Hi there.
1. Ubuntu started as a fork of debian, just like knoppix, kanotix, sidux and all the others.
2. Is this a screenshot of synaptic? I'd just use apt-get and apt-cache, that's raw power.
This reminds me that ubuntu is based upon deb-package management and it has standards - like a certain format, information, documents, a structure. Mostly all mods today do not have that in common.
3. The screenshot shows a little problem that we have:
There's no world-wide public rating for mods. (Well there are some basic wikis, but they are not big, are not broken down to point/popularity, whatever.
4. I thought I would be able to release the tool a few days ago, but that did not happen. Maybe you will have to wait for a few more days, since I'm thinking about a new gui that looks more like a standard-installer.
In fact, I did write an introduction to my tool two weeks ago, but we had to discuss a thing or two, so I laid back and did nothing - which is cool sometimes.
Well, to sum it up, I'm not sure if I should write about unreleased software or just post the introduction.
It's written in AutoIt3, it's open source, shipped with wget and 7zip.
You can select the mods you want, it has predefined package-selections, dependencies and conflict-management, checks for your installation, shows you the mods descriptions...
It downloads the files, checks for these files, does the extraction, checks again and starts a slightly edited version of Leonardos batch-file (it just sets the
bg1-checks and the directory for setup-
I started this thing when Leonardos batch was looking straightforward. No variables, versions, different possibilities. Now it has all these things, and I am thinking what to do about that and a way to select the components of all mods from a gui.
Since they differ from version to version, Leomar and myself were searching for ways to get these informations out of the pdf-guide and paste them into my tool.
Now I need to thinker some more and wait until a good idea hatches.