19. Something's definitely not right with the walking scripts of Buried Village inhabitants. 11 of them are near the entrance to Trash Warrens, walking towards the exit or from it (synchronously in one direction only!), looks pretty much ridiculous to me.
I can't argue that it looks very weird. Unfortunately, that's the only basis we have to go on to change it... there are two spawn points, both very close to the area entrance, and each one spawns 5 each, as directly told to by the INI file (spec_qty = 5). Unfortunately even
IESDP doesn't really explain how INI files work properly. I've got a pretty good handle on it by now, just from trial and error, but it -is- confusing. In this case, I wonder if the programmers weren't thinking that setting that value would mean there should be 5 creatures max from each "rail" list active at one time, but the five should still come out at the "interval = 600", not all at once. Regardless, I don't think max 5 works either, you enter and leave that area enough and you get a LOT of rail creatures walking around.
I tend to agree that it would be much better and work more like the rails in other areas if they came out one at a time rather than these huge blobs of
NPC's spawning at the edges of these areas, but is that enough for me to call it a fix? Maybe they -wanted- the Buried Village to look like Manhattan on a saturday night. *shrug*
20. Keldor: "Ask Nihil Xander about his dreambuilder someday." He's not Nihil, he's Nihl. I doubt Keldor would mispronounce the name of their chief engineer.
21. The "Restored Mebbeth" dialog occuring when you sleep in her hut is very important to the future parts of the game, without it the journal entry about Dreambuilder ("so that I may dream again") doesn't make much sense - how does TNO know he doesn't dream? Even Nihl Xander doesn't tell him this fact in his quest-giving dialog. So I think this dialog with Mebbeth should belong to the fixpack, not to the restoration pack.
You can also realize you lack dreams by talking to Kesai Serris. And since the Xander stuff isn't -dependent- on the Mebbeth resting dialogue... and no one has ever said it "doesn't make much sense" before... I don't think it's that big an issue. Still, I -do- consider the Emoric and Phineas T. Lort sleeping cutscenes to be fixes, so, yeah, I guess it should go in the Fixpack. Just seems weird leaving a few lines of dialogue only as an entire
UB component

22. Is there any particular reason why journal record about Dreambuilder quest speaks about "the Dreambuilder", with the first capital letter, and Nihl Xander speaks about "the dreambuilder", without the first capital letter?
Xander actually uses both capitalized and lower-case in the same line:
@6707 = ~"I need just one more item from you, and we can begin the final process of the Dreambuilder. I need a pillow that has lain inside a coffin -- it will stimulate a sleep so profound that you may as well be dead. It opens your mind to the emanations of the dreambuilder. It is, if I say so myself, a touch of inspiration on my part."~
I'm going to stay away from this. I'll correct typos but I'm not going to go nuts with when a noun is considered proper and when it's not. If I go there, I'll spend the next six weeks just standardizing the completely chaotic capitalization of the word 'planes/Planes' in this game.
23. Rooms on the 3rd floor of the Foundry, on the balcony: when you save the game here, you'll see this level entitled as ...hmm, "small dwelling". Maybe something's wrong with my knowledge of English, but how could anyone dwell in a room with no bed, and how a room inside larger building could be called a "dwelling"?
It's a stretch of the term, it's true. I think more was intended for those areas that just got cut, though I have -no- idea what, there's no vestiges of anything involving them left around. Lacking in-game reason to rename them (such as there was with the mortuary embalming room) I'm thinking I'll just leave them be.
Note that re: "and how a room inside larger building could be called a "dwelling"", it is perfectly appropriate in english to describe an apartment within a large apartment building as a "small dwelling". You're right that it usually implies a bed and otherwise a place someone could -live- rather than a small library, though.
Edited by Qwinn, 16 June 2009 - 03:49 AM.