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Known Issues 3.02 (report bugs here)

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#141 Qwinn

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Posted 29 March 2009 - 01:25 PM

Note: The last post was not a request that you save 'em all up and give 'em to me at once. Feel free to post 'em as you find 'em, I can schedule my fixes however's convenient. All I was trying to say was, don't feel bad about "shotgunning" me :) I'm very happy to get bug reports, particularly from someone playing the evil path, as I really don't enjoy that path myself. I'm betting that's where most of any remaining problems still lie (for example, you wouldn't see that double reply in Vivian's dialogue unless you'd taken an evil speaking path with her previously).


#142 Qwinn

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Posted 06 April 2009 - 07:50 AM

No mores bug reports? :(


#143 -Spiff-

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Posted 10 April 2009 - 03:57 AM

Thank you so much for doing all this Qwinn!

Maybe you already fixed this, but here goes anyway... Could arguably be called a very, very minor restoration instead.

It has been years since I played PS:T last, but I do remember one thing I stumbled upon on a forum (maybe Interplay, can't recall): Fjhull has two floating text strings that can pop up while meeting with him in his home. Both are fully voiced and included in the game files, but were never implemented.

I am afraid I can be of no more help than that. I don't remember where I found this information or what the files are called. All I know is that they do exist, as I listened to them at some point.

#144 Qwinn

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Posted 10 April 2009 - 05:19 AM

Oh, indeed. I'm aware of those sound sets (and I -think- it's three lines, actually, tho don't hold me to it), and I did spend a few minutes at one time looking to restore them.

The problem (and maybe it's not as big an issue as I fear) is this:

These sounds would normally be heard as he walks around his room. The thing is, when you first talk to him, you also hear a voiced line. What I'm worried about is that they'll overlap... he's giving one of his "Pah! Stupid Whatever!" lines, and while that's playing, the player clicks on Fhjull. You'll then be hearing both lines concurrently - the end of his walking-around line, and the voiced line from his dialogue.

Is it worth it? I'm kinda torn personally. I kinda think it -is- worth it, but I'm nervous that people would bitch or otherwise think it was evidence of a lousy implementation. There's no real way that can be avoided though, other than simply not restoring those lines. Perhaps this is why they weren't implemented.

What do you guys think? Is the possible momentary doubling of his speech when you first talk to him a big enough issue to not restore those voiced lines? Personally, I'd rather deal with a potential conflict and be able to hear all the voicing than to always hear one voiced line uninterrupted and the other three never at all.

Thankfully I won't have to worry about doing "subtitled cutscenes" for 'em, since they're already written out in floating text.


Edited by Qwinn, 10 April 2009 - 05:23 AM.

#145 Daulmakan


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Posted 10 April 2009 - 05:57 AM

Personally, I'd rather deal with a potential conflict and be able to hear all the voicing than to always hear one voiced line uninterrupted and the other three never at all.

Me too.

item_pack.jpg   Drows.jpg


#146 -Guest-

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Posted 10 April 2009 - 06:16 AM

I suggest making it part of the restoration pack as a separate module instead to avoid potential mixed feelings about the implementation.

Would prefer to have it in the game, by far.

#147 scient

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Posted 10 April 2009 - 06:34 AM

Can you think of anything engine wise I might do to solve this?

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#148 Qwinn

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Posted 10 April 2009 - 04:24 PM

I suggest making it part of the restoration pack as a separate module instead to avoid potential mixed feelings about the implementation.

Well... nah. It -would- certainly go in UB, but if I'm doing it, it's going into the Restored Sounds and Banters component. It's not a serious enough issue to warrant its own component, I've already got 16 or so, it's going to start getting nuts if I start splitting off everything that anyone could possibly not want. Either it meets the exacting standards of the RS&B component, or I'll just leave it out altogether, heh. But, yeah, it probably will go in.

That said, ya know, I'm not sure I actually -tried- it back then... it's possible that rather than doubling, the walking-around line just gets silenced/interrupted (which would pose -no- problem for me... same thing happens if you click quickly through a dialogue).

I'll have to actually implement it and see how it works. If I see something you could tweak while I'm at it, scient, I'll let ya know, thanks for the offer.


#149 -Avantenor-

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Posted 14 April 2009 - 03:04 AM

Putting it in the RS&B within the UB package could stop possible complaints about poor implementations.

Personally I wouldn't care. If it's overlapping or nor, if it is in the FP or UB, don't mind. I'd like to see it rather in the game then being not.

#150 rhialto

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 05:03 PM

I've been doing a run through with the Quinn's stuff and the Ghostdog UI and am loving it. Run into a few things, not sure how relevant they are or if this is the right place for them but I thought I'd throw them out there:

I was in the middle of doing Reekwind's story funtime. Right now I'm doing a playthrough using Dan Simpson's walkthrough as I've gone through multiple times and I want to see all the stuff I've missed over the years. I do the dialog, alt-tab over to the walkthrough and see I can get more xp if I give a definite answer. So I load up the autosave before I entered the market and as soon as it loads up, Annah gains a level. I say "Okay... ?" go to her character sheet and level her up, and when I do so I can't hit "accept" (it's grayed out) OR hit esc to exit the character screen. My only recourse is an alt-f4. And if I run around with that save and load up the new autosave or a save off that save, Annah still gives her level up dialogue when I load up. Luckily I have a save about an hour before that I can revert to.

Also: I tried going back and reducing the resolution after uninstalling ghostdog's ui and got crashes when entering certain areas. So I reinstalled and went back up to 1280x1024 and it fixed it.

And the EAX is support is kinda wonky. Not sure if it's supposed to work on my machine, though.

Anyway, fantastic work all 'round. Grazzi!

Edited by rhialto, 19 April 2009 - 05:04 PM.

#151 Qwinn

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 05:15 PM

I was in the middle of doing Reekwind's story funtime. Right now I'm doing a playthrough using Dan Simpson's walkthrough as I've gone through multiple times and I want to see all the stuff I've missed over the years. I do the dialog, alt-tab over to the walkthrough and see I can get more xp if I give a definite answer. So I load up the autosave before I entered the market and as soon as it loads up, Annah gains a level. I say "Okay... ?" go to her character sheet and level her up, and when I do so I can't hit "accept" (it's grayed out) OR hit esc to exit the character screen. My only recourse is an alt-f4. And if I run around with that save and load up the new autosave or a save off that save, Annah still gives her level up dialogue when I load up. Luckily I have a save about an hour before that I can revert to.

My guess is, you still needed to distribute her points toward her thief skills. You can't finish the levelup process for her until you do so.

Also: I tried going back and reducing the resolution after uninstalling ghostdog's ui and got crashes when entering certain areas. So I reinstalled and went back up to 1280x1024 and it fixed it.

Yes, this is known, and warned about in the readme. Once you pick a resolution, you're stuck with it unless you start a new game.

And the EAX is support is kinda wonky. Not sure if it's supposed to work on my machine, though.

The original settings were pretty wonky themselves. I make some changes that work better on my machine, but as I stated in the readme, I'd certainly like feedback from folks using different hardware if it's not working well for them.

Glad you're enjoying the game, and thanks for the report :)


#152 rhialto

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 05:24 PM

Ah, yeah that was the problem... I guess it's been a while! 8)

My sound is some generic onboard thing... Relatek High Definition Audio I believe... sometimes the characters sound like they're at the bottom of a well and the sounds and music go in and out. I just downloaded the newest drivers for it though, so I'll let you know if that does anything.

Also, sometimes I have a really hard time getting my characters to open containers. I'll click like crazy, or see the bash animation go but they'll just kinda stand there. Exiting and re-entering the room usually fixes it, or just being persistent. It might partially be my crappy wireless mouse, though.

#153 Qwinn

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 05:36 PM

In "dungeon" type areas, yeah, the voices are supposed to sound like you're in a well. That's part of the EAX. But I'm not surprised if you're having oddities... the original settings were weird enough by themselves, and I had to play around quite a bit to get something I considered an improvement.


#154 rhialto

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 05:41 PM

That was my initial assumption but I also got it in towns, or pretty much anywhere. It was essentially random.. I think the new drivers fixed it, though.

EDIT: I'm actually getting it in ragpicker's square right now.

Edited by rhialto, 19 April 2009 - 05:45 PM.

#155 scient

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 07:09 PM

Do you think you could run something like Audacity and record a clip of audio when it's acting up then upload it someplace like rapidshare.com ? I'd just be curious to compare it to audio I get with my on board audio (intel).

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#156 Qwinn

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Posted 20 April 2009 - 08:31 PM

Noting this here so I don't forget:

The (Cursed, Berzerking) Porphatys Blade is bugged. The description clearly says "Enchanted +3", but the blade actually has no enchantment at all (meaning it can't hit any creature that is immune to non-magical weapons). From the description, I think it's fair to say that the enchantment bonus was intended, and the item -should- be "Enchanted +3". This is especially bad if you went into the Fortress with it equipped and don't have a way to cast Remove Curse (such as being a fighter or thief). Will fix for the next version.

EDIT: Note that it DOES have its proper bonuses To Hit and Damage, it just doesn't have the Enchantment attribute that bypasses a creature's immunity to non-magical or lightly magical weapons - such as Fortress Shadows.


Edited by Qwinn, 20 April 2009 - 08:39 PM.

#157 Qwinn

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Posted 20 April 2009 - 09:15 PM

I decided to take a quick scan of all weapons in Near Infinity, and see if the Enchantment attribute is always correct. There are some other discrepancies.

All of the items below have Enchantment +1, but none of them mention it in their description.

1. Green Steel Dagger
2. Green Steel Knife
3. Baatezu Mace (which, from the description, is equivalent to "Green Steel Mace")
4. Fiend's Teeth (Morte weapon)
5. Nordom's Crossbow Bolts (his crossbows, however, do list Enchantment +1)
6. Acidic Sponge Bolts

In the case of the first three, it seems unlikely that all "Green Steel" weapons just happened to have an enchantment +1 by accident. It appears that it's intentional. I will leave as is, and won't bother to change the descriptions. (I suppose it can be called a "hidden benefit" to those weapons, though truth is, I'm not inclined to change the descriptions of all 3 weapons in 4-5 different languages... the descriptions already hint at the usefulness of green steel, so, yeah).

Same with the Fiend's Teeth... leaving as is, mostly cause nerfing them would further reduce the already limited variety of useful weapons available to Morte. I'll see about adding that to the description so people are aware of it.

As for Nordom's bolts and Acidic Sponge Bolts, I'll also leave as is, since his crossbows are Enchantment +1, I would think that should carry over to the bolts anyway, and changing their Enchantment value might not even have an effect.


#158 Qwinn

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Posted 20 April 2009 - 09:19 PM

Scient, quick request:

Can you see anything in the engine in reference to the item FEMUR.ITM? An engine reference would likely not include the .ITM suffix, as I'm sure you're aware, so just look for FEMUR.

I ask because the description says this:

When the femur strikes any tanar'ri or baatezu, serrated teeth bristle up and down the length of the bone and cause tremendous damage.

But I don't see anything in the item record that actually accomplishes anything like that. So either it's in the engine, or we should probably add a "Damage Bonus vs. Type" effect. Who knows, maybe those damage types don't actually work in PS:T, but if they do, I'd like to try it. The question is, what would be appropriate? I'd probably make it something minor like 1d6 damage, unless someone with access to the PnP game manuals can find a weapon similar to it and tell us what the actual damage bonus was supposed to be?

It is listed as "Unique" and "Artifact", after all, so maybe it got mentioned in a manual somewhere. It would also be a nice perk for evil players (and Lord knows, the game needs some for any kind of balance) since the femur can't be used by Lawful or Good. Hell, maybe I'd go with 2d6. That'd be more in line with the phrase "tremendous damage", and even then it'd still be minor compensation for all you give up by going the non-Lawful-Good path.


Edited by Qwinn, 20 April 2009 - 09:36 PM.

#159 scient

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Posted 21 April 2009 - 08:15 AM

I don't see any code specific to femur. If there was, there would be some strings relating to it. If someone knows more about the effect I can dig some more but I think whatever bonus the item should give isn't there.

Edited by scient, 21 April 2009 - 08:17 AM.

Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.

#160 Qwinn

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Posted 21 April 2009 - 10:41 AM

Alright, thanks scient. So, looks like they dropped the ball on that one and it's up to me again, heh...

So. Anyone with the old manuals out there remember if there's a documented artifact mace/club made out of a fiend's bone that is supposed to do extra damage to fiends? Or was it a PS:T-only creation?


Edited by Qwinn, 21 April 2009 - 10:46 AM.