Since first issue of bg2 there were some problems concerning shapeshifting:
1) Shapeshifter form that didn't get stardard AD&D statistics
2) Dispel Magick bug
Weimer answer - shapeshifter rebalancing
-fixed statistics
-fixed dispel bug
-manual method of shapeshifting
-infinite shapeshifting
-spellcasting while in werewolf form
It was good, but the way of transforming was inapropriate, so shapeshifting wasn't fun anymore.
Refinements - shapeshifting fix
-fixed statistics
-fixed dispel bug
-shapeshifting takes more time and stuns your character
-jerky animations ( sorry guys but it's true, when spl is cast every round animation of g.werewolf is weird)
Better, but still not good ( irritating stun and animations )
-fixed statistics
-fixed dispel bug
-option for spellcasting while changed*
-normal shapeshifting - by clicking icon with innate abilities
-right ammount of shifts
-instant shapeshifting
-correct animations
Disadvantages: ( you've been waiting for that huh ?

-while in werewolf form immune to dispel magic**
-others that i'm not aware of
-*option for spellcasting - in future versions of mod I would like to add a HLA that gives you such ability
(exacly like you did with Feral Spirit ), and I know that would be a great boost to shapeshifter, but when 40 lvl standard druid faces 40 lvl sorcerer who will win ? Moreover - according to DND 3rd edition ( only one i've played ) druid could do that I think. What i'm 100 % sure is that there were some metamagic feats for mage that he could cast spells without words or gestures.
-**immunity to dispelling - this is hardcoded bug so IMHO this only right way to fix this, moreover:
1) very few of AI enemies are using it, and when sb want get buffed and then shapes info werewolf there are plenty of other that break them ( I would give you names, but I have polish version of the game )
2) it was mainly a bug because some of people dispelled claws giving some good weapon for shifter
To do in future version:
-get right werewolves statistics ( since it's only beta, and I wanted to share it with you, to show you how actually the script works )
-apply changes to shapeshifter kit
-getting a new HLA
-getting a new additional shift form ( for powergamer purposes only like Tactics or Improved Anvil )
PS:It's my first mod so be tolerant, I've installed DLTCEP few days ago

PS2:It was home made only for my purposes, but was suprised while watching this thing really works fine!
PS3:Please read README ( installation is rather manual than automatic )
PS4:Waiting for feedback and criticism

PS5:Sorry for mistakes in english.
PS6:This installation won't damage your original game so feel free to download and install
Attached Files
Edited by No1, 22 February 2009 - 10:45 AM.