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Couple of things

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#1 GeN1e


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Posted 18 January 2009 - 05:44 PM

First, her level. Is that specifically intended to be that, tied to plot or something? Or should a player feel free to SetCurrentXP to bring her on the same level as the party is?

Second, her magic resistance is 10%. Shouldn't it be 65%?

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#2 Kaeloree


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Posted 18 January 2009 - 06:00 PM

Her level won't match that of your party, though I believe I can add in a script which sets her XP to something near what your party has, if there's a call for it. I decided not to have multiple creatures with different levels because for me as a player, it doesn't make sense from a story perspective that someone completely unrelated to your group would have a different amount of experience because the party has.

Magic resistance--good call, will fix in the next version. :)

#3 GeN1e


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Posted 18 January 2009 - 06:26 PM

it doesn't make sense from a story perspective that someone completely unrelated to your group would have a different amount of experience because the party has.

Good point. Yet 140k does feel a bit too small. Imo somewhere 1M would be better, 12A/11W character won't look a complete weakling even with a party of 2-2.5M.

Speaking of fixing resistances, you can as well remove 5% magic fire. It's unused in BG2, neither can it be used there at all (crash on death).

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#4 Kaeloree


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Posted 18 January 2009 - 06:30 PM

Thanks for the suggestions :) I'll see what I can do. :cheers:

#5 GeN1e


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Posted 25 January 2009 - 02:54 AM

Great work, Xul blends into Ust Natha perfectly, were it not for non-baldurized portrait it would be hard to detect that she's a mod at all. I like her ears as they are though, so don't mind that.

Bugs and distinct inconsistencies

// Viconia

THEN BLK#XUL XulViconia1
  == BVICONI ~Perhaps <PRO_SHEHE> has more strength than you realise, Xulaye.  Has <PRO_HESHE> not come further than you expected?~

// Anomen 1
  + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("VARIABLEHERE","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~Do not presume to punish my males for me, Xulaye.  You overstep yourself.~ EXTERN ~BLK#XUL~ LK#XulAno4
  + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("VARIABLEHERE","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~Do not presume to punish my males for me, Xulaye.  You overstep yourself.~ EXTERN ~BLK#XUL~ LK#XulAno5
  + ~!Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("VARIABLEHERE","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~Do not presume to punish my companions for me, Xulaye.  You overstep yourself.~ EXTERN ~BLK#XUL~ LK#XulAno4
  + ~!Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("VARIABLEHERE","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~Do not presume to punish my companions for me, Xulaye.  You overstep yourself.~ EXTERN ~BLK#XUL~ LK#XulAno5
What's a VARIABLEHERE? I noticed it when reading banters afretwards, so unsure of details.

// Priestesses


  == LK#XULJ IF ~InParty("Xulaye") InMyArea("Xulaye") !StateCheck("Xulaye",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !Global("LK#XulCaught","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN
  ~No!  <PRO_HESHE> is with me.  I will discipline <PRO_HIMHER> suitably later.~
  == LK#XULJ  ~Pfah.  <CHARNAME>, you heard the Priestess.~
  = ~But do not be caught entering here again without permission, or I will let the Priestess carry out the punishment!~
1)NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS, seems like it happens when interjecting the EXIT.
2) They aren't 'Priestess', they're males)
3) I suspect guards were supposed to let us in, perhaps they should ~ActionOverride("uddrow20",EscapeArea()) ActionOverride("uddrow21",EscapeArea())~?

  // PC Dialogue 2--Why were you sent from Ust Natha?
	++ ~That is none of your concern.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("LK#XulDialogues","GLOBAL",1)~ + LK#X2_3
it seems lacking SetGlobalTimer()

  ~(growl) I suppose we have no choice at this point--prepare to die, mother, sister!  I have sat at your feet licking your heels for far too long!  I *WILL* be ruler of this city, and you will be in the dust where you belong!~ [lk#xul56]

  ~(growl) I suppose we have no choice at this point--prepare to die, mother!  I have sat at your feet licking your heels for far too long!  I *WILL* be ruler of this city, and you will be in the dust where you belong!~ [lk#xul95]
  =		   ~I have secured the city; once you are dead, I will rule.  Nobody will dare to challenge my authority!~

  ~You will find I have secured the city; once you are both dead, I will rule.  Nobody will challenge me!~
  =		   ~Warriors, reveal yourselves!~
  DO ~SetGlobal("LK#XulSecuredCity","GLOBAL",1) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("lk#xcut3")~
3rd line should link to 5th, not 4th. Btw, why won't Xul call for guards if Phaere's dead?

In many dialogs PC is called <CHARNAME>, not Veldrin.

Variable name - it's 'lk#xulknows' in banter.dlg but 'lk#xulayeknows' anywhere else.

lk#xula.script - it really should not include AI, lest she'll use under player's control as well. Better to enable it once she's not with us anylonger, ChangeAISCript(...). Not to mention it's... far... from being any good. If you wish I can try to improve it a bit.

Xul leaving angry because armor 'wasn't delivered' was already reported, iirc.

There've been some minor typos as well, but honestly I didn't noted them into buglist, sorry for being lazy.


Scripts generally have ~MoveToObject(Player1) Dialogue(Player1)~, why not to use ~StartDialogNoSet(Player1)~ instead?

// Reaction to being captured by Illithid
  = ~You have to be a very special kind of stupid to wander near a mindflayer's lair without adequate protection!~...
Maybe illithid instead? Solaufein raises quite a brow when hears 'mindflayer' (when instructing onto phaere's rescue).

Quest's duergars also say 'mind flayer'.

The first PC-talk - maybe it should take place only after Phaere's rescue? Some lines seem to suggest that she has already been talked to.

Now, these are based onto my personal impressions rather than solid arguments.

'For Lolth!' sounds, or rather reads a bit out of place, don't really know why it feels such, maybe just me.

She comes with the Light Xbow of Speed, but there's drow one (dwxbow01) which would fit better

Hardly of consequence, but she doesn't know Summon Spider spell? C'mon, she's a daughter of the First House, how comes? :)

Or, and do add her some XP, will you?

Perhaps player should be given an option to trade eggs to demon anyway? Xul doesn't seem to be up to it (lawful as she is), though why would she object either? Mainly comes from my hatred for Adalon, so it's not really for anything else other than that.

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#6 Kaeloree


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Posted 25 January 2009 - 02:28 PM

Awesome, thank you so much! I'll spend some time this evening going through and responding/fixing/changing. :cheers: Very much appreciated, and I'm glad you enjoyed her!

#7 Cal Jones

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Posted 25 January 2009 - 02:38 PM

I'm on my first playthrough with Xulaye and have just hit Ust Natha. I did clear out the Kua-Toa area first (I wanted to pick up Soul Reaver) and on joining the party, Xulaye gives the speech about being happy the prince is dead and that we should collect his blood and stop wallowing in brine, or words to that effect. Slightly odd as we were in Ust Natha at the time. I'm guessing that dialogue makes a check on SPRITE_IS_DEADUDPRINCE but perhaps it needs to check the area as well? No biggy, but was just a little strange. ;)

Looking forward to playing some more with her - I've done the Underdark so many times now it's a bit of a grind, normally.

#8 Kaeloree


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Posted 25 January 2009 - 02:42 PM

Ah, thank you! Will fix it next version.

I hope you enjoy the mod--let me know what you think at the end! :cheers:

On another note, with any luck we've also got a wonderful voice actress who is interested in doing Xulaye, which is great. :)

#9 Kaeloree


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Posted 25 January 2009 - 11:30 PM

Great work, Xul blends into Ust Natha perfectly, were it not for non-baldurized portrait it would be hard to detect that she's a mod at all. I like her ears as they are though, so don't mind that.

Heh :D I'm glad you enjoyed it, and that she blends in! I probably could have had a more "baldurized" portrait done, but I'm very attached to the current one. If anyone would like to create a more baldurized portrait I'll be sure to include it as an alternate in any future versions!

What's a VARIABLEHERE? I noticed it when reading banters afretwards, so unsure of details.

Ahh, I wrote that before I had the "LK#XulayeKnows" variable done, so it became VARIABLEHERE, and obviously I promptly forgot about it. Thanks for pointing it out!

1)NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS, seems like it happens when interjecting the EXIT.
2) They aren't 'Priestess', they're males)
3) I suspect guards were supposed to let us in, perhaps they should ~ActionOverride("uddrow20",EscapeArea()) ActionOverride("uddrow21",EscapeArea())~?

This was one I wrote without knowing exactly who these dudes were or where they were, so thank you. They're not supposed to leave, I don't think, so I've left that as-is, but I fixed the other two problems. :)

3rd line should link to 5th, not 4th. Btw, why won't Xul call for guards if Phaere's dead?

They're mainly for Phaere's benefit; supposedly the Matron doesn't have much active backing left thanks to Phaere, so the only person Xulaye is worried about is Phaere. If you think it'd be better I can change it so that they do, it was on more of a whim than anything else. :)

In many dialogs PC is called <CHARNAME>, not Veldrin.

I went through before I released, and tried to make sure that she only called the PC CHARNAME after she knew, so I think that should be all right... feel free to correct me, though!

lk#xula.script - it really should not include AI, lest she'll use under player's control as well. Better to enable it once she's not with us anylonger, ChangeAISCript(...). Not to mention it's... far... from being any good. If you wish I can try to improve it a bit.

If you could, that'd be wonderful; I'm really not a combat oriented person, so when I have to do combat scripts I generally just try to steal an existing one. I've moved the AI scripting out and into a separate file, and it now sues CAIS. Thanks!

There've been some minor typos as well, but honestly I didn't noted them into buglist, sorry for being lazy.

Hey, I'd hardly call you lazy--this is quite an extensive report, and I'm extremely appreciative of it!

Scripts generally have ~MoveToObject(Player1) Dialogue(Player1)~, why not to use ~StartDialogNoSet(Player1)~ instead?

Stylistic decision; I find it more realistic if a character walks up to the player and then talks to them. I have it in all of my mods, iirc :)

Maybe illithid instead? Solaufein raises quite a brow when hears 'mindflayer' (when instructing onto phaere's rescue).

Quest's duergars also say 'mind flayer'.

Changed. :)

The first PC-talk - maybe it should take place only after Phaere's rescue? Some lines seem to suggest that she has already been talked to.


'For Lolth!' sounds, or rather reads a bit out of place, don't really know why it feels such, maybe just me.

I'm kind of fond of that, but if more people find it irritating/strange I'm happy to change it!

She comes with the Light Xbow of Speed, but there's drow one (dwxbow01) which would fit better

Hardly of consequence, but she doesn't know Summon Spider spell? C'mon, she's a daughter of the First House, how comes? :)

Or, and do add her some XP, will you?

All good suggestions, and all in, thanks!

Perhaps player should be given an option to trade eggs to demon anyway? Xul doesn't seem to be up to it (lawful as she is), though why would she object either? Mainly comes from my hatred for Adalon, so it's not really for anything else other than that.

Done. ;) Xulaye doesn't object, she just doesn't care, and doesn't trust the demon. She'd rather not deal with it if possible.

Thank you so much--all the other fixes you've noted I've made, and will make it to v1.2. If you have time it'd be great if you could improve the AI script, and I'll release as soon as I've got it--otherwise I'll release tomorrow. :cheers:

#10 GeN1e


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Posted 26 January 2009 - 07:12 AM

This was one I wrote without knowing exactly who these dudes were or where they were, so thank you. They're not supposed to leave, I don't think, so I've left that as-is, but I fixed the other two problems.

They're egg guards (udeggs.bcs is they script). They turn red, then 9 seconds later, if alive, talk to PC (yep, I somehow didn't kill one of them fast enough). I didn't think of it at first, but perhaps they shouldn't turn red at all if Xul is in party?

I went through before I released, and tried to make sure that she only called the PC CHARNAME after she knew, so I think that should be all right... feel free to correct me, though!

I see. Still in these two she can't know yet


// Imrae 1
== LK#XULJ IF ~InMyArea("Xulaye")~ THEN
~You would do well to go there immediately, <CHARNAME>--my sister is not known for her patience, and neither am I.~

IF ~~ LK#X1_3221
SAY ~Nothing so mundane, <CHARNAME>. But the eventual goal of my House is not your concern, it is mine. What *is* your concern, however, is that I am the one to achieve that goal.~
IF ~~ + LK#X1_3223

I'm kind of fond of that, but if more people find it irritating/strange I'm happy to change it!

Well, like I've said could be just me, ignore that part then.



// Mazzy 2

// Korgan 2
~Ever heard of the Bloodaxe Clan, ye fool drow?~ DO ~SetGlobal("LK#XulAerie","GLOBAL",2)~

And many of banters don't have G("lk#xulayeknows",1) while they definitely imply they occur only once she does know. Unless I've missed something and that's handled somewhere else.

And the 'beholders' lair' talk misses CombatCounter(0), I've forgot about it earlier.

I'll see to combat script within 24 hours then.

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