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v1 Released!

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#1 Kaeloree


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Posted 28 December 2008 - 11:02 AM

Finally--it's about time, hey? For a project that was originally meant to be a "one-weekend" thing, it has certainly grown a little.

I'd love to hear peoples' feedback, good and bad--and if there are any bugs, don't hesitate to post, and I'll correct them as soon as I am able.

Hope you enjoy the mod!


- Liam

#2 sdrake

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Posted 30 December 2008 - 03:17 AM

Congratulations on the release! :cheers:

#3 Lava Del'Vortel

Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 30 December 2008 - 03:45 AM

As a tester I have to say that this mod is realy worth playing. I used to think "eh, it's only for Underdark part... it's not probably super-mod". However, as you see, I used past tense. Well, you can leave someone in Underdark and say him to wait there. Joining Xulaye was a good decision. She is realy interesting character. She is evil, intelligent... well, she is a drow! Having her in party makes Underdark even more fascinating part of mod. It is a pity that there is no soundset yet, however I am sure that will change.

#4 Kaeloree


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Posted 30 December 2008 - 09:03 AM

Thanks, guys! :) A soundset is hopefully on it's way, too.

#5 GeN1e


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Posted 04 January 2009 - 02:54 PM

You've mentioned 'bugs' so get your spray ready. Okay, it's not really a bug, but...

Ids are one of things I'm not proficient with, but Heard([ANYONE],HELP_ME_GROUP151) of lk#udardul wouldn't compile properly due to a missing entry in the shoutids.ids. Having SHFLModderPack component of G3FixPack installed effectively eliminates the problem (which itself seems to be really minor too), but I think it's still worth mentioning.

Retired from modding.

#6 Kaeloree


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Posted 05 January 2009 - 08:06 AM

I know about that one, and the next version will require the Fixpack to be installed. Thanks for pointing it out. :) In the meantime, it won't cause any game-breaking problems.

#7 cmorgan

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Posted 05 January 2009 - 04:19 PM

Congratulations, man. Cool :)

Edited by cmorgan, 05 January 2009 - 04:19 PM.

#8 Qwinn

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Posted 06 January 2009 - 08:28 AM

Congrats! :D
