Known Issues 3.02 (report bugs here)
Posted 18 June 2009 - 05:03 PM
Posted 22 June 2009 - 11:05 AM
24. If you forged an item on Godsmen's forge before taking from Keldor a quest "Forge an item", you won't be able to finish this quest until you'll forge an item again, which is rather strange because all forged items are identical.
25. During "Murder in Foundry" cutscene, more than a half of the screen is covered with a "grey fog" (as if it's out of visibility zone, but with more clearly defined straight line border). Then, camera moves up, and to the end of cutscene all lower right quarter of the visible area is covered by a clearly visible "grey fog" rectangle, again with a straight line borders. Is it an engine glitch, video card issue, something's wrong with the scripting, or maybe it's a problem with Ghostdog's resolution mod?
26. If Saros goes to prison, Sarossa may curse you. Apologize to her. Then, every next conversation will start as the first one when you've received this curse. She keeps telling you "How dare you" and requires you to apologize again, even if your previous conversation with her ends in "You are forgiven". (By the way, by continuously angering her you may lower your Con, Dex and Str to 1, so these low stats are now reachable in game without any tweaks. Was it intended?)
27. From the dialog with a brothel armoire it is clear that it should occur on trying to examine its contents (hand cursor), not just on looking at it (examine cursor), which is certainly not an evil action and can't cause text like: "As you make to search the armoire," "A rogue after some lady's frilly undergarments, hmmmnn?" Or maybe it's a limitation of the engine, and starting dialog on hand cursor just can't be implemented?
28. Dialog with Kesai-Serris. By continuously repeating "Don't be upset, Annah... you're just as lovely." it's possible to raise Annah's morale to maximum. Annah surely isn't so silly to be infinitely pleased by the same doubtful compliment over and over again. My guess that the whole subtree starting with "You do have very lovely eyes, you know." was intended to be one-shot, not to appear the next time you speak.
29. Typo: "Inscribed into its base is the word 'KESSAI-SERRIS' ". Not Kessai, Kesai.
Also, a note about "Restored Mebbeth": although I absolutely agree that "sleeping-in-her-hut" dialog must belong to fixpack, I'm not so sure about "Tale of Ravel", it may be excluded intentionally because it reveals some info ("possibly-good-Ravel theory") prematurely. IMHO may be the best way to deal with all these doubtful dialogues is to place into special UB component "possibly-intentionally-excluded-dialog-parts", where you may place all these especially doubtful orphaned branches no matter how large or small they are.
Posted 23 June 2009 - 09:48 AM
26. If Saros goes to prison, Sarossa may curse you. Apologize to her. Then, every next conversation will start as the first one when you've received this curse. She keeps telling you "How dare you" and requires you to apologize again, even if your previous conversation with her ends in "You are forgiven". (By the way, by continuously angering her you may lower your Con, Dex and Str to 1, so these low stats are now reachable in game without any tweaks. Was it intended?)
Gah. No. You are only supposed to be able to get the curses 3 times. After that, if you keep messing with her, she starts setting off the Foundry alarms. I'll have to fix those. Sarossa's curses are cool, but a serious bitch to get working right.
29. Typo: "Inscribed into its base is the word 'KESSAI-SERRIS' ". Not Kessai, Kesai.
Also, a note about "Restored Mebbeth": although I absolutely agree that "sleeping-in-her-hut" dialog must belong to fixpack, I'm not so sure about "Tale of Ravel", it may be excluded intentionally because it reveals some info ("possibly-good-Ravel theory") prematurely. IMHO may be the best way to deal with all these doubtful dialogues is to place into special UB component "possibly-intentionally-excluded-dialog-parts", where you may place all these especially doubtful orphaned branches no matter how large or small they are.
I don't agree. I'm not sure what you mean by "possibly-good-Ravel theory". The Tale does nothing but describe Ravel as pure evil and cruelty. I cannot imagine anyone reading Mebbeth's Tale of Ravel and feeling spoiled when encountering her. Upon further review, I don't think there's any evidence that it was excluded deliberately. I don't even consider it "especially doubtful". Minor restorations without evidence that they were excluded on purpose go in the Fixpack.
Posted 23 June 2009 - 12:28 PM
she starts setting off the Foundry alarms
What I saw sometimes was some kind of convulsive movement from Foundry guards, then all went nice and quiet and you could talk with Sarossa again.
The Tale does nothing but describe Ravel as pure evil and cruelty.
Sorry if I misunderstood something, but: "mayhap the silence and quiet had a chance to creep in to Ravel's mind, now that they were not unwelcome, and cruel Ravel, for all her branchings and twistings, was content again." "where the silence and quiet of the place may have calmed her greedy heart." That's what I meant: Mebbeth's Tale of Ravel is much different in tone that other people's talk about Ravel, and this may be the cause of the deliberate exclusion of this fragment. But, as I said before, I'm absolutely not sure about it.
Edited by macabroid, 23 June 2009 - 12:37 PM.
Posted 26 June 2009 - 04:29 PM
While errand-running for the fourth piece of the key from Dallan, if you run back and forth and get each of An'Izius and Siabha to maximize their offers to turn the other in, they claim to both be matching the other's offer. However, if you turn Siabha in, An'Izius gives you 3000 copper, while if you turn An'Izius in, Siabha gives you 300 copper. An order of magnitude difference. It *seems* more like a typo (someone typed an extra 0, or missed one) than a double-cross, since the amount you're getting is never even directly referenced.
It also seems a little odd to me, but I can just kill them both, pick the copper up from their corpses, THEN go turn them both in for the 2x XP reward, and doing so doesn't make anyone hostile, doesn't make you any less lawful good, doesn't really seem to do anything different from turning them both in anyway, other than getting a free 3300 copper and a couple bronze bracelets.
One more minor thing, after helping Roberta "handle" Carl, she still continues to stand there spouting floating blue text, "Has anyone seen Carl?" I suppose one could argue that this is intended, and she could just be covering for herself, but it'd make a little more sense to me if she'd just walk off after the deed is done and stop spawning, like Kiri does.
Edited by Xentropy, 26 June 2009 - 04:35 PM.
Posted 26 June 2009 - 05:18 PM
While errand-running for the fourth piece of the key from Dallan, if you run back and forth and get each of An'Izius and Siabha to maximize their offers to turn the other in, they claim to both be matching the other's offer. However, if you turn Siabha in, An'Izius gives you 3000 copper, while if you turn An'Izius in, Siabha gives you 300 copper. An order of magnitude difference. It *seems* more like a typo (someone typed an extra 0, or missed one) than a double-cross, since the amount you're getting is never even directly referenced.
Oops, yes, it was an error on my part. The Fixpack actually gives the copper quest rewards to various NPC's, so they will drop them if they die (this is thoroughly documented in the readme). My mistake was I only gave Siabha 300 copper, instead of the 3000 she's supposed to. This will be fixed in 4.0.
It also seems a little odd to me, but I can just kill them both, pick the copper up from their corpses, THEN go turn them both in for the 2x XP reward, and doing so doesn't make anyone hostile, doesn't make you any less lawful good, doesn't really seem to do anything different from turning them both in anyway, other than getting a free 3300 copper and a couple bronze bracelets.
Curst and Carceri have no dialogue alignment hits. I know, this is odd, and if I ever do that Alignment Mod I've talked about, that area is certainly going to get most of the work. It's gonna be a bitch, actually... since the most "good" path is also usually the most profitable. Also, after fixing the bug you reported above, you'll get 6000 instead of 3300 (plus the bronze bracelets, heh).
As to whether they should drop their copper if you kill them, I would say yes. The dialogue indicates that they both just hand you a heavy bag of coins, they don't leave or anything to go get it, and thus there's nothing to indicate you shouldn't find it if you searched their body after killing them. Now, the question would be, should you be able to report them to the Captain if you killed them? After thinking about it, I can't really think of a reason you shouldn't be able to. "Hey, Captain, Anizius wants to kill Siabha." "O rly? I will round up Anizius immediately, thanks for the information...". Sure, he'll find corpses when he goes looking for either of them, and probably presume they did each other in.
I -do- have to make a fix as a result of your report, though. It looks like (and this appears to be true even in the unmodded game) if you killed Ani'zius or Siabha, they will still appear in the Curst Prison later on. I'll have to add a check against that. And not seeing them again later will be a consequence of killing them.
One more minor thing, after helping Roberta "handle" Carl, she still continues to stand there spouting floating blue text, "Has anyone seen Carl?" I suppose one could argue that this is intended, and she could just be covering for herself, but it'd make a little more sense to me if she'd just walk off after the deed is done and stop spawning, like Kiri does.
I was aware of this one, and already decided not to touch it. I assume that, yes, she is covering for herself, pretending to be unaware of what happened to him. It's a plausible explanation, and if it can be explained plausibly, I lean towards not changing something, even if it might "feel" better. I really am a bit of a purist at heart, though I'm sure some would disagree.
Thanks very much for the report! Keep 'em coming

Edited by Qwinn, 26 June 2009 - 05:20 PM.
Posted 27 June 2009 - 12:33 PM
Posted 27 June 2009 - 07:15 PM
1. If Scofflaw Penn kicks you out of his shop and you get a journal entry saying the door is locked, it will now really be locked.
2. Siabha now has all the copper she was supposed to. (This was an error in Fixpack v1.0, my apologies)
3. Sarossa's dialogue gets even more fixes, particularly pertinent if you turn Saros in.
4. Infinite Annah morale loop in Kesai's dialogue removed.
5. Missing line in Vhailor's altercation with Grace regarding Annah restored.
Posted 27 June 2009 - 07:18 PM
Posted 28 June 2009 - 09:11 AM
Next issue with Clerk's Ward scripts not loading was a bitch to track down. It took me a good two days to locate area in code that was messing it up. The issue happens only when zoning into an area from "mini" map. I'm not sure if this problem carries over to areas you've already been to like say going back to the Hive. However, for Clerk's Ward were you zone in for the first time causes a number of scripts like the Drunken Mage and two actors not to load. While I tracked down the buggy code and can skip over it, I need to do more analysis as to what it's actually doing and why it loads some scripts but not others. The toggle of mini map is linked to global "Pregnant_Quest" which gets set after doing quest to get into Lower Ward. This issue is present in vanilla game so it wasn't something introduced by fixpack or UB.
As for further upgrade to Dak sword actually that would be a pretty minor patch wise. You'd just add a few more checks for higher levels and reference new ITM files. Very easy to implement so if you decide you'd like to do it I'll put it together. Maybe tweak? Not really fixpack material and stretching it for UB.
I'll have to look into how INI files work which might help with huge Buried Village population.
I think that cursor can be set in ARE trigger section?27. From the dialog with a brothel armoire it is clear that it should occur on trying to examine its contents (hand cursor), not just on looking at it (examine cursor), which is certainly not an evil action and can't cause text like: "As you make to search the armoire," "A rogue after some lady's frilly undergarments, hmmmnn?" Or maybe it's a limitation of the engine, and starting dialog on hand cursor just can't be implemented?
Sweet!Also: The engine patches section of the Fixpack will now install quicker. The patcher method has a mechanism used when patching the same set of bytes multiple times that would take a few seconds to process, the use of that mechanism will now run much quicker.

Sorry for long absence. Comcast can die in a fire, had really bad connectivity issues but will be switching over to to Verizon fios soon anyway. I was able to read the forum briefly so got info like that script issue. Also, comp problems. Thankfully almost put together funds / hardware parts to build a new comp. Then just assortment of other things I had to deal with.
Edited by scient, 28 June 2009 - 09:13 AM.
Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.
Posted 28 June 2009 - 09:42 AM

The issue with Hail'cin going hostile is because when Dak dies KILL_Githzerai gets incremented.
I thought about that, and tried to make it happen, but... is this being done by the engine specifically? Cause each creature's KILL variable is set in beast.ini, based on the creature's sprite, and Dak'kon doesn't have one set there. If it is being deliberately done in the engine, I would agree that it would make sense to skip it if the PC in question is in the party. Well, at least as far as Dak'kon goes anyway.
Next issue with Clerk's Ward scripts not loading was a bitch to track down. It took me a good two days to locate area in code that was messing it up. The issue happens only when zoning into an area from "mini" map. I'm not sure if this problem carries over to areas you've already been to like say going back to the Hive. However, for Clerk's Ward were you zone in for the first time causes a number of scripts like the Drunken Mage and two actors not to load. While I tracked down the buggy code and can skip over it, I need to do more analysis as to what it's actually doing and why it loads some scripts but not others. The toggle of mini map is linked to global "Pregnant_Quest" which gets set after doing quest to get into Lower Ward. This issue is present in vanilla game so it wasn't something introduced by fixpack or UB.
Yep, this I'd all managed to figure out. I stopped looking at it after the discovery that their scripts would start working again after entering and leaving any building in the Clerk's Ward, which makes the problem pretty temporary. Still, if you can figure out a way to fix it without too much pain, that'd be awesome. Don't kill yourself over it though.
As for further upgrade to Dak sword actually that would be a pretty minor patch wise. You'd just add a few more checks for higher levels and reference new ITM files. Very easy to implement so if you decide you'd like to do it I'll put it together engine wise. Maybe tweak? Not really fixpack material and stretching it for UB.
No, I'm never going to make more upgrades to Dak'kon's sword, his final version is more than powerful enough as it is. The most I could ever see being inclined to do re: this issue is add checks on levelups after level 10, but it would still be the existing level 10 sword upgrades every time. The only purpose of this would be to recheck morale. And if this would make it play the "my blade has changed" soundfile on every levelup regardless of whether it actually changed or not, that would be a dealbreaker for me.
I'll have to look into how INI files work which might help with huge Buried Village population.
I can make the INI script produce as many villagers as I want, the only question is, what was intended. The two rails are set up with "spec_qty = 5" which makes each "rail" produce 5 villagers each, immediately, near the zone area, which is REALLY crowded. There's also a "create_qty = 1" variable set there, I'm not sure what that does. Reducing the spec_qty to 1 each seems a lot more consistent with how other areas are done. I just dunno if it was supposed to be that way.
I think that cursor can be set in ARE trigger section?
Pretty sure you're right. Is the argument here that the cursor should be the same as it is when attempting to open/loot any other container?
Edited by Qwinn, 28 June 2009 - 09:49 AM.
Posted 28 June 2009 - 10:01 AM
He's alive!

The issue with Hail'cin going hostile is because when Dak dies KILL_Githzerai gets incremented.
I thought about that, and tried to make it happen, but... is this being done by the engine specifically? Cause each creature's KILL variable is set in beast.ini, based on the creature's sprite, and Dak'kon doesn't have one set there. If it is being deliberately done in the engine, I would agree that it would make sense to skip it if the PC in question is in the party. Well, at least as far as Dak'kon goes anyway.
Yes, I located KILL global in memory for Githzerai and then had Dak killed first by party members then by another NPC while in party. Both times KILL got incremented. I'll have to look into it some more but it should be a fairly simple fix. I don't think any of those KILL globals should be set for other PC's no? I'll double check, maybe there is issue only with Dak and others are working correctly by not setting KILL when they die as PC's. I do think they should be set if you kill them when they're NPC's.
Next issue with Clerk's Ward scripts not loading was a bitch to track down. It took me a good two days to locate area in code that was messing it up. The issue happens only when zoning into an area from "mini" map. I'm not sure if this problem carries over to areas you've already been to like say going back to the Hive. However, for Clerk's Ward were you zone in for the first time causes a number of scripts like the Drunken Mage and two actors not to load. While I tracked down the buggy code and can skip over it, I need to do more analysis as to what it's actually doing and why it loads some scripts but not others. The toggle of mini map is linked to global "Pregnant_Quest" which gets set after doing quest to get into Lower Ward. This issue is present in vanilla game so it wasn't something introduced by fixpack or UB.
Yep, this I'd all managed to figure out. I stopped looking at it after the discovery that their scripts would start working again after entering and leaving any building in the Clerk's Ward, which makes the problem pretty temporary. Still, if you can figure out a way to fix it without too much pain, that'd be awesome. Don't kill yourself over it though.
Just something that irked me. This may cause a whole host of undetected problems when folks are zoning using mini map. However, like you said zoning in directly to zone does load all the bcs files.
As for further upgrade to Dak sword actually that would be a pretty minor patch wise. You'd just add a few more checks for higher levels and reference new ITM files. Very easy to implement so if you decide you'd like to do it I'll put it together engine wise. Maybe tweak? Not really fixpack material and stretching it for UB.
No, I'm never going to make more upgrades to Dak'kon's sword, his final version is more than powerful enough as it is. The most I could ever see being inclined to do re: this issue is add checks on levelups after level 10, but it would still be the existing level 10 sword upgrades every time. The only purpose of this would be to recheck morale. And if this would make it play the "my blade has changed" soundfile on every levelup regardless of whether it actually changed or not, that would be a dealbreaker for me.
Ya that's doable. What levels would you want checks to be at?
I'll have to look into how INI files work which might help with huge Buried Village population.
I can make the INI script produce as many villagers as I want, the only question is, what was intended. The two rails are set up with "spec_qty = 5" which makes each "rail" produce 5 villagers each, immediately, near the zone area, which is REALLY crowded. There's also a "create_qty = 1" variable set there, I'm not sure what that does. Reducing the spec_qty to 1 each seems a lot more consistent with how other areas are done. I just dunno if it was supposed to be that way.
Oki. There seems to be a lot of questions regarding ini files. I have it on my list of things to look into since BG1 doesn't actually have any files like this nor does BG2.
I think that cursor can be set in ARE trigger section?
Pretty sure you're right. Is the argument here that the cursor should be the same as it is when attempting to open/loot any other container?
Ya, it shows up as info cursor rather than container. Pretty minor but would make more sense I think.
Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.
Posted 28 June 2009 - 08:55 PM
This should sort problem with Hailcin'n argo'ing among other things. So Qwinn you can set his check back to one. I'm also going to fix that flag not getting reset. I dunno if having it toggled causes any changes to how PC's behave but I doubt it. Will have a quick look tho.
Edited by scient, 28 June 2009 - 08:57 PM.
Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.
Posted 28 June 2009 - 09:36 PM
Posted 28 June 2009 - 10:26 PM
Edited by scient, 28 June 2009 - 10:28 PM.
Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.
Posted 28 June 2009 - 10:43 PM
EDIT: Hrm... actually... now that I think about it, no, I don't think I can reassign a different script to PC's when they are removed from the party, and I might not be able to give them any scripting without Party AI turned on.
Edited by Qwinn, 28 June 2009 - 10:49 PM.
Posted 28 June 2009 - 10:59 PM
EDIT: Actually, don't worry about it. You get a huge alignment hit when getting the reward from the Tome for it anyway. Probably better to wait on what MCA has to say about it before wasting effort that might be unnecessary.
Edited by Qwinn, 28 June 2009 - 11:05 PM.
Posted 29 June 2009 - 08:20 AM
Posted 03 July 2009 - 02:41 AM
Also, realized from reading some old posts by MCA that he clearly thought the Rat Charm was in game after the game's release. That makes it's inclusion in game a fix, not a restoration. Taking it out of UB Restored Items component and putting it in the Fixpack. Credit still goes to Platter for the original fix, and to scient for fixing the usability restrictions.
Edited by Qwinn, 03 July 2009 - 04:22 AM.
Posted 03 July 2009 - 08:44 AM
Jasilya, in Curst. The girl who gets attacked by Harmonium Slavers, and you have to save her. Her calls for help would make nearby Curst Guards and other Curst Townies go hostile on you. This was absolutely, positively not intended - everyone's scripts actually say (translated) "Ignore Jasilya's calls for help", but for whatever reason the engine doesn't evaluate Help("Jasilya") properly... I can fix it referring to her in a different manner, and now they will ignore it.
I'm glad I finally got this one licked, I've heard more than a few complaints about people getting all Curst aggroed on them because of her.