Known Issues 3.02 (report bugs here)
Posted 30 May 2009 - 11:32 PM
When can we expect the next release?
Posted 30 May 2009 - 11:50 PM
In the Mortuary you can choose to kill Dhall, although you have to initiate combat. Later in the Hive (possible only late in the game) you can ask someone near the Mortuary if Dhall is found in the dead book. I never killed him and got told that he was still alive, although his time was nearly up.
I doubt many players actually decide to kill Dhall, but if you do, is the response changed correctly?
Posted 31 May 2009 - 07:19 AM
Great job Qwinn. Very impressive work on the patches.

When can we expect the next release?
Not within the next month or three. Lots of stuff still needs to be done, and I'm gonna give it another playthrough test when everything is done. We were originally intending to do it around December.... might be before that, but not by that much.
I doubt many players actually decide to kill Dhall, but if you do, is the response changed correctly?
Sort of. If you haven't killed Dhaal, he is on the list you can ask about when you first talk to him, and if you ask about him or try to pay to see him buried, DoN says "Not dead yet". If you kill him, then he no longer appears as an option to ask about initially, but if you want to pay Death of Names to 'bury' Dhaal yourself, you can now do so, and then he'll show up on the initial list again. IOW, he doesn't automatically get 'buried' after you kill him, you have to do it.
Edited by Qwinn, 31 May 2009 - 07:29 AM.
Posted 31 May 2009 - 09:12 PM
1. That reported bit about talking to Vlask after you bought a bead off him? Remember I suggested preventing that by having him leave in a cutscene? That was actually already coded for, but the cutscene was aborting prematurely, and they never left the hut. Fixed it.
2. When Vlask would sell you a second bead, the command to actually give it to you failed, trapping you forever.
3. Purchasing a date with a Hive Harlot with -both- Grace and Annah in your party was causing the dialogue to abort prematurely due to a bug, and neither of them would react. They will now react as was intended (well, Annah will).
4. Once you tell Drusilla about the decanter, she was supposed to become obsessed with your freeing Ignus (greeting you exclusively with asking you to do so), but a bad state weight was preventing that from happening. Fixed.
5. Although this has been fixed since version 1.0, noting here that Cilantro's Restoration Pack deserves credit for the original restoration of the floating rebuses over the heads of dabuses.
6. All dabuses have been gone over with a fine tooth comb, and they will now show and change those floating rebuses in accordance with the dialogue cues.
7. Ordering Nordom to go hostile and attack everyone wasn't making him leave the party, which was... problematic. He's now evicted from the party when ordered to go hostile.
8. Grace and Vhailor had voiced lines that were supposed to occasionally play when they died, but they couldn't be heard because dead men and succubi make no sounds. Fixed.
9. Two voiced lines in Fhjull's cutscene as you left his house were reversed. They will now play in the proper order.
10. A variable set was missing that made Fhjull get stuck on his first response after you returned from the Pillar. Try talking to him again to hear the voiced line that this fix effectively restores.
11. Several creatures/characters with insane stats that make no sense or are directly contradicted by dialogue cues have been made sane. Note that this invariably makes them stronger - almost all of these were due to a level 0 template being used for creatures and never updated. Notable affected creatures are Leena Conall and Otis, the Practical Incarnation, Qui-Sai, Mantuok, and Sohmiens. Lots of named lower planes creatures got their weapon proficiencies upgraded to match what unnamed demons have. Oh, and no more level 1 larval worms with 90 hit points that can be mass killed by a single Cloudkill spell for insane experience anymore either, sorry.
And... scient? I just realized something major. Will describe it in the Sounds thread.
Edited by Qwinn, 02 June 2009 - 01:36 PM.
Posted 31 May 2009 - 11:41 PM
Edited by Qwinn, 31 May 2009 - 11:41 PM.
Posted 01 June 2009 - 12:49 AM
1. You could be given a choice of two identical responses when talking with Vivian after returning her veil.
2. If you got Mar's axe in dialogue, and then killed him, you'd get a second axe.
Edited by Qwinn, 01 June 2009 - 11:31 AM.
Posted 01 June 2009 - 08:54 AM
Posted 01 June 2009 - 11:31 AM

So, um, that really doesn't belong in the Fixpack.

Posted 07 June 2009 - 05:31 AM
Continuing with my bugreports:
6. I was surprised that Gaoha doesn't react on Dak'kon's presence in your party, while every other gith does. Even looked into dialog files, and found: "He is about to speak when his eyes - shiny and black, like orbs of jet - fall upon Dak'kon. The two of them stare silently at one another for a moment before the tattooed githzerai's gaze returns to you." But I haven't seen these lines in game, are they orphaned?
7. Killed the Rake, than talked to Rake-chaser, he starts to flee. He flees to the Tenement of Thugs door, it is locked, he just stands before the door trying to escape, silently allowing to kill himself.
8. Negative token: incorrect item picture? Description says: "This is a "negative token": a flat, black disk that appears to have no substance to it at all. Turning it over reveals that it has no third dimension - there is no thickness to this item at all." Yet the disk on the large item picture has the third dimension - a clearly visible 5-pixels wide black border. Strangely, on a small item picture (in inventory) all is OK, it do look 2-dimentional.
9. Another journal/dialog incoherency: Barkis asks you to deal with "a bubber over against the far wall", without telling her name. Yet "Resolve a bar tab" quest description tells you "The victim is named Mochai".
10. After solving Mochai's quest, talk to Barkis, drink anything, than "Answer some questions for me", "What can you tell me of the patrons here?" Dialog suddenly finishes instead of answer, although Barkis answers these questions if asked directly, not after drinking.
11. When I received the "embalming room key quest" in Mortuary, I, certainly, started to search for "embalming room" marker on the map. Surprisingly, I've found this marker... in game manual, where (on a map reproduction) "Northeast preparation room" was called "Embalming room". I suppose this room should be renamed back to "embalming", otherwise the title "embalming room key" and phrases like the one in the journal "I met a spy disguised as a zombie in the eastern-most Mortuary room, south of the Embalming Room." doesn't make much sense.
12. After getting Ku'u Yin tattoo, talk to him: "I have your name and number" "May I have them?" "No" "...I will see you no more".If you choose "All right" and end conversation, then start again, he'll continue talking as if you've never refused him, although from his answer it's clear he won't talk with you again! Even stranger, if you'll choose "Answer a few question for me" (after refusing to give him a tattoo), he leaves, and journal tells you that "Ku'u Yin refused me when I offered his name and number back", but I haven't offered anything to him, just said that I have his tattoo!
13. Obtain a free pass from Hargrimm by solving his quests. Then, tell Mantuok that Soego sent you. Talk with Many-as-One, get a quest to kill Silent King from them. Return to Hargrimm. You will not get the dialog options: "The cranium rat collective, Many-As-One, sent me." "By the Silent King! Thou are in league with the *vermin!?"* It becomes furious." etc. (By the way, are these dialog options available at all? I just read them in dialog file)
And - again - many-many thanks for continuing this project, it keeps the spirit of the game truly alive!
Posted 07 June 2009 - 07:40 AM
#6: No, the lines are not orphaned. You get them if Dak'kon is within dialogue range the very first time you approach Gaoha and say "Greetings...". He does not notice Dak'kon on future encounters. If you didn't have Dak'kon with you the first time you talked to Gaoha, you'll never see it.
#7: Ugh, ugh, ugh. Will have to fix this. The fix may actually result in cutting off an existing quest solution (which I have no reason to believe was ever "intended", so), which is to kill the Rake Chaser after completing the dialogue and while she is leaving the area. Will have to look into it further.
#8: Bleah, you're right. The II463.BAM in full size almost looks like a thin oreo cookie. Someone with the skillz would have to redo that .BAM (probably the easiest job in the world, actually, heh... "we need a black oval, no details, thx.")
#9: It's worse than you think. These journal inconsistencies actually exist all over the place. For example, Vaxis (fake zombie in Mortuary) never tells you his real name either, but it appears in many journal entries regarding him. I'd have to rewrite a whole hell of a lot of journal entries to take care of that particular brand of inconsistency, I'm not sure if I want to go there.
#10 and #12 were definitely dialogue bugs, great job catching 'em, easy to find the problem and fix, already done for version 4.0.
#11, I agree, "Northeast Preparation Room" needs to be renamed to "Embalming Room", by dint of the manual and a ton of dialogues that make it clear that's what the room is.
#13 I'm going to have to investigate further, that whole interaction between the two sides down there has a ton of variables and stuff involved, ugh. My guess is, those lines are an option if and only if you visited MAO first. Should they appear in the circumstance you're talking about? Eh. Probably. Will have to look into it in detail.
So, at the very least, fixes for 10-12 will come of your report, and possibly a couple of others

Edited by Qwinn, 07 June 2009 - 07:42 AM.
Posted 12 June 2009 - 07:48 AM
14. "The best new addition is Hailcin'n. His dialogue is quite detailed, and adds a lot of flavor." Is it an irony? Hailcin'n just attacks you: "This capable githzerai warrior has been watching you closely as you approach. As you draw near, he suddenly draws his sword and attacks!" Sorry if I've missed something, but how can I unlock his long restored dialog options? My TNO is good and quite peaceful, even Kii'na speaks with him!
15. Get from Norochj quest about "thief disguised as dustman" when you've already dealt with that thief. If you say Norochj that you already solved this problem without breaking the conversation, you won't receive 3 bandages as a reward, although these bandages were mentioned in the conversation's text. If you'll end the conversation after receiving the quest and than resume, all is OK - you'll get the reward.
16. Get the quest "Release Dimtree". Talk to Sebastion, get an incantation from him. At this moment, journal record will disappear from the "Assigned quests" and won't appear in the "Completed quests" until you've actually released Dimtree. It's just strange - you shouldn't forget about quests in progress. It'd be better just to leave the first journal entry as assigned until the quest is actually solved, or, even better, reconstruct the missing entry by merging the first one with the first sentence from the "completed" entry ("I learned the proper incantation to release Dimtree from Sebastion").
17. During the first conversation with An'azi, forcing Dak'kon to painfully kill her immediately ("Then maybe you had better just kill her. Make it painful, though" "I said to make it hurt") doesn't change his morale, although later in the conversation, if you'll go through option "Kill her, Dak'kon. Make it hurt", Dak'kon morale WILL decrease, so it should decrease in the first case too: from the text it's obvious that in both cases he don't like it: ("Dak'kon eyes go flat, but he bows to you").
18. The Completed entry for "Get evidence that Byron Pikit is a criminal" is incoherent to the point of insanity. It appears in your journal after you've received objects from the vault, and already tells you the future: that you "gave the evidence that Byron Pikit is a criminal to the Harmonium guard, Corvus. He arrested Byron and will see that he is brought to justice". But you may, for example, just throw these objects away, or maybe you haven't talked to Corvus at all and have yet to find out what to do with the document, and this entry just spoils the fun of this quest completely! Maybe just let this quest remain active until you've talked to Corvus?
Posted 12 June 2009 - 08:14 AM
15: Great catch! And you're right, you don't get the copper either. Easy to fix.
16: I agree the quest shouldn't just drop out, but not sure I want to merge the entries. I'll do something, probably just have the earlier entry remain until you actually complete it.
17. I agree, will make the morale hits consistent with the dialogue text.
18. That definitely needs to be fixed. Another great catch.
Thanks, macabroid! This stuff is invaluable to me.
Posted 12 June 2009 - 08:29 AM
Somewhere, somehow, some critter with the githzerai sprite died. Can you think of anywhere that could've happened, macabroid? I personally tested to see if killing off Yi'minn and gang could do it, and in fact it -should-, which is a problem, but when I actually tested it in game, killing them didn't screw up my Hail'cin conversation. So, weirdness all around.
However it's happening, it's possible to complete every quest in the Hive (except maybe the Yemeth quest, but that one shouldn't do it either) without making that variable increment, since I didn't encounter the issue. I'm very puzzled as to what it could be, though.
EDIT/PS: I just went through the dialogue file -really- hoping to find a line that could've been bestiary text for Githyanki. Unfortunately, can't find any, which is a real shame, if there were I could do a restored entry the same way we are for Alu-Fiend. I guess githyanki just don't rate a separate entry apart from githzerai

Edited by Qwinn, 12 June 2009 - 08:37 AM.
Posted 12 June 2009 - 09:25 AM
But I have killed no albatross!
Honestly, my TNO is almost a pacifist! So, if you're accusing him in killing a githzerai, you must be talking about his previous incarnations!
But seriously:
1. It's most certainly not Ana'zi or Ki'ina or anyone from Lower\Clerk Ward, because Hailcin'n was the first person I've met when entered Lower Ward after solving Valley of Lingering Sighs problem. Still was getting his "aggressive" option.
2. Before meeting Hailcin'n, I've solved all available quests in Hive\Dead Nations\Buried Village, choosing a non-violent way wherever possible. Only killed a lot of wererats in Warrens of Thought, and this - only because I was teleported and had to find the exit.
3. Dak'kon most certainly was killed and was resurrected before I talked with Hailcin'n
4. I suspect that Hailcin'n was visible during "Morte kidnapping" cutscene. Maybe this is a problem?
5. Other githzerays (those in Hive, Kiina, Anazi) still talk to me and doesn't show any signs of aggression. So, honestly, why should you rely on this bugged variable describing the behaviour of Hailcin'n alone? Must he know about life or death of every other githzerai in town, while other githzerais don't? If you want to use his "aggressive" dialog tree, maybe it'd be better to trigger it by Ki'ina's death (he walks nearby, and certainly must notice what happened!)
Posted 12 June 2009 - 09:54 AM
And, actually, Kii'na will also go hostile if you have killed githzerai, she just seems to require that you kill 3. Hailcinn goes hostile if you've killed one. I'd rather not change the behavior that they were coded for without compelling reason, I'd prefer as faithful a restoration as possible. And putting a band-aid on a bug that's causing that variable to increment when it shouldn't be isn't a compelling reason to me, at least not yet. If I can't nail it, I'll make his line match Kii'na's (meaning, gotta kill 3 githzerai to trigger it), but I'd prefer to nail the bug first.
Anyways, I wrote a program to check all CRE's for the animation tied to that kill variable. So far, the only possible matches in the Hive are Gaoha and the Gith Townspersons that walk around........
AAAAAND, eureka, okay, I bet that's what it is. Those gith townspeople that walk from one side of a Hive area to the other are destroyed by their own script when they reach their destination. Ugh. That's gonna be a bitch to find a workaround for.
EDIT: Hmm, actually, in at least one area, that's not the case... but I did find a bug that was messing up their intended pathing in one area! So, cool. Anyways, still looking for the self-destroying gith, cause that's the only reason I can figure for this.
Edited by Qwinn, 12 June 2009 - 09:59 AM.
Posted 12 June 2009 - 10:12 AM
But I still can't find a self-destroying gith. Which is making nailing this bug a serious PITA.
EDIT: Yup. Checked every wandering gith and none of them self-destruct. I'm at a loss here. If anyone can remember any creature that uses the githzerai sprite anywhere in the Hive besides Gaoha and the wandering Githzerai Townspersons that are in the SE and SW sections of the Hive, please do let me know. Barring some secret gith discovery, though, I have -no- idea how you could've had that variable incremented. I believe you, though, had someone email me with the same issue not too long ago.
Edited by Qwinn, 12 June 2009 - 10:36 AM.
Posted 12 June 2009 - 10:34 AM
Posted 12 June 2009 - 10:37 AM
Posted 12 June 2009 - 10:51 PM
14: For now, I will make Hailcinn's aggro have the same condition as Kii'na's, which is you've killed 3 githzerai instead of just one. This'll have to do for now, until I can figure out what's making the variable increment.
15: Easy enough to just add the copper and bandage rewards as indicated in the text where they were supposed to be. Easy fix.
16: In the intermediate step where you've learned the incantation from Sebastion but haven't freed Dimtree yet, where the quest is erroneously just dropping off the journal altogether, the quest will now remain open with the following entry (which is the diary entry you get when you learn the incantation):
@37571 = ~I learned the incantation I need to free Dimtree the zombie. Sebastion allowed me to learn it from his book, although he pretended not to notice what I was doing.~
17. Added two negative morale hits in Dak'kon's dialogue, when you tell Dak'kon to kill An'azi and "make it hurt", so that the hits aren't arbitrary depending upon which of several identical dialogue branches you take.
18. I exchanged the quest "open" journal entry, which was:
@3840 = ~Lenny the thief has proof that Byron Pikit is a criminal stored in the warehouse. I need to go there to recover it.~
...with the diary entry you get during Lenny's dialogue, which remains valid during the intermediary stage where you have the papers but haven't given them to anyone yet:
@36022 = ~Lenny is keeping evidence of Byron Pikit's illegal activities in the warehouse. He suggested I take the evidence to someone in the Harmonium that I can trust. I can get the evidence if I talk to the clerk.~
And then, of course, I don't give the "complete" entry until you actually give the evidence to Corvus.
Thanks again, macabroid! Keep 'em coming

Posted 13 June 2009 - 02:44 AM
Could someone who has played through with my mods do me a favor? Just go to the Clerk's Ward, and see if the Drunken Mage near the west bar has any floating text? He should be talking with the bartender and exchanging lines, and *Glug*ging his drink. He should, and if I start a new game with all my mods installed and teleport over there he does, but pulling up my old Version 3.0 test save games and enter the Clerk's Ward for the first time, they're not showing up.
Could very well be a problem specific to my save games. I really gotta do another playthrough, cause my save games from my last run are creating a lot of phantom problems for me.
Anyways, thanks to whomever can check that for me.
Might as well report here that I discovered and fixed a few more issues.
Thanks to avenger_teamb's report of a missing comma in the Clerk's Ward INI file, two characters in the Clerk's Ward are restored, a prostitute who paces just north of Vrischika's shop, and the male companion of a female cafe patron who hangs out right next to Aelwyn. She won't be talking to empty air anymore. Their dialogues are not different from other prostitutes and male cafe patrons in the area.
Also, two cafe patrons, a male and a female, just south of the eastern bar in the Clerk's Ward were being duplicated. I removed the dupes. Also, one of those duplicated cafe patrons was supposed to have a minor floating text exchange with that bartender that wasn't working, those will be restored as well.
Edited by Qwinn, 13 June 2009 - 03:16 AM.