    Some literal bugs were fixed.
    Kit descriptions of bards were changed, but you can restore them by choosing Component 4 (when uninstalling).

    V1.1    The Song of Kaudies now gives immunity to Wail of Banshees and Wail of Demilich.

    V1.0    All kits were changed. No more Lingering Songs. Effect of same songs can't be added.

    V0.2    The bug of selecting Enhanced song is fixed.
    Choices of Lingering Songs and adding up of the same song were available.

    V0.1    A first attempt.

Edited by shohy, 15 February 2024 - 06:08 PM.

#2 Kellen


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Posted 16 March 2009 - 07:48 AM

:wub: :wub: :wub:

I've been waiting on this mod since I played IWD. Don't worry BG. I'm coming!

(Any chance you'll be bringing in some of the other classes cool stuff, ala Ranger Tracking?)
"She could resist temptation. Really she could. Sometimes. At least when it wasn't tempting." - Calli Slythistle
"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood

we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan

#3 Konalan


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Posted 17 March 2009 - 09:42 AM

Yes! I may actually play a bard in BG2 now. Thank you Shohy! :Bow:

(Any chance you'll be bringing in some of the other classes cool stuff, ala Ranger Tracking?)

I was planning on adding the paladins missing abilities (disease immunity, smite evil, remove disease) but I've been sidetracked by a recent tutu game.
A compilation of my BG2 mods:
Konalan's Tweaks

#4 Chevalier


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Posted 24 April 2009 - 05:02 AM

Hello Shohy,

I am having a problem installing along with a BiG World Project.

Here is the:Attached File  SETUP_BARDSONG_BG2_IWD.DEBUG   88.08K   841 downloads

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#5 shohy

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Posted 04 June 2009 - 04:47 PM

Hello Shohy,

I am having a problem installing along with a BiG World Project.

Here is the:Attached File  SETUP_BARDSONG_BG2_IWD.DEBUG   88.08K   841 downloads

Sorry I'am not here for a long time.
You've chosen the Bard Song Switching Patch for TOB with Rogue ReBalancing Pack (No Lingering Songs), which requires Rogue ReBalancing Pack to be installed first. Is this the cause of such error?

#6 Leomar

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Posted 05 June 2009 - 06:08 PM

Hello Shohy,

I am having a problem installing along with a BiG World Project.

Here is the:Attached File  SETUP_BARDSONG_BG2_IWD.DEBUG   88.08K   841 downloads

Sorry I'am not here for a long time.
You've chosen the Bard Song Switching Patch for TOB with Rogue ReBalancing Pack (No Lingering Songs), which requires Rogue ReBalancing Pack to be installed first. Is this the cause of such error?

No, Chevalier has RR installed before your mod and I can't tell you, why he has this problem, but I can tell you that your mod works. Leonardo has installed it with the same component in the BWP after aTweaks and all ist fine.

Greetings Leomar
A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#7 shohy

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Posted 06 June 2009 - 05:59 PM

ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "BardSong_BG2_IWD/apack/2da/LUBA0.2DA")
It looks like a directory error that the LUBA0.2DA cannot be found in such folder.

#8 Leomar

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Posted 18 November 2009 - 10:39 PM

ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "BardSong_BG2_IWD/apack/2da/LUBA0.2DA")
It looks like a directory error that the LUBA0.2DA cannot be found in such folder.

That is correct. The - must be changed with the + in the SETUP-BardSong_BG2_IWD.tp2:

--- SETUP-BardSong_BG2_IWD.tp2	Wed May 02 16:35:36 2007
+++ C:\BWP Patchstudio\patched files\SETUP-BardSong_BG2_IWD.tp2	Thu May 21 22:47:31 2009
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
 BEGIN @15  //ÎÞÓàÒôçÔÈƼ¼ÄÜ£¬Ïàͬս¸è²»¿Éµþ¼Ó£¬ÊÊÓÃÓÚµÁÔôƽºâ²¹¶¡
+REQUIRE_FILE ~override/RR#BHL01.SPL~ @37
 STRING_SET ~9562~ @40   // Bard
 STRING_SET ~25217~ @41  // Blade
@@ -241,10 +241,10 @@
-COPY	~BardSong_BG2_IWD/apack/2da/LUBA0.2DA~		 ~override/LUBA0.2DA~
-COPY	~BardSong_BG2_IWD/apack/2da/LUBA2.2DA~		 ~override/LUBA2.2DA~
-COPY	~BardSong_BG2_IWD/apack/2da/LUBA3.2DA~		 ~override/LUBA3.2DA~
-COPY	~BardSong_BG2_IWD/apack/2da/LUBA4.2DA~		 ~override/LUBA4.2DA~
+COPY	~BardSong_BG2_IWD/apack/LUBA0.2DA~		 ~override/LUBA0.2DA~
+COPY	~BardSong_BG2_IWD/apack/LUBA2.2DA~		 ~override/LUBA2.2DA~
+COPY	~BardSong_BG2_IWD/apack/LUBA3.2DA~		 ~override/LUBA3.2DA~
+COPY	~BardSong_BG2_IWD/apack/LUBA4.2DA~		 ~override/LUBA4.2DA~
Greetings Leomar
A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#9 shohy

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Posted 07 December 2009 - 11:24 PM

That is correct. The - must be changed with the + in the SETUP-BardSong_BG2_IWD.tp2:
Greetings Leomar

Thank you for pointing out that my MOD no longer supports the Rogue ReBalancing Pack after its update.
Now in version 1.4 the problem is fixed, and some other changes are given:
All songs in IWD and the Lingered Songs are added, and some adjustments for BGT are given. Enjoy it!

Edited by shohy, 26 December 2009 - 10:56 PM.

#10 Chevalier


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Posted 08 December 2009 - 12:04 AM

Thanks for updating you mod!

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#11 salomonkane

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Posted 25 December 2009 - 11:29 AM

Quo Vadis ?

#12 salomonkane

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 01:39 PM

Hello, Thank You for the great Mod one More Time ^_^

I'm playing now in Classic Adventure Total Conversion Mod

And I've add bard-sound switch to my weidu-install, RR compatible, in .

But I've two questions/problems

1) when i 'm playing a custom song with my bard ( true class and blade, those have now a new switch),avatar incanted but a spell have not graphics effects, and the slot don't be enregistred the action, it's stay with the same value, Why?

2) I really will play a scald bard with a new switch-song, do you can ad this for him ? Or can i change this by my-self, and how to proceed ?

Greetings :D & Thank You For The Answers .

Edited by salomonkane, 30 December 2009 - 04:04 PM.

Quo Vadis ?

#13 shohy

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 11:37 PM

Hello, Thank You for the great Mod one More Time ^_^

I'm playing now in Classic Adventure Total Conversion Mod

And I've add bard-sound switch to my weidu-install, RR compatible, in .

But I've two questions/problems

1) when i 'm playing a custom song with my bard ( true class and blade, those have now a new switch),avatar incanted but a spell have not graphics effects, and the slot don't be enregistred the action, it's stay with the same value, Why?

2) I really will play a scald bard with a new switch-song, do you can ad this for him ? Or can i change this by my-self, and how to proceed ?

Greetings :D & Thank You For The Answers .

i apology for not being able to fully understand your requests because I am foreign to English. i don't know whether my understanding toward your questions is correct:
1) the icon on character's avatar never changes no matter how a bard changes his song.
2) you want a Skald with song switching ability like a standard bard instead of what the mod now offers.

to the first question, as i know the icons in BG2 are changeless so that i can not give new icons for different songs. it's a question that one may not know which song he is singing. i'm looking forward to solve this problem.
to the second question, my MOD works like this: the switching skill changes effect of bard song, and while being chosen, the skill removes itself from the character, and give a same new skill at the same time, which makes it has an unlimited amount.

if i caught the wrong meaning, can you please rewrite it in French if that is your first language? I have a friend who knows a little French.

#14 salomonkane

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Posted 01 January 2010 - 01:37 AM

Hello & Happy New Year ! :cheers:

Edit :
1) the icon on character's avatar never changes no matter how a bard changes his song - RIGHT ;
And You : looking forward to solve this problem; Cool !

2) It's stay with the same value : - RIGHT ;
It has an unlimited amount; O.K !

3) I really will play a scald bard with a new switch-song &
[I] want a Skald with song switching ability like a standard bard instead of what the mod now offers: - RIGHT ;

-a) Yes, Please, It's a pity what we don't have for the jasper and scald a new switch, for the beauty of the gameplay, and to enjoy more your work with this kits,
-b) Maybe do you can find a solution compatible with RPG rules, to addict a aficionados and not aficionados (like me) paper rules ... (*)

4) When the switch mode it's be done or actived , must I see/heard : Special Effect : like a graphic effect (**) or a special sound (***)?

THX :lol:

P.S. : (*) May be something in this Topic about a scald song can be help us :
http://www.shsforums...topic=42472</a> & here http://www.wizards.c...nd/ei/20030803a
(**) I like a lot this speels effect from T O E E : http://www.gamekult....s/ME0000366525/ or http://www.gamekult....s/ME0000366521/
(***): For example :Attached File  astro5r.wav   323.08K   694 downloads ,or Attached File  astro5q.wav   146.49K   648 downloads (from Modified Icewind Dale 2 Italian Soundsets adapted for BG2 by Pazzoberserk)

An a lot of very good speels for the Song Bard (oriented fighter) could befind here : http://www.shsforums...showtopic=41862 , (KitList_2.pdf (1.06MB) In Bard Kit Section) .

Gets Harp of Horror at level 8 (Scares the enemies)
Gets Harp of Ally at level 12 (Improves the fighting skills of the party)
Gets Harp of Defense at level 15 (Improves the defensive skills of the party)
Gets Harp of Domination at level 20 (Dominates the enemies)
Gets Harp of Offense at level 23 (Damages one target)

Song of Horror
Song of Grief ( Confusion )
Song of Awakening ( Animate Dead )

Scarlet Rush (This song grants a slight blood rush and all
companions gain 1 extra attack per round as he sings the song)

And classics Speels :

barbarian rage

summoned barbarian (or Deity, or something else)

speed boost

-It's can very nice to be according too : to use item/song-name with Nordic Litteracy : Vahllala, Ragnarök etc ... ,like In Icewind Dale ...

Edited by salomonkane, 03 January 2010 - 08:38 AM.

Quo Vadis ?

#15 LoneRogue

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Posted 07 January 2010 - 09:24 AM

Hey shohy,

Do you still have copies of Bard Song Switching prior to v1.3 that I could download from somewhere?

NOTE: For archival purposes only. ;)

Thank you,
"I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing..."

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#16 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 07 January 2010 - 01:22 PM

Do you still have copies of Bard Song Switching prior to v1.3 that I could download from somewhere?
NOTE: For archival purposes only. ;)

Well, I do, I just uploaded it into here... :Bow: Your archiveness.

By the way, the original download link, has 'archived' versions that can also be downloaded, at the bottom of the page.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 07 January 2010 - 02:39 PM.

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.

#17 salomonkane

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Posted 27 May 2010 - 06:42 AM

Hello shohy new update underway ?

By the way, I can add this little sound, my favorite, about a bard song :

- Attached File  astro5p.wav   960.02K   671 downloads ( In the pure Troubadour tradition ) (perfect for the effect : XXXXXXXp.wav : In Dungeon )

(Thank you again to the original Sound-Designer, the original Uploader : Pazzoberserk and to Spellhold Studios for having with this superb new interface increase the upload file size )

Enjoy ! ... :whistling:

P.S. : If someone could tell me who made this music , I would be very grateful :lol: (*)

[DONE](*) : It's "Song Of Faerun" from Pool of Radiance,

Edited by salomonkane, 31 October 2011 - 09:39 AM.

Quo Vadis ?

#18 10th

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Posted 20 July 2010 - 01:30 PM

At the moment Bard Song Switching is incompatible with RR Bard Kit Revisions and all the various level 50 rule-sets.

RR Bard Kit Revisions
By overwriting with modified clab*.2das it doesn't take into account the modifications RR made, especially those of the blade. They lose their pick pocket penalty, their weapon display ability and their 2-weapon fighting mastery.

level 50 rule-sets.
By overwriting with those clab*.2das these clab*s only go up to level 40 instead of 50.

Avast! You cannot defeat our titan-mounted submarine staffed by cannibal vikings! - Nodwick

"I grab his deceased spirit and piledrive it back into his body, duplicating raise dead." - Psyren Oots board

#19 shohy

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Posted 17 September 2010 - 10:46 PM

V1.5 released. Extended to level 50.
Different icons appear when different songs take effect. I didn't choose special sounds to distinguish between songs because the sounds will be repeated per 6 seconds and it's difficult to give them some varieties, and I'm afraid it would be boring to be always listening to a same sound.
Lingering Songs now take effect with the help of scripts. In this version they can really last for 2 extra rounds after the bard stops his song. There's only a little extension in Global script, and I think it may not result in slowing game process.

Edited by shohy, 17 September 2010 - 10:47 PM.

#20 salomonkane

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Posted 25 September 2010 - 06:51 AM

V1.5 released. Extended to level 50.

Different icons appear when different songs take effect.

I just tried it, it's great, thank you Shohy :) ...
Quo Vadis ?