I first played D&D in the early 80's with my brother and a few friends. i was in 2nd grade, he was in 8th grade, but we both really got into it. we started out on basic, moved on to advanced, but never went to the newer versions. To be honest we also never played many of the modules, mostly sticking to our own adventures and campaigns. Probably because it cost moeny to buy the modules and we prefered spending that cash on the books to expand the game world itself instead.
The only module i conciously remember us playing was the keep on the borderlands. But even so playing these classic adventures is great, and it's amazing how much you've already accomplished, totally transforming bg2, highly impressive!
I love the npc's you've developed so far and the dialogue so far. If i had any knowledge of modding i'd offer to help with that. But my skills lie more in writing fiction. i suppose if it's needed i can lend a hand with spellchecking/proofreading of dialogue, possibly even helping write some if desired, though i know these are other people's characters and writing for someone else's creation is always a touchy thing.
I posted a long bug post, hopefully some of it is helpful, and if i can be helpful in other ways, let me know. Once again, amazing work by everyone on this mod, thanks for all the hard work!
truly amazing work on this guys!
Started by agnar, Mar 03 2009 09:44 AM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 03 March 2009 - 09:44 AM
Posted 03 March 2009 - 05:19 PM
Thank you, we really need a coder but I am sure I might add a writer or two if I can find people who are dedicated to write certain NPC's in the near future.
Longing for the old pen and paper modules of the 70's and 80's. Experience AD&D's greatest adventures using the infinity engine: Visit our homepage at http://classicadventuresmod.com/
Posted 04 March 2009 - 01:28 AM
Thank you, we really need a coder but I am sure I might add a writer or two if I can find people who are dedicated to write certain NPC's in the near future.
Understandable, i imagine the coding can become incredibly painstaking. i wish i knew how to code this stuff, it might push me to do some modding myself. i really need to sit down and try to teach myself how i suppose. i used to program in a few older pc languages way back and i do a bit of html, so i guess i can learn. Just need to peek around for the tutorial type stuff on coding i suppose and find the time to learn it.
Posted 08 March 2009 - 03:07 PM
I also want to thank all the creators of CA of their excellent work, this is without a doubt the best BG 2 related project that I know. I have faced some minor bugs while playing the 0.48 version (such as quest related persons appearing busy for no reason), but the overall experience has been very rewarding. Good luck for taking this project even further!