SHS Fanfiction Challenge #17
SHS Fanfiction Challenge is a monthly challenge where everyone can submit their entries related to the challenge genre.
The challenge is open to everyone and there is no limit on the length or number of the entries submitted. It can be any kind of game.
Here's our seventeenth challenge theme:
THEME: Choices Are Changes
New Years begins a time of resolutions and decisions and changes. And there's always something new happening. Throughout the lives of our characters they face important decisions, whether moral dilemmas or whether to let Aerie cook for dinner. Should we romance Casavir or Bishop? Do I really want to go on one more delivery quest? So this month write us a piece of some of the most difficult choices your PC has ever made. Now... to Slayer or not to Slayer?
How to join
Simply create a new topic, titled it with a prefix: "Challenge #17: ", followed by the title of your entry.
Comments, questions or suggestions about the challenges are welcome here.
Comments are most welcome, preferably directly in the entry topic itself.