Hai! So I'm new to SHP but I wanted to first say these forums are awesomeness.
Alright down to da business. I've been trolling forums and websites and for the life of me I cannot find where to get this fantablious armor.
I dunno, I have an archer character and she just doesnt feel right, needs some sexy gear. If anyone can tell me where to get it I would appreciate it very much.
Here's a linky to a few screen shots of it, from the Rogue Sun gallery.
Thank you,
*Sorry if this has been asked before, like I said, new to these forums so forgive my newbness.*

Ranger Armor - Where is this from?
Started by Dollparts, Mar 03 2009 11:25 PM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 03 March 2009 - 11:25 PM
Posted 05 March 2009 - 10:07 AM
As only playing Oblivion twice I must confess I have not the slightest clue!
However, welcome to the forums!
Tea is thursday nights.
Sundays is Table Tennis.
Enjoy your stay!
However, welcome to the forums!
Tea is thursday nights.
Sundays is Table Tennis.
Enjoy your stay!
Posted 06 March 2009 - 08:51 PM
So, no one knows? Or no one wants to say? ;D lol