ROT Banter Pack
Posted 31 December 2008 - 02:06 PM
1. Gilgamesh says in this thread http://www.shsforums...?showtopic=9960 Yeah, unfortunately I have no time or will to add anything to the mod anymore. Anyone is free to make their own additions however.
So this is the official permission for someone to add onto the ROT mod?
2. I am not a Drizzt expert. I've read some of the later books and have a general idea of the relationships
Drizzt, Bruenor, Catti-Brie, Regis, and Wulfgar have with each other. In writing banters for these five I would be
very open to corrections from the Drizzt veterans out there.
3. Are coding dialogue files hard? I have no coding experience or computer programming background but I will
try to learn.
Assuming I have permission as stated above:
I am interested in making a ROT Banter Pack that would feature making all the NPC's from ROT have banters and
interjections (maybe even friendship paths or romances in some cases) with each other as well as the Bioware NPC's. I would also be interested in Crossmod content but that would be much later.
Region Of Terror is a great mod, and having the NPC's have more to say than just joining/leaving and quest-related
dialogue would make it even better.
Right now I'm just scratching the surface of this but will post more.
Suggestions? Comments?
Posted 03 January 2009 - 04:21 PM
I also had this idea two weeks ago but wanted to stay at simple Quest Interjections because I didnt read the Drizzt books and therefor lack the knowledge about the relationship. Quest Interjections are easy to create and give the characters some life.
Basically I am still at the start...
Right now I have altered the Starting Point of the Mod and created new and hopefully better portraits for the companions of the hall.
I have a huge list of ideas of what I would like to do with rot (mostly banter and story because its the only the thing the mod is really missing)
As I`m also at the starting point of my modding career we may just as well work together
Posted 03 January 2009 - 06:52 PM
Have you seen the portraits use with The Drizzt Saga? It would be nice if they were the same.created new and hopefully better portraits for the companions of the hall.
I Ride for the King!
a.k.a. Chev
Posted 04 January 2009 - 03:05 AM
Awesome, post some of your ideas. I think the banters between Drizzt and Co. should a really wide scope, like some references to the past, to reflect the great victories the groups has won, to paltry day-to-day stuff like Bruenor teasing Regis about eating too much food. The banters between Jarlaxle and Entreri would have to have Jarlaxle boasting of course and Entreri being his usual ice cold self. I also wanted to make banters between Drizzt and Co. and the Bioware NPC's, as sometimes I only bring Drizzt along to keep the ROT quests going. The quest interjections sounds like a good idea, I asume you are referring to ROT quests only.
Posted 06 January 2009 - 01:01 AM
Here's some rough ideas:
AERIE-Initially Aerie is frightened of Drizzt because he's a drow but eventually comes to regard Drizzt as a friend as she sees the good deeds he does and how he's generally a nice person. Later on (if the PC is not romancing Aerie and
Aerie is not romancing Haer'dalis) Aerie starts to "hero worship" Drizzt. Drizzt empathizes with Aerie's situation, is kind to her and is willing to listen to her problems, but when the "hero worship" starts he has to gently guide Aerie out of her confused emotional state to make her see that he's just doing his duty. Aerie eventually sees this and they remain close friends.
ANOMEN-Anomen is secretly jealous of Drizzt for his accomplishments and great deeds. He also knows that Drizzt will see through his boasting macho act to cover his insecurites. So Anomen has a resentful attitude towards Drizzt at first.
Drizzt can see that deep down Anomen is decent person who want to make a difference in the world so he shows interest in things Anomen has to say, which makes Anomen slowly toward a neutral status with Drizzt. If the party helps Anomen gain his knighthood, Anomen accepts Drizzt as a "loyal companion unto death". If Anomen fails his test he puts a lot of the blame on Drizzt (why did I have a *&^()* drow in the party?

EDWIN-Edwin will try to impose his arrogance and self-superiority over Drizzt in a very caustic tone using the verbal
barbs he is so good at. Drizzt, much to Edwin's surprise, will be up the challenge. They will have arguments over good vs. evil, power vs. sacrifice, etc. Eventually Edwin will grow weary and look for an easier target. These two can co-exist, but by no means are they friends on any level.
HAER'DALIS-Haer'dalis will see Drizzt as a spectacular oddity to be quizzed over. He'll have several questions of how a drow on the surface became such a great hero as well having several discussions of philosophy with Drizzt. Drizzt has always had a philosophical side he doesn't express much but this will come out more in his talks with Haer'dalis. They get along rather well.
IMOEN-Imoen can hardly believe that one of the greatest heros of Faerun has joined the party. Once she gets over the shock she'll pepper Drizzt with an infinite amount of questions. Drizzt will have a difficult time being patient with her but he sees everything she's been through and comes to regard Imoen as a good friend, if a somewhat annoying one.
More later.
Posted 08 January 2009 - 07:58 PM
KELDORN-These two would get along great. Keldorn would be honored and pleased to have a champion of good like Drizzt in the party, and Drizzt would quickly see the Keldorn is a man deserving of all the accolades as an older paladin who has done great deeds. Keldorn might want to ask Drizzt why more drow have not found the path of redemption, why they continue in their perverse, evil ways. These two might also talk of things like battle strategy, news around the region, etc. I think Drizzt would be moved during the Keldorn family quest, as he has been thinking of having a family, mabye with Catti-Brie, for a little while. A friendship track between these two would seem to be logical.
VALYGAR-I think the relationship betwen these two would start with both respecting each other but with Valygar keeping his distance at first. He's heard of Drizzt, but just like he believes magic is irredeemably evil so are the drow. Drizzt has dealt with this belief his whole time on the surface, and he gives Valygar his space until Valygar gradually sees that Drizzt is a truly sincere good drow who helps others for the cause of good. Once this happens Valygar and Drizzt began talking more and become good friends. They have some things in common, both being rangers, both used to the rugged, traveling, outdoors life a ranger leads, both being the sole survivor of their vicious families.
JAHEIRA-This could go a few ways. Drizzt and Jaheira form a plutonic relationship, identifying with each other because they have both lost family (Khalid) and friends (all Drizzt's friends, temporarily) to evil men (Irenicus, Enterti, Jarlaxle)
and the only way to find peace to kill this evil men once and for all. Or Drizzt and Jaheira have a testy relationship filled with friction, as they both have pressing agendas and are not afraid to speak their minds. This comes to a head where they both refuse to work together anymore, and the PC has to decide who to keep. Not sure which direction I like better.
MAZZY-About the only thing different about Driizzt and Mazzy is their gender and the respective races they belong too.
A plutonic relationship is rapidly formed, that of two people of different races and gender who care deeply for one another without getting romantically or sexually involved. To Drizzt, Mazzy is the shining example of what true courage and fortitude is, a halfling (strike one) female (strike two) FIGHTER (are you kidding me) who beats all the odds and yet retains a level of humility and modesty. To Mazzy, Drizzt represents her core belief that good will always triumph over evil, that someone born of the drow could end up being such a force for righteousness. These two will have a tight bond and will gladly sacrifice their lives to save the other. A very close friendship track will definitely happen here.
That leaves Cernd, Jan, Korgan, Viconia, Yoshimo, Sarevok (if TOB content was to happen), Minsc, and Nalia. More to come.
Posted 11 January 2009 - 09:42 AM
Yes I only wanted to do Interjections on the RoT quests. About my further ideas (I have been planing to create an Expansion Pack for all of the mega modifications TDD,CtB,SoS,RoT)
For RoT:
+new more fiting portraits (done)
+quest interjections for companions of the hall
+quest interjections for Entreri,Jarlaxle
+restoring Mordragons quest
+better end for the main plot (like a TDD end sequenze Entreri and Jarlaxle beeing revived)
(+Mordragon flirt/romance +alissa flirt/romance +Randall banter)
I am still a little bit clueless what to do with these three NPCs as they do not seem to fit into RoT
Edited by yago, 11 January 2009 - 09:43 AM.
Posted 11 January 2009 - 09:48 AM
Any comments on my portraits are wellcome
Attached Files
Posted 13 January 2009 - 05:49 AM
Excellent ideas. I'm just working on giving the ROT NPC's banters and interjections with each other as well as the Bioware NPC's right now.
What was Mordragon's quest orginally supposed to be?
Should the main plot end in SOA or should it be possible to continue with Drizzt and Co. or Entreri/Jarlaxle into TOB?
I'll analyze Mordragon, Alissa, and Randall and post more later.
Posted 16 January 2009 - 12:37 AM
What was Mordragon's quest orginally supposed to be?
It had something to do with finding a thief. Partial remains of it are in his current dialog file and maybe his BCS. Maybe the quest existed fully in an earlier version?
"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again." - King Diamond

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant
Posted 16 January 2009 - 05:38 AM
I Ride for the King!
a.k.a. Chev
Posted 06 June 2009 - 02:14 PM
I`m currently reading the Drizzt books and would still love to do the quest interjections ;-) (and other mentioned ressurections)
I had hardly any time during the last months (not even to play some bg2 from time to time) but i will have plenty of free time after the summer and hopefully will start with actually doing something ^^
sdrake are you still alive btw?