35. Found an almost orphaned journal entry. When Aelwyn tells you "I, Aelwyn, would tell you something now", answer "Another time, perhaps". Yet you'll receive a journal record telling you that "A woman named Aelwyn told me that I had been, and possibly still was, a Member of the Society of Sensation... a Sensate." although she hasn't told you that. What's even stranger, this is the only dialog brunch when you're getting this journal record, while it must be quite the contrary.
Journal entry was definitely misplaced. Removed it there and added it in two appropriate places. While there, I noted that if you picked that exact "Another time, perhaps" option, then Aelwyn would never tell you her story, even if she'd promised to reward you for your good deed and still owes you for it. (In any other circumstance, you can come back to her and she'll re-tell you the whole story even if you cut her short in the middle of it). I don't think that was intended. Fixing that also.
36. Records for quest "Find Nemelle for Aelwyn" behave strangely. Get the quest "Find Aelwyn for Nemelle" from Nemelle, than talk to Aelwyn, she asks you to speak with Nemelle. You'll get the quest "Find Nemelle for Aelwyn" in the Completed (!) section with a text "I found Nemelle, but Aelwyn wants me to tell Nemelle where she's waiting for her, now." Speak with Nemelle, quest "Find Nemelle for Aelwyn" will remain in the Completed section, but now with a text "I reunited Aelwyn and Nemelle." (Although quest record text in the Completed section shouldn't change at all, I suppose). Finally, when you speak with Aelwyn and she thanks you, quest "Find Nemelle for Aelwyn" disappears from the Completed section, never to appear anywhere.
Believe it or not, I think this was somewhat intended. At least, it pretty much works as well as anything else I can think of that doesn't require a whole lot more work than it warrants to "fix". In the end, you'll have the "Find Aelwyn for Nemelle" quest in your completed entry. Would be kinda stupid to have that AND "Find Nemelle for Aelwyn", both with the same "I reunited Aelwyn and Nemelle" description.
Something else I just realized is that I -can't- change the description of an assigned entry mid quest, not without actually making it two different quests and simulating it. Dunno why I thought I could. This makes my previous intent to fix the Dimtree quest by changing the assigned journal entry text hairier than I thought. Ugh.
37. Quest "Obtain permission for Iannis to use Deionarra's sensory stone" disappears from Assigned when you've talked with Splinter about it, but won't appear in Completed until you've talked with Iannis again.
Because it's not worth creating a whole new quest entry for that middle step, I'm just having the existing assigned entry stay there until you return to Iannis. The regular diary part of the journal will have the information "I talked to Splinter about it, time to go tell Iannis".
38. Matter-of-Course was duplicated: Diligence now walks with two identical bodyguards. No idea what caused it, but this is reproducible through saves, and early saves in Clerk's Ward show only one Matter-of-Course. Probably happened during conversations with Diligence or Matter-of-Course or entering Iannis's house. Or maybe it's not bug at all?
Argh argh argh. Oh, it's a bug alright... one I've been trying to kill since version 1.0. (Hell, in version 1.0 I actually wiped them both out of the game.

) Sigh. I'll keep trying. I'm fairly sure I at least reduced how often it occurs, but.
Note that the duplicates SHOULD go away once you let the trio reach either Iannis's place or the NW area zone. But I'd still like to prevent it from happening at all.
39. In Godsmen Armory, talking with Weapons Worker, the dialog brunch "I wonder if she'd talked to my friend Dak'kon here" and the subsequent answer by Dak'kon are available even if you've already talked with Kel'lera first, which is rather strange.
Agreed that this is pretty strange. I'll add a check on that option.
Edited by Qwinn, 11 July 2009 - 03:46 PM.