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Known Issues 3.02 (report bugs here)

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#101 -cHun-

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Posted 18 February 2009 - 06:28 AM

Hello there Qwinn and many thanks for your mods

I'm a relatively new player to the Planescape scene and just started my game with your mods a few days back. I don't even know if this is a real typo. In the Mortuary, there is a zombie in the third room (the one after the female zombie intros) numbered 1201, which gives the NO a note which can be turned into a triangular amulet. The note hints at the zombie's number as a hint and the description says "1 dot on some corner, 2 dots on another, 3 dots .... and none on the last" but the zombie is named 1201. My question is whether that one should've been codenamed 1203 instead of 1201. Or is this part of some bigger puzzle that my simple mind simply couldn't catch???

Thank you.


#102 Qwinn

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Posted 18 February 2009 - 07:34 PM

1201 is correct. If you read through the text as you manipulate the piece of paper carefully, you'll note that the "1" corner pops out after you fold in the "0" flap, allowing you to fold it in again.


#103 CheeseshireCat

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Posted 23 February 2009 - 12:22 AM

I just dusted off my 4-CD version and installed it, OP 1.1 and fixpack 3.02. Here are two issues I noticed:

* When leveling up Morte for first time (didn't check on others, as my PC has 0 CON modifier, and all other level-ups were on damaged chars), he got his HP total up correctly, but his *current* HPs didn't go up by his CON bonus, resulting in him having something kinda 31/33 (don't recall exact numbers). Guess it's an engine bug :)

* When you talk to Mar after finishing the box quest and let him live, he gives you the hollow axe. If you kill him afterwards, you get ANOTHER hollow axe.

Also, I had problems installing any other packs after it, including widescreen (I have one PC with 1024x600, another with 1280x1024) and UB - they fail saying some files in instalied game are wrong - which is strange as fixpack's readme says they should be compatible.

#104 Qwinn

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Posted 23 February 2009 - 12:26 PM

* When leveling up Morte for first time (didn't check on others, as my PC has 0 CON modifier, and all other level-ups were on damaged chars), he got his HP total up correctly, but his *current* HPs didn't go up by his CON bonus, resulting in him having something kinda 31/33 (don't recall exact numbers). Guess it's an engine bug :)

I actually think that's probably by design, because if current HP's were raised when raising CON, you could easily heal to full by rapidly equipping and unequipping an item that gave a CON bonus (and if you subtract current HP when removing a +CON item, it could kill you, which would probably also be problematic). Granted, you can't use that exploit with a levelup, but they probably just used the same mechanism consistently for all CON boosts. It's not a serious enough issue to warrant enabling a big exploit for +CON items.

* When you talk to Mar after finishing the box quest and let him live, he gives you the hollow axe. If you kill him afterwards, you get ANOTHER hollow axe.

Easily fixed, thanks for the report!

Also, I had problems installing any other packs after it, including widescreen (I have one PC with 1024x600, another with 1280x1024) and UB - they fail saying some files in instalied game are wrong - which is strange as fixpack's readme says they should be compatible.

They -are- compatible. This shouldn't be the case. I'll need more information to track down the problem. Can you post your weidu.log?


#105 -masanbol-

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Posted 24 February 2009 - 02:03 PM


Not sure if this is related to one of your mods or not, but I've never seen this happen in any of my previous playthroughs, so what the hey.

Annah keeps getting pissed and leaving the party, despite the fact that her morale is high (14) and I've changed nothing about the style which I've played with her. I didn't even know that she could leave the party before installing the banter accelerator, but she and Grace really do go at it and then she just up and leaves. This is pretty consistent -- it seems as if the event that triggers her leaving the party is on the banter list between her and Grace -- and if it gets to a point where all the banter before that event has already happened she will leave the party regardless of any other conditions, the next time a Annah/Grace banter occurs. It makes sense to me that without the banter accelerator installed I would never experience this issue, because I would never work through all of their banter to the leaving event before I finished the game.

I've been experimenting with different morale values to try and get her to stay, with no success so far. Any ideas for any way I can prevent this from happening? I guess I could grab Vhailor or Nordom instead... :/

#106 -masanbol-

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Posted 24 February 2009 - 02:21 PM

Okay, so this is in the wrong place (should be under tweaks, apologies), but I figured it out anyways. Annah's banter list has a scene where she leaves the party, it's set when the number of times she talks to Grace reaches 5. I can keep resetting it or skipping it completely using Near Infinity, but there's gotta be a better solution, because with Banter Accelerator installed she is guaranteed to leave from any party with both of them in it regardless of the player's actions.

#107 taplonaplo

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Posted 24 February 2009 - 03:09 PM

Okay, so this is in the wrong place (should be under tweaks, apologies), but I figured it out anyways. Annah's banter list has a scene where she leaves the party, it's set when the number of times she talks to Grace reaches 5. I can keep resetting it or skipping it completely using Near Infinity, but there's gotta be a better solution, because with Banter Accelerator installed she is guaranteed to leave from any party with both of them in it regardless of the player's actions.

As i remember i could convince her to stay, maybe you need higher charisma?

#108 -masanbol-

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Posted 24 February 2009 - 03:11 PM

As i remember i could convince her to stay, maybe you need higher charisma?

CHA is 25, actually.

#109 Qwinn

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Posted 24 February 2009 - 05:24 PM

She -does- always leave... this is as intended. You can talk to her and convince her to stay. But being obsequious won't work. You have to be pretty rough with her. Try different conversation options (if I recall, something like "Fine, go back searching for corpses then", and she'll shut right up and stay with you.

In the original game, Annah and Grace never talk to each other again after that. If you have UB installed, a couple of the restored banters do come after that event.


Edited by Qwinn, 24 February 2009 - 05:25 PM.

#110 gothemasticator

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Posted 26 February 2009 - 02:12 AM


Would you consider adding the enemies running fix to the dustmen in the Mortuary? (I suppose the zombies and skeletons are moving as fast as they can. What about the giant skeletons, though?)

For kicks I decided to create a dumb brute fighter to get the most out of this D&D adventure. And, lo and behold, I awake surrounded by zombies and mysterious Dustmen who Morte says would want me to stay dead if they meet me. Screw talking to these psychotic bastards -- I'm killing my way out of here! (Tiefling? Half a fiend is still a fiend in my book! Sick-looking old Dustman with a giant book? He's probably the mastermind of this sick cult!) But, sadly, nobody wants me dead enough to hurry to the job. To my surprise, Morte and I took out even the giant skeletons. Tough, but me and my 18 Str, 18 Dex and 12 Con made it! Now to find this Pharod jerk, and then it's payback time for stealing my journal!


#111 Qwinn

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Posted 26 February 2009 - 11:33 AM

Eventually, what I'll probably do is revise both what's set as a "running attack" creature in the Fixpack, which will basically make all creatures that I think it would be very hard to argue -shouldn't- be able to run, and then add a tweak that will also make iffy ones run (even the tweak still won't make zombies run, of course). (The "iffy" category would mostly include creatures early in the game, where it could be argued they weren't set to run just to keep early game combat difficulty low at the start). The Dustmen would probably be in the "iffy" category, and go in the tweak.

This probably won't happen anytime soon though. Late this year, probably.


Edited by Qwinn, 26 February 2009 - 11:35 AM.

#112 scient

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Posted 26 February 2009 - 01:53 PM

For kicks I decided to create a dumb brute fighter to get the most out of this D&D adventure. And, lo and behold, I awake surrounded by zombies and mysterious Dustmen who Morte says would want me to stay dead if they meet me. Screw talking to these psychotic bastards -- I'm killing my way out of here! (Tiefling? Half a fiend is still a fiend in my book! Sick-looking old Dustman with a giant book? He's probably the mastermind of this sick cult!) But, sadly, nobody wants me dead enough to hurry to the job. To my surprise, Morte and I took out even the giant skeletons. Tough, but me and my 18 Str, 18 Dex and 12 Con made it! Now to find this Pharod jerk, and then it's payback time for stealing my journal!


Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.

#113 -Guest-

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Posted 09 March 2009 - 06:37 PM

i am getting 40 + 6 (25 Con) HP at level up for the main char. All other chars are getting fine hp.

using version 3.51 of the tweakthingy. I read this has been solved but isnt? Or is it solved for future versions?

#114 -Guest-

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 07:02 AM

Qwinn, considering the 16 issues noted in the OP, how close are we to a new release (I'm not impatient, just curious).

#115 Qwinn

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 07:39 PM

i am getting 40 + 6 (25 Con) HP at level up for the main char. All other chars are getting fine hp.

using version 3.51 of the tweakthingy. I read this has been solved but isnt? Or is it solved for future versions?

scient and I would need more information than this to be able to debug the issue (like, what class are you in and what level are you levelling from and to, etc.). That said... there are still issues with gaining HP. Most of these exist in the original game. It has nothing to do with the max HP tweak in the Tweak Pack, the source for the bugs is either the original game or Fixpack 3.0's adjustments to how HP are dealt with.

The next version will fix the bug wherein you keep getting a Constitution bonus to HP even when no longer gaining full hit dice (in the original game), and some other issues as well that arise in odd circumstances like when you level multiple times in such a way that your level in a lower class leaps over your highest level class. (Example: Level 6 mage levels to level 8 in one shot, where your highest level class is fighter 7. In such a case, you get full hit die for both levels, when you should only do so for mage 8 ). That bug also exists in the original game. There may be other issues. We won't release another version until all hit point issues are quashed.

Qwinn, considering the 16 issues noted in the OP, how close are we to a new release (I'm not impatient, just curious).

Not anytime soon. Probably near the end of 2009. I'd like to give it a little while, both so that scient and I can, you know, have lives, and also to get as many bug reports as possible so we can address everything. The bug reports are infrequent enough now that I can't see any reason to expect there will ever be a version 5.0, so might as well get everything possible in in 4.0. Lastly, 3.0 was released very recently. 4.0 isn't going to have enough new stuff to really warrant a new playthrough after having just finished 3.0, so might as well let some time go by before releasing it. Should allow people to be more willing to do another replay.

On the other hand, my "end of 2009" date was based on putting off a new release until I could do the Expanded Pendant of Yemeth quest, but seeing as how the Expanded Deionarra's quest hasn't been received very well, I'm leaning right now toward not bothering. So, maybe 4.0 come out sooner than I expected.


Edited by Qwinn, 10 March 2009 - 07:43 PM.

#116 Daulmakan


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Posted 10 March 2009 - 07:49 PM

On the other hand, my "end of 2009" date was based on putting off a new release until I could do the Expanded Pendant of Yemeth quest, but seeing as how the Expanded Deionarra's quest hasn't been received very well, I'm leaning right now toward not bothering. So, maybe 4.0 come out sooner than I expected.

I was under the impression we were the majority in favor of expanding Yemeth's.

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#117 Qwinn

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 08:27 PM

Yes, but the majority who have commented on the Expanded Deionarra's Mod have seemed to find little but fault with it.

I have said from the beginning that whether I bothered to continue creating any new content was predicated on how my first attempts were received.

And, for that matter, the votes that supported an expanded PoY quest took place before the EDT mod was released, so.


Edited by Qwinn, 10 March 2009 - 08:30 PM.

#118 Daulmakan


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Posted 10 March 2009 - 08:47 PM


I stand by my vote, for the record. :)

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#119 -Guest-

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Posted 11 March 2009 - 05:19 AM

"scient and I would need more information than this to be able to debug the issue (like, what class are you in and what level are you levelling from and to, etc.)."

I am getting this for about 3 or 4 levels. now i am lvl 8 fighter. I am not sure, but i think this began when i switched classes. First Rogue, then instantly back to fighter. then mage and instantly back to fighter.

#120 Qwinn

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Posted 11 March 2009 - 05:28 AM

Wait, whut? That doesn't sound right.

Please explain what you mean by "40 + 6 hp". I find it hard to believe that you mean you're gaining 46 hp every leveup.
