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dialogue loop

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#1 agnar

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 12:35 AM

I did try a search but found nothing so I wanted to mention this in case it's an unreported bug.

I do have a good few mods installed other than the mazzy friendship mod, but I thought it most likely from this mod interacting with Keldorn.

Once before I played through with Keldron and Mazzy in my group, with the mazzy friendship installed. Upon entering the radiant heart building mazzy does her banter about wishing she could be a paladin and being in the building upsets her, and Keldorn puts in his 2 cents also. But then it repeats, and she keeps it up until i change the variable for that banter. I usually play with the mazzy friendship installed, and have run through many games with mazzy in the group and the friendship, and the only time I see this bug in this banter is when keldorn is also in the group and we enter the radiant heart.

I can post a list of the common mods I had from both installs when I had this issue if you want, let me know. But I think the only common mods were the fairly normal stuff, banter packs, tweak packs, flirt packs...

That would be the I#MAZZYRADIANTHEART variable, i think thats what i did both times, set it to 3.

Edited by agnar, 10 February 2009 - 12:42 AM.

#2 Kaeloree


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Posted 10 February 2009 - 01:29 AM

Thanks, agnar, I'll fix it ASAP--I'd love to hear your thoughts on the friendship once you've finished the game! :cheers: The problem was that the variable wasn't being set. Fixed now--will release the next version when I'm done with the next version of Xulaye. :)

Edited by K'aeloree, 10 February 2009 - 02:58 AM.
Added cause.

#3 Cal Jones

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 11:56 PM

I've taken Mazzy through SoA with the friendship but lost interest at the start of ToB (not Mazzy's fault - I was trying out Solaufein and to be honest he didn't interest me enough to make me want to drag myself through Watcher's Keep yet another time).
Anyway I have a newer game with the Mazzy and Yoshimo friendships and Hubelpot so I expect I will finish this one.
What I've seen of Mazzy's friendship so far has been good.

#4 agnar

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Posted 17 February 2009 - 12:40 PM

Thanks, agnar, I'll fix it ASAP--I'd love to hear your thoughts on the friendship once you've finished the game! :cheers: The problem was that the variable wasn't being set. Fixed now--will release the next version when I'm done with the next version of Xulaye. :)

Hi, I like the mod very much, good, interesting banters that fill in the character well. One thing i've noticed, and it's not just with the mazzy friendship, it seems a common issue with mods. i often get banters at odd or inconvenient times. Maybe i move through the game too fast these days. But sometimes mazzy's talk about having the trademeet statue and the hero of trademeet happen before i leave trademeet, other times it seems to happen many days later for no apparent reason. i didn't know if any of her banters are tied to areas (outside the obvious underdark, bodhi's lair and brynnlaw ones). But it can be quite amusing when i'm carefully moving my party across the amaunator floor in the proper letters to have mazzy just run across the supposedly trapped letters and start a chat about losing companions or something similar. And she never gets hit by the trap. Perhaps she's too light to set it off. *grin*

But then i suppose the banter accelerators and so on are partly to blame for probably all the mods odd timings. It's always fun to exit a "no-banter" zone of some dungeon or other and suddenly each party member has 12 things to say... :cheers:

Why just yesterday i had the fun experience of com's encounters causing a drow party to appear seeking revenge in the graveyard district at the same time as bodhi kidnapped nalia (thanks to dearnise romance mod) and fighting off those vamps. i tried to get the drow to appear elsewhere, sleeping and hanging out in various other spots outside of town, but they only wanted to attack in the graveyard. Struck me as funny a whole troop of drow wandering into the graveyard district like that unnoticed. :whistling:

But as to the mazzy friendship, it's well written and well done. i have always felt the game was missing such interactions. it seems odd that folks traveling together so much have so little to say unless they're falling in love. So thanks for the hard work!

#5 Cal Jones

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Posted 17 February 2009 - 11:14 PM

I'm not using the banter accelerators and seem to get them at the right time, so that probably is the case.

#6 agnar

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Posted 17 February 2009 - 11:56 PM

I'm not using the banter accelerators and seem to get them at the right time, so that probably is the case.

Which is annoying as, without banter accelerators i have to seemingly play all of watchers keep and every single quest, plus leaving my game running paused alot to get through any romance and other such talks to play. Ah well... no such thing as perfection. :)

#7 Darpaek

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Posted 02 March 2013 - 01:16 PM

I'm having this issue in the current version of Mazzy Friendship in the current BWS

#8 Kaeloree


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Posted 02 March 2013 - 01:53 PM

Somehow in the last release it got un-fixed, so I've just fixed it again--uploading momentarily.


Okay, silently fixed and uploaded--just grab it from the DM. :)