Known Issues 3.02 (report bugs here)
Posted 22 August 2009 - 09:30 PM
When Dak'kon was killed by Black Abishai in The Hive NW Section,I escaped to Ragpicker's Square and tried to revive Dak'kon.But to my surprise,the foucus moved to the top of the area(Ragpicker's Square),then Dak'kon was alive in the character portrait while I cann't see where he was.
I make all efforts to find him only to realize he was lost indeed except the character portait.I cann't even abandon him for he remaines in my team.Try to scan his inventory will lead to memory errors...
Drive me crazzy...
Posted 24 August 2009 - 12:45 AM
Codhri, see this post:
If you want to know -why- you need to do this, read the rest of that thread, starting at post #13
Thanks for your reply, it fixed my problem

Posted 12 September 2009 - 07:17 PM
Any idea what might be causing this problem? It saves, starts to load, hangs about 1/20th to 1/10th of the bar, then crashes out. Any help appreciated -- love the game, love the mods, hate the bugs =(
Posted 12 September 2009 - 07:58 PM
Ok, I'm playing from the 2 CD version, with only the three Quinn mods, latest versions (as per the download section of this forum) and only the recommended parts (no deionarra's truth). I was fine playing along until I hit Vrishchika's shop, then I crashed and couldn't enter it; I tried reinstalling all the mods, making sure latest versions, and that fixed that problem (I can enter the shops fine) but now I can't enter the brothel or the advocate's house without crashing (I can enter the apothecary's shop just fine, can enter civic festhall just fine).
Any idea what might be causing this problem? It saves, starts to load, hangs about 1/20th to 1/10th of the bar, then crashes out. Any help appreciated -- love the game, love the mods, hate the bugs =(
Never mind! sorry to bother you all -- whatever the problem was, a completely clean reinstall fixed it. Apologies, and thanks for the amazing work you're all doing. When I saw updates with a 2009 tagline for this game, I was amazed (in a completely great way).
Posted 29 December 2009 - 01:58 AM
I am a Chinese player.Yesterday,I began to try the English version instead of the Chinese version and found a tiny bug.
When talking to Dhall,he said "This is where the dead are brought to be interred or cremated...(whole passage)."and there are some options below.The forth is"Sigil?".Dhall,however,have not mentioned "Sigil" yet.The question is illogic.
Though it seems to be a tiny mistake indeed.I wish this game can be more near to perfect.This mistake have no relation to fixpack for it also lied in 1.1 version.
My English is just so-so...I appreciate your terrifc work, I really enjoy this game with the WEIDU packs and hope it can be better.
I know it's been ages, but thought I'd address this. The poster is entirely correct, there is no reference at all to Sigil any time before this or anywhere else in Dhall's dialogue. I'm pretty sure Morte doesn't mention it either until you leave the Mortuary. It really is out of the blue. So basically, the only thing I could do would be to remove the question and answer altogether.
Thing is, there's a *lot* of issues like this all over the dialogue that I can't do anything about. For example, Vaxis, the fake zombie in the Mortuary. How do you know his name is Vaxis? He never tells you. That knowledge is in fact completely illogical. And there's nothing at all I can do about this, short of just creating dialogue where he tells you his name, which I'm not willing to do.
So, I tend to leave issues like this alone, unless the contradiction is pretty severe and fourth-wall breaking, or it affects gameplay. In the case of the "Sigil?" question to Dhall, well, I don't like removing dialogue, as I sorta see it as my mission to *restore* it. But, if you're reading this and you disagree and think I *should* simply remove such illogical questions where I can, let me know, and if enough people seem to agree, I'll do a poll on it.
So that you can render an informed opinion, the "Sigil?" question doesn't lead to anything else, it pretty much stands alone, and the Dhall response is "Torment is our fair city, Restless One." That's it. If you think that due to the illogic of it I should just remove that question and answer altogether, or not, let me know, I'm curious what people think.
Edited by Qwinn, 29 December 2009 - 02:00 AM.
Posted 29 December 2009 - 02:15 AM
I'm actually thinking a safe way to deal with this is to put a condition on your asking that question, a condition you probably won't be able to meet the first time you talk to him. There is a "Know_Sigil" variable, but it's not consistently set and you can easily know enough to ask about Sigil without that variable being positive. So I'm thinking, just require that the player has escaped the Mortuary out into the Hive before you can ask Dhall about it... after all, that's the same moment that you become able to ask Morte about Sigil. This way, you don't have the illogic of being able to ask about it before you'd likely have heard of it, but I'm not outright removing any dialogue either.
Edited by Qwinn, 29 December 2009 - 02:17 AM.
Posted 29 December 2009 - 02:28 AM
Here's what Dhall says when you're offered to ask about Sigil:
Dhall: ~"This is where the dead are brought to be interred or cremated. It is our responsibility as Dustmen to care for the dead, those who have left this shadow of life and walk the path to True Death." Dhall's voice drops in concern. "Your wounds must have exacted a heavy toll if you do not recognize this place. It is almost your home."~
In reply to that, you can ask about: "Shadow of Life?", "True Death?", "Dustmen?", "Sigil?" and "Wounds?". All except Sigil are referenced in Dhall's immediately preceding dialogue. I think it's pretty obvious, and an unobtrusive alteration, that Dhall's state should be:
~"This is where the dead of Sigil are brought to be interred or cremated. It is our responsibility as Dustmen to care for the dead, those who have left this shadow of life and walk the path to True Death." Dhall's voice drops in concern. "Your wounds must have exacted a heavy toll if you do not recognize this place. It is almost your home."~
This'd need to be added to the various translations, but heck, I could probably figure out how to add "of Sigil" easily enough on my own without having to bother everyone about it.
Edited by Qwinn, 29 December 2009 - 02:28 AM.
Posted 29 December 2009 - 03:53 AM
Posted 29 December 2009 - 04:06 AM
Posted 09 January 2010 - 04:20 PM
I've encountered some issues, but I don't know whether these are bugs or not.
1.: Ravel didn't give +1 Wisdom. During her dialog I was asking about Marta and Ei-Vene, and she gave me the bonuses (Intestinal Phylactery and +3 MaxHP), but when I was asking her about Mebbeth, there was just 2 dialog option (instead of three), and neither gave me bonuses. And yes, I've had a conversation with Mebbeth before.
2.: When I was in Curst Prison, Roberta accused me for telling the Curst Guards about her plan to kill her husband. I've been talking to her before, but I didn't help her, neither I snitcing.
3.: Curst in Carceri - The Angry Mob: I could convince the Angry guy to let the official go. After that I've got the XP, and tried to talk with the saved Official, and instead of thanking me or running off, he was just told me the same things (help him to set free). So he didn't notice he was free.
4.: Banters are sometimes starting even during battles! I've been in a dungeon (UnderSigil), and I sent forth one of my character, so he left the other party members behind. A battle was initiated with my single character, and between two chops, a banter has started (Fall-From-Grace and Annah). It was a bit troublesome to interrupt the battle because of this.
5.: I've found the Ancient scroll in Carceri Warehouse, but Dak'kon couldn't use it (he was lvl 12 mage)
6.: Ignus' ex-girlfriend (I don't remember her name) in the Smoldering Corpse bar was stuck in flee state (yellow ring beneath her, and I couldn't initiate dialog). However, this was in the middle of the game, but earlier I've had conversation with her already. I don't know what triggered that behavior, I wasn't fighting in the bar or anything.
7.: Fortress of Regrets - Fortress Entrance: I wore Deionarra's ring, but she didn't give an upgrade (although I didn't have her legacy in my inventory, maybe that's why?). Simply there wasn't dialog referring to her ring.
8.: Fortress of Regrets: After talking my incarnations, I've tried to use the bronze sphere, to get the 2,000,000 experience, but the only dialog option was "Put the sphere away" or something similar.
9.: quote from PST walkthrough by Dan Simpson: "When you talk the looters out of stealing from the warehouse, they all leave... and enter the warehouse anyway!" <- Yeah, I've witnessed this issue too (Curst in Carceri)
I don't know, but maybe my old savegame is the cause for some of the problems.
I started to play originally with the 4CD PST with patch 1.1 + unofficial patch 1.37. I was at the Ragpicker's Square when I decided to uninstall the game for some reason, but I kept the savegames. When I installed the game again, the following was my config:
-2CD Planescape Torment install
-Ultimate WeiDU Fixpack 3.02
-Unfinished Business 3.02 (all components installed except "Restored Item Cheats")
-Qwinn's PST Tweak Pack 3.51 (I've installed the Banter Accelerator only)
I was experiencing the above described issues _after_ my second install.
Posted 09 January 2010 - 05:04 PM
Given that, I'll take a quick look at the issues you described and see if I can spot any issues, but I'm not going to dwell cause I could drive myself nuts trying to find a problem that just isn't there. Thanks for the report anyway.
Posted 09 January 2010 - 05:31 PM
2. I can't see how this could happen from the code, so probably a save game issue. Note that you can rat her out to any Curst Guard, the Curst Captain, or to her husband... any of those will make her appear in the prison. If you didn't tell one of them, then she won't appear in the prison at all.
3. The official doesn't have any other dialogue. He -should- commence to leave the area shortly after you talk the mob down, at which point you shouldn't be able to talk to him anymore. You probably caught him in the short delay between your talking the mob down and that script activating. Nothing I can really do about that.
4. Urf. The check prevents a banter from starting if TNO can see an enemy. If you left him in safety while others were in battle... ugh. Not sure what I can do to fix that. I'll take a look. This should be pretty rare though.
5. This isn't a bug. Only TNO can use the scroll, and only if he is a level 12 or better mage.
6. This is definitely due to your reusing a save game from before installing the engine morale fixes.
7. You had to have talked to Deionarra previously, in the Mortuary. Other than that, just having her ring in your inventory should suffice. So, either you didn't talk to her in the mortuary, or you didn't have the ring, or the old save problem is at fault.
8. You have to have gotten certain information from the Good incarnation in order to be able to use the bronze sphere. It's not hard at all to miss the right dialogue path. And that path requires 17+ INT.
9. Yeah, sigh, they all "EscapeArea()" but that door is the closest exit so that's where they all go. I'd tell them to go somewhere else before disappearing, but this would require having them go -through- the party, and the path there is sufficiently narrow that the party could block it completely, which could do bad things. I agree it's lame but the only cure is worse than the disease, IMO.
I'm actually surprised you had as few problems as you did using an old save game.
Edited by Qwinn, 09 January 2010 - 05:34 PM.
Posted 09 January 2010 - 05:42 PM

Posted 09 January 2010 - 06:04 PM
Well, he was just standing there, as a statue at least for 20-30 seconds, and after that I moved on, so I don't know what happened to him.
Actually, the guy I was sent forth was the Nameless One and he could definitely see the enemy. I was in middle of a battle against two larval worm.
Yes, but the walkthtough says: "If you put the wish scroll in Dak'kon's inventory, it will be red, but you can STILL right-click it and use it... and because Dak'kon cannot use the item, you get your wish, but the scroll isn't used up."
Yeah I know, I'm whining because I couldn't use an exploit

Posted 09 January 2010 - 06:16 PM
Well, he was just standing there, as a statue at least for 20-30 seconds, and after that I moved on, so I don't know what happened to him.
Bleah. This shouldn't have happened, but there's nothing I can really do about it. The same variable controls his leaving as the rest of the mob leaving, though from a different script. So if they left, he should have too, but for whatever reason his script didn't fire. Irritating.
Actually, the guy I was sent forth was the Nameless One and he could definitely see the enemy. I was in middle of a battle against two larval worm.
Yeah, the See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) trigger can be occasionally flaky. I've seen it mess up a minority of the time. I actually think facing matters, if at any point you were facing away from the worms (which can happen easily) it might've snuck in there. I'll see if I can find a better trigger than See.
Yes, but the walkthtough says: "If you put the wish scroll in Dak'kon's inventory, it will be red, but you can STILL right-click it and use it... and because Dak'kon cannot use the item, you get your wish, but the scroll isn't used up."
Yeah I know, I'm whining because I couldn't use an exploit
That exploit was fixed in Platter's Fixpack, and so it made it into my Fixpack in v1.0. That particular fix didn't get documented in the readme (I didn't document all of Platter's fixes, as I had plenty of my own to document and I figured pretty much everyone was already familiar with his), but its there.
Posted 09 January 2010 - 06:16 PM
Posted 09 January 2010 - 06:21 PM
^^ Then I was wrong

Thanks for all your answers
Posted 09 January 2010 - 06:26 PM

Posted 09 January 2010 - 07:54 PM
This sounds familiar; I think BIS messed with something in the engine. I know I was debugging something in the Buried Village, and those cats north of the gate that stick around took forever to actually See() (0109THG5). I don't remember the specifics really, but the behavior in general definitely isn't something you can find in the BG series.Yeah, the See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) trigger can be occasionally flaky. I've seen it mess up a minority of the time. I actually think facing matters, if at any point you were facing away from the worms (which can happen easily) it might've snuck in there. I'll see if I can find a better trigger than See.
The issue, by the way, was that Bish and the guardsmen upstairs turned hostile on me after I took the sphere to Pharod, even though I never attacked the Buried Village. It turned out to be those dumb punks (if they start running away, attacks against them can sometimes fall through to that AttackedBy() block, and the cretins set BURIED_ATTACK to 1); solved by adding Internal(Myself,INTERNAL_0,0) to the AttackedBy() block in 0109GTHG. :-)
Posted 10 January 2010 - 05:41 AM
I like your suggestion for a fix to that particular example. Mind if I use it?

Oh, as for why it took so long for them to see you, here's part of the explanation:
IF See([PC]) THEN RESPONSE #20 Enemy() SetInternal(Myself,INTERNAL_0,1) Attack(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) RESPONSE #80 Face(0) END
What this does is, each time this block runs, there's only a 20% chance of them aggroing. 20% chance it runs the first response block, 80% chance it runs the second response block that just sets his facing. Does BG not put probabilities into its response blocks like that?
Edited by Qwinn, 10 January 2010 - 05:49 AM.