Known Issues 3.02 (report bugs here)
Posted 18 January 2009 - 01:27 AM
Posted 18 January 2009 - 05:03 AM
I'm not sure if BG1 has any items that give bonus to luck but there is a bug in IE part of PST code that sets any luck item bonus to zero.
Alora in BG1 has a lucky rabbit's foot...(+2 luck)
Posted 18 January 2009 - 03:23 PM

The idea behind the code was to prevent the "Luck" spell from stacking which makes sense. However, there was no code to check if the bonuses were from the spell or items. So once an item was equipped the engine "thought" that a luck spell was already cast and prevented any other luck bonuses from stacking. Add that to item's bonuses being set to zero...
I've resolved both issues so luck stacks properly between items/spells but also prevents the luck spell from stacking if cast multiple times.
Edited by scient, 18 January 2009 - 03:30 PM.
Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.
Posted 25 January 2009 - 11:27 PM
I brought this up earlier in the thread, but I am playing through again as a mage, and I get the same repeatable behavior from those two npcs. The knifed ghoul in particular looks really odd.
Posted 26 January 2009 - 10:52 AM
In this playthroug I've noticed some odd npc walking behaviors. The ones I remember clearly are The Knifed Ghoul: upon leaving dialogue he walked backwards to the edge of the room. That is, he used the forward walking animation while moving backwards. Similarly, after talking with Mebbeth she crabwalked sideways to the edge of the room.
I brought this up earlier in the thread, but I am playing through again as a mage, and I get the same repeatable behavior from those two npcs. The knifed ghoul in particular looks really odd.
I can confirm this with Mebbeth. I wasn't sure tho if it had to do with me forcing her hut to load when it normally would have crashed because it had been saved using ghostdog's WS mod.
Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.
Posted 27 January 2009 - 10:39 AM
When you talk to Mantouk under Lothar's place, if you choose the dialogue "I seek the master of this place," and DON'T mention the skull, when you talk to Mantouk again he asks if you have found the skull for his master yet.
Posted 27 January 2009 - 11:42 AM
Yeah, I noticed that Mantuok thing too. Unfortunately, not much I can do about it. There's no alternate dialogue for a second conversation that would make sense, at least none I've been able to puzzle out. At this point we have to assume Lothar informs Mantuok of your mission in between your conversations, somehow.
I haven't looked into duplicating the sideways walking thing yet, but I will before any new release.
Edited by Qwinn, 27 January 2009 - 12:32 PM.
Posted 29 January 2009 - 11:28 AM
In Curst:
1) Roberta's floating text still says, "He'll wish his name was in the dead book when I finish with him," even AFTER finishing her quest.
2) None of the Curst quests affect allignment. Is this intentional, given the nature of Curst? Or is this an oversight?
Black Barbed Necklace - If you have more than one, and put the item in the quick item slot, the whole stack goes in the slot. Then, if you use the item from the quick item menu, ALL of the items disappear after one use. I don't know if this happens with all such items or just this one. Well, it certainly doesn't happen with healing items. Hmmm...
PS I've always wondered why Carl is identified as "Curst Administration." Now I notice that after his demise, he is replaced by an identical administrator whose dialogue is missing Carl-specific lines. Nicely done. Was that you or Black Isle?
Posted 29 January 2009 - 12:12 PM
Roberta's floating text still says, "He'll wish his name was in the dead book when I finish with him," even AFTER finishing her quest.
I noticed that too, but I figured, if she's responsible for getting him killed, she'd be smart to keep acting as if she didn't know he was dead for a while, long enough that you'll probably have left Curst before she'd stop. It's plausible anyway, and I try not to change things if the way they are is plausible.
2) None of the Curst quests affect allignment. Is this intentional, given the nature of Curst? Or is this an oversight?
I don't know, really. Few of them are really "good" or "evil" in nature, though. As I've noted before, alignment hits is something I don't mess with unless it's -clearly- bugged (i.e., other creatures killing someone, or Annah/Grace dying in your party, giving you chaotic/evil/murder/Lady of Pain hits). If someone ever does do a "Virtue" type mod for PS:T, though, that'd be a great point to bring up to whoever does it.
Black Barbed Necklace - If you have more than one, and put the item in the quick item slot, the whole stack goes in the slot. Then, if you use the item from the quick item menu, ALL of the items disappear after one use. I don't know if this happens with all such items or just this one. Well, it certainly doesn't happen with healing items. Hmmm...
Yikes! That's definitely not good. If you mean "Black Barbed Charm"s, then yeah, they're not stackable in the original game, they are made so by my Stackable Items tweak. I will either figure out a way to make them work properly, or if that fails, I will remove it from the list of items made stackable by that tweak. Good catch!
I've always wondered why Carl is identified as "Curst Administration." Now I notice that after his demise, he is replaced by an identical administrator whose dialogue is missing Carl-specific lines. Nicely done. Was that you or Black Isle?
Thanks! The answer is: a bit of both, actually. Carl Parfidor didn't exist in the vanilla game at all, you never actually saw him in game, all you ever saw was the "identical" administrator. But, the dialogue file contained all the lines you see for Carl Parfidor, and the UB Restored Carl Parfidor component puts him back in. SKARDAVNELNATE actually first restored that in his AIP pack, I implemented it mostly as he did, adding the scripting that makes what's-her-name approach him and then both leave the area when you hire her to do her thing.
Thanks for the reports!
Posted 29 January 2009 - 02:24 PM
Bish (entrance to Trash Warrens) can see and initiate dialog with TNO even if TNO is in sneak/stealth mode. Perhaps this happens else where.
I've been thinking about this one. The problem is, if it does happen elsewhere, any consistent fix makes the lack of "You must gather your party before venturing forth" excessively exploitable. Although I'm all for giving thieves more fun things to do, the fact that you can sneak through a zone by yourself (or with Annah) to the far end, and zone to the next area, and the rest of the party teleports to be with you even though -they- aren't capable of sneaking, just bugs the hell out of me. Very exploitable especially in areas that should be challenging, like getting through Avernus to the pillar of skulls.
Don't get me wrong. "You must gather your party before venturing forth" annoyed me in BG1/BG2 as much as it did most other people. But let's face it... there was a pretty good reason for it, namely avoiding the exploit I just described.
The price to be paid to prevent the exploit, I think, is that you wind up having to nerf stealth in the way you're seeing with Bish. Which actually sucks worse for people who decide to solo-TNO or TNO+Annah, since they really -should- be able to get away with that tactic.
In Bish's specific case, if TNO is sneaking but the rest of the party isn't, then Bish would logically approach your NPC's instead to deliver his lines. Since that doesn't really work (lacking a means to have your NPC's do the replying for you) it seems to me likely that it was intended. But I'll still check out the instance in question and see what I can do.
Edited by Qwinn, 29 January 2009 - 02:26 PM.
Posted 30 January 2009 - 07:33 PM
I just played through Curst-shifted and Deva encounter (looking forward to trying Deionarra's Truth back in Sigil!), and here's some things:
1) When I arrived back in Sigil, TNO's stats were missing all item bonuses. I checked inventory screen, and everything was still equipped. I checked other party members' stats, and they were fine. So, I unequipped and then reequipped all of TNO's items - tattoos, jewelry, etc. After that, the character screen displayed correct numbers.
2) When fighting the Deva, his animation is buggy when walking from left to right across the screen. His sword flashes on and off, and he sort of stutter steps.
3) Also - I thought there was supposed to be some sort of reaction to having Vhailor with you at the Pillar of Skulls. I couldn't get any reaction. I played through the scenario three times with him in the party and nothing.
thanks, keep up the good work,
Posted 30 January 2009 - 08:48 PM
Wow, I have no idea on 1 and 2. First I've heard of either. I'll look into 'em.
On #3, did you actually ask the Pillar all of the questions? He should react to one of the questions, yes, one that you don't actually have to ask to proceed with the main storyline. I think what sets him off is the one where
Posted 31 January 2009 - 02:15 AM
1st, I just played through Deionarra's Truth. What a wonderful addition! Thanks.
1) Regarding Vhailor and the Pillar of Skulls - I tried it again, and, yeah, I just hadn't asked the right question. Everything works fine.
2) Regarding the buggy Deva animation - I was fighting him solo as a mage, so I kept running back and forth to get enough distance to cast spells. Thus, for the first time I saw him walking left and right across the screen. Before, I had always had my party attacking him melee, so he always stood in one place. But, yeah, his animation is buggy.
3) Regarding lost stats - I can't reproduce it. I tried with the same save game, even. It must be a one-time bug. Oh, well.
4) Also, more Mebbeth strangeness - when I enter her hut for Deionarra's Truth conversation, she "hops" across the screen. Meaning, first she appears in one spot and then flashes to another spot in the hut. Just once, when I first enter.
I'll play through endings over the weekend.
Posted 31 January 2009 - 05:41 AM
4) Also, more Mebbeth strangeness - when I enter her hut for Deionarra's Truth conversation, she "hops" across the screen. Meaning, first she appears in one spot and then flashes to another spot in the hut. Just once, when I first enter.
Yeah. What's happening is the Mebbeth you knew is being removed from the game on the condition that you met Ravel, and a new one is created for you to have the ending conversation with. That's in the original game.
I suppose I can look and try to figure out if there's a good reason for her to be nuked and recreated as a brand new sprite for the sake of that one conversation. Up till now, I was just assuming there -was- a good reason. If there is (maybe the sprite is slightly differently colored or something) then I will leave it that way. If I can find no reason for that to be necessary, I'll test just letting the original sprite give out her text, and see.
Since her original sprite randomly walks around the hut and she could be -anywhere- when you first walk in (including something weird like in the middle of the party), it really may be being done for no better reason than to effectively teleport her to where they wanted her to be for the conversation.
Edited by Qwinn, 31 January 2009 - 05:45 AM.
Posted 31 January 2009 - 07:25 AM
Black Barbed Necklace - If you have more than one, and put the item in the quick item slot, the whole stack goes in the slot. Then, if you use the item from the quick item menu, ALL of the items disappear after one use. I don't know if this happens with all such items or just this one. Well, it certainly doesn't happen with healing items. Hmmm...
I just tested and was unable to reproduce this. I put a stack of both Black Barbed Charms and Black Barbed Seeds in my quick items slots, popped up the circular quick menu, picked Select Item, and tried both of them. They both worked fine, one use consumed only one of the stack.
Could you retest and make sure you can duplicate this one, please?
Edited by Qwinn, 31 January 2009 - 07:26 AM.
Posted 31 January 2009 - 08:46 AM
i also had whole stack of item removed by 1 use (black barbed seed i think), but couldn't reproduce either.gothemasticator:
Black Barbed Necklace - If you have more than one, and put the item in the quick item slot, the whole stack goes in the slot. Then, if you use the item from the quick item menu, ALL of the items disappear after one use. I don't know if this happens with all such items or just this one. Well, it certainly doesn't happen with healing items. Hmmm...
I just tested and was unable to reproduce this. I put a stack of both Black Barbed Charms and Black Barbed Seeds in my quick items slots, popped up the circular quick menu, picked Select Item, and tried both of them. They both worked fine, one use consumed only one of the stack.
Could you retest and make sure you can duplicate this one, please?
Posted 31 January 2009 - 01:29 PM
Posted 03 February 2009 - 06:19 AM
I just cleared the dead nations area and decided to enter the warrens of thought but the first small door in that area is locked and I am stuck in that first small room. Nothing happens, nobody talks to me or anything. Is this a bug or am I supposed to do something to open that door.
Posted 03 February 2009 - 08:02 AM
Edited by taplonaplo, 03 February 2009 - 08:03 AM.
Posted 14 February 2009 - 03:02 AM
Apparently, if you sell Morte to Vrischika, and then read the Codex of the Inconceivable, he mysteriously reappears. Apparently, an NPC that has been "deactivated" can be erroneously restored by somehow getting a dialogue with that NPC near the spot where he was deactivated. It'll be fixed in the next version.
EDIT: Never mind for the time being. Can't reproduce the issue. Though I did find an error in Nordom's dialogue file while researching it! (Ask Nordom about Mechanus when Morte is NOT around, and one of your reply options is "Never mind, Morte, I've heard enough. Let's go.") So at least it wasn't a wasted effort, heh.
Edited by Qwinn, 14 February 2009 - 10:56 AM.