Just wanted to say thanks to you Kal and all those who are involved in this IEP project. i came across this like a year or so ago and couldn't believe there was even more than just the banter pack out there for me to enjoy!
To be honest I think banter pack is more well known and i think this mod should definitely be listed in ppg just so more people can hear about it - not everyone goes to every modding community for bg2 and ppg is definitely one of the most popular ones, and of course everyone wants a mod that enhances the story i would've thought - the AI tweaks and whatnot are fine, but BG2 is defined by its great storytelling and immersive characters, and i'd like to think most see it that way too.
Anyway, I just want to encourage you all to keep going and producing such awesome material - i can never tell what is mod added and what is original (if the lines are not voiced of course) between IEP and the banter pack so i must say the quality is very high, and I hope this keeps up.
I especially like these friendship things you've started, i just noticed them, and i can't wait for the next playthrough to have even more dialogue with yoshi! I hope you guys do similar things for other NPCs.
Well, that's about it, and keep up the good work all!

Just a thank you
Started by
, Jan 17 2009 06:35 PM
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