a whole new world and a new subraces (vamp and all that stuff)
Posted 15 January 2009 - 07:21 PM
a werewlof could get a passive ability called savage and the effects are you can use both claws on both triggers but can't block or use weapons but you can equip weapons to both hands and the power is channeled to the claws but has to be one hander. and their run speed, strength, agility, and sneak is increased. and once you chosen a subrace they will not attack you but other subraces will attack you. and you startout with no tail and don't have savage ability you have to gain higher ranks to gain more power and you get bigger and start to change. you can still equip armour though. and remeber stay away from silver. you feed by killing a creature then devouring it. tail increases speed and agility by 100 points
vamps change by getting wings to fly but diminshes all run speed increases and can sap health with each hit. and they can summon shadow sword, dagger, mace, or bow if needed. same as the werewolf you startout with co wings or any new abilitys you have to do quests for the queen until your full vamp then you can do war quests antime and as much as you want same with werewolfs. you can just suck the blood but at full power you use your magic to take the souls of the humans onley to satasfie your hunger
with a werepire you have a body of a werewolf (tail included) and have longer canines with the vamp part (wings included). you get all the abilitys and attrubute increases of a vamp but don't get shadow summon. they also get savage ability and attrubute increases. but the bad part is you gt all the weaknesses of both subraces ( but you don't get the speed dimishes when you get wings). to feed ypu have the choise to eat or suck the blood (or soul a full power).
for the humans you get a magacal bow that makes silver arrows to help kill werewolfs and a little seal that weighs nothing that protects from lycanthropy and vampism when fighting vamps and werewolfs and a big blade to slice and dice werewolfs and vamps and some gear that protects best against werewolfs and vamps
Posted 30 June 2010 - 07:20 PM
i'm just thowing this idea out there what if there was a new realm kind of like the shivering isles where it's night all the time where a four way war has broken out humans, werewolfs, vamps, and werepire (a mix between a werewolf and a vampire).
a werewlof could get a passive ability called savage and the effects are you can use both claws on both triggers but can't block or use weapons but you can equip weapons to both hands and the power is channeled to the claws but has to be one hander. and their run speed, strength, agility, and sneak is increased. and once you chosen a subrace they will not attack you but other subraces will attack you. and you startout with no tail and don't have savage ability you have to gain higher ranks to gain more power and you get bigger and start to change. you can still equip armour though. and remeber stay away from silver. you feed by killing a creature then devouring it. tail increases speed and agility by 100 points
vamps change by getting wings to fly but diminshes all run speed increases and can sap health with each hit. and they can summon shadow sword, dagger, mace, or bow if needed. same as the werewolf you startout with co wings or any new abilitys you have to do quests for the queen until your full vamp then you can do war quests antime and as much as you want same with werewolfs. you can just suck the blood but at full power you use your magic to take the souls of the humans onley to satasfie your hunger
with a werepire you have a body of a werewolf (tail included) and have longer canines with the vamp part (wings included). you get all the abilitys and attrubute increases of a vamp but don't get shadow summon. they also get savage ability and attrubute increases. but the bad part is you gt all the weaknesses of both subraces ( but you don't get the speed dimishes when you get wings). to feed ypu have the choise to eat or suck the blood (or soul a full power).
for the humans you get a magacal bow that makes silver arrows to help kill werewolfs and a little seal that weighs nothing that protects from lycanthropy and vampism when fighting vamps and werewolfs and a big blade to slice and dice werewolfs and vamps and some gear that protects best against werewolfs and vamps
Well i made a new world. nothing like that but a new world. it's still being worked on (alot) but look up bracania on tesnexus.com if you download i hope you like it.