The original Cilantro's Restoration Pack restored a bestiary entry for "alu-fiend". The text actually does exist in the original dialogue file:
~The child of a tanar'ri and a human father, the alu-fiend is akin to a succubus in appearance. Some of them try to repress the evil within them; far more attempt to outdo their fiendish forebears in sheer evil and cruelty. You should know better than to trust a tanar'ri.~
There is, in fact, precisely one alu-fiend in the game, Vrischika. I decided not to do this restoration because the game files are missing one crucial component of a bestiary entry - original artwork for the portrait. Cilantro just gave the "Upper Class Townie" portrait to his restored Alu-Fiend entry, but that portrait really doesn't look anything like what an alu-fiend should.
If anyone wants to take a crack at it, and wants to draw up a portrait for Vrischika, I think that would be pretty cool and I'd add it as its own UB component, with major credit given for the artwork, of course, using that portrait and applying the above bestiary entry to it.
Here's her introductory description during dialogue:
This sharp-featured woman's appearance is attractive though somewhat disturbing, with her blue-black skin and bright yellow eyes. As she examines you, a small pair of bat-like wings unfold from her back, then seem to settle back into her skin.
Note, I'm going to be pretty damn picky about it. It will need to be in the same 3-D artistic style (EDIT: repeat, style, they are 2D pics, they are just drawn in a style that evokes 3D) as the rest of the bestiary portraits. It should resemble Vrischika's sprite as much as possible... but since she uses the female Aasimar sprite, all that tells us is that she's got dark blue skin, and has gray clothing and hair.
I have no artistic skill whatsoever, but I suspect the best results would come from taking the Aasimar portrait and tweaking it, recoloring it as appropriate and possibly adding the small wings noted in her description. Changing the background so that it looks like Vrischika's shop rather than an outdoor shot of the Clerk's Ward would then make it truly distinct, and in line with the original game's style.
If anyone's up to the challenge, good luck!, and can't wait to see what people come up with

Edited by Qwinn, 13 January 2009 - 01:51 PM.