This MOD is suitable for BG2, BGT and EE series. It is a selection of equipments from Diablo 2, including some famous items or those with some features.
Jamella_d2item v2.0.7z 5.7MB
Players can choose the location of Jamella from the Werewolf Isle (BG1), the Boareskyr Bridge (SOD), the ship leaving spellhold (SOA), and the Marching Mountains (TOB). Players have only one chance to trade with her by losting all the money and then to buy a few items with limited funds (prices modification of charisma and reputation is valid).
This Item Store can interact with Diablo2 Kits MOD, and is recommended to be installed after all Diablo2 Kits.
If Diablo2 Kits are installed after this Item Store, there is still a chance (only once) for activing the interaction by installing the component [Attain ability of recognizing Diablo2 Kits for Jamella] of this MOD. Such component is often skipped in other cases.
The interactive content is as follows:
The more teammates choose Diablo2 Kits, the more funds you have for buying equipments in her store.
For Diablo2 Kits, the Sorcerer has chance to choose a powerful weapon for his mercenary, and the the Necromancer can also summon a Iron Golem with weapon, which occupy their bouns for buying.
Note: Multiple teammate with a same kit is not supported in Diablo2 Kits MOD, as well as this MOD.
----------KNOWN BUGS----------
Some equipments are already on the list, but cannot be bought from Jamella's store. In the next version, encounters or some other forms will be arranged as a method to get such items.
Equipments that have some properties to grow up with the character level, may need to be re-equipped after level up for the enhancemet to take effect.
Some of the spell effects on equipments may not work when the number of summoned creatures reaches the game limit.
Items that are immune to changes in certain element resistance are immune to both increasing and decreasing in such resistance. It is recommended to enhance element resistance with other methods before picking up the item.
----------A General View Of Items ----------
Dagger: Blackbog's Sharp, Wizardspike, Fleshripper, Ghostflame;
Scimitar: Coldsteal Eye, Blade Of Ali Baba;
Short Sword: Bloodletter;
Long Sword: Lightsabre, Azurewrath;
Bastard Sword: The Vile Husk, Doombringer;
Two Handed Sword: The Grandfather;
Axe: Butcher's Pupil, Death Cleaver, Lacerator, The Minotaur, Executioner's Justice;
Spear: Kelpie Snare, Hone Sundan, Arioc's Needle, Steel Pillar;
Halberd: Woestave, Bonehew, The Reaper's Toll, Tomb Reaver, Stormspire;
Morningstar: Baranar's Star;
Flail: Stormlash;
Mace: Heaven's Light, Astreon's Iron Ward;
War Hammer: Stone Crusher, Schaefer's Hammer, Windhammer, The Cranium Basher;
Club: Demon Limb;
Staff: Ribcracker, Ondal's Wisdom, Mang Song's Lesson;
1-Handed Staff: The Oculus, Eschuta's Temper, Death's Fathom, Arm of King Leoric, Death's Web;
Short Bow: Witchwild String, Blood Raven's Charge, Widowmaker;
Long Bow: Raven Claw, Lycander's Aim, Goldstrike Arch, Windforce;
Crossbow: Buriza-Do Kyanon, Demon Machine, Hellrack;
Dart: Warshrike;
Javelin: Titan's Revenge, Gargoyle's Bite;
Mage Robe: Ormus' Robes;
Leather Armor: Skin of the Vipermagi, The Gladiator's Bane;
Chain Mail: Shaftstop, Skullder's Ire, Arkaine's Valor;
Plate Mail: Duriel's Shell, Guardian Angel, Leviathan, Tyrael's Might;
Dagger/Bracers: Bartuc's Cut-Throat, Shadow Killer;
Gauntlets: Chance Guards, Magefist, Frostburn, Lava Gout, Dracul's Grasp, Soul Drainer, Steelrend;
Belt: Goldwrap, String of Ears, Razortail, Thundergod's Vigor, Arachnid Mesh, Nosferatu's Coil, Verdungo's Hearty Cord;
Boots: Waterwalk, Silkweave, War Traveler, Gore Rider, Sandstorm Trek, Marrowwalk, Shadow Dancer;
Helm: Blackhorn's Face, Valkyrie Wing, Vampire Gaze, Harlequin Crest, Nightwing's Veil, Andariel's Visage, Crown of Ages, Giant Skull, Jalal's Mane, Ravenlore, Arreat's Face, Wolfhowl;
Circlet: Kira's Guardian, Griffon's Eye;
Shield: Lidless Wall, Blackoak Shield, Stormshield, Herald Of Zakarum, Alma Negra, Homunculus, Darkforce Spawn;
Amulet: The Cat's Eye, Atma's Scarab, The Rising Sun, Highlord's Wrath, Mara's Kaleidoscope, Seraph's Hymn, Metalgrid;
Ring: Constricting Ring, Stone of Jordan, Dwarf Star, Raven Frost, Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band, Nature's Peace, Wisp Projector;
Charm (occupies the position of cloak): Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, Gheed's Fortune;
Rune Word Items: Heart Of The Oak, Plague, Call To Arms, Kingslayer, Grief, Oath, Death, Unbending Will, Last Wish, Beast, Breath of the Dying, Crescent Moon, Lawbringer, Doom, Insight, Infinity, Obedience, Pride, Ice, Faith, Mist, Obsession, Dream, Delirium, Spirit, Dragon, Phoenix, Sanctuary, Exile, Enigma, Chains of Honor, Fortitude, Bramble, Duress, Stone, Chaos;
As Set Items may cause lags, no full set is made in this MOD, yet some parts of the Sets can be obtained with a fast operation in game.
----------Item Properties Adjustment----------
Some item properties in Diablo2 are unfit for BG2. They're adjusted as follows:
Better Chance of Getting Magic Items -> Luck
Faster Hit Recovery, Faster Block Recovery, etc -> Magic Resistance but only half the value
+ All Skills -> + All Saves
+ Mana / Energy -> Extra spells for memorize
Regenerate Mana -> Recall casted spell after some time
Slain Monsters Rest In Peace -> Destroy undead
Prevent Monster Heal -> Prohibit enemy from cure and life regeneration for 4 rounds
Open Wounds -> 1 Piercing damage in 1 round for 4 rounds, and also prohibit enemy from cure and life regeneration
Crushing Blow -> Deals damge of 25% current HP
Ignore Target's Defense / - Target Defense -> Additional bonus for THAC0
Cannot Be Frozen -> Free action
Mana Stolen -> Chance To Recall All Spells And Skills
Maximum Element Resist -> Immune to changes in certain element resistance
----------VERSION HISTORY----------
V2.0 Interact with Diablo2 Kits MOD, and all spell effects are exactly made the same to that MOD.
Players can make choice from some available locations for Jamella to appear, but she only appears once.
Jamella now opens a store for free trading, but your funds is limited.
Added dozens of items.
Optimizations by the new functions of enhanced edition.
All equipments have their original icons in Diablo2.
A lot of detail changes and balance adjustments.
Necromancer items (Death's Web, Homunculus and Trang-Oul's Claws) now useable only by Clerics.
Barbarian items (Arreat's Face, Wolfhowl and Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian) now useable only by Fighters.
Items that recalls spell on struck can recall wizard and priest spells.
Fade spell of Lastwish now makes character blur.
Adjustments of some filenames.
Auras adjusted. If there is an aura on items from Jamella's Store, and the same aura casted by character from "Diablo2 Kit Pack - The Paladin" exists at the same place, only the aura casted by Paladin works.
Fixed items with THAC0 and damage bonus to undead and demon.
Aldur's Advance can be used by Single-Class Druid Only.
Fixed the setup error of Traditional Chinese Version.
All auras take effect only in battles.
Edited by shohy, 26 March 2023 - 05:43 AM.