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New Tweak Pack 3.5 Readme - Sneak Peek

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#1 Qwinn

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Posted 18 December 2008 - 07:31 PM

Yeah, I know, it should be 4.0. I'm naming it 3.5 because A) it's not very different from 3.0, and B) I want to get all the main version numbers lined up again, so I can refer to the whole package as "version 3" and the next set as "version 4".

Changes in the new version are:

1. Thanks to scient, the Banter Accelerator turns off the engine's method of creating banters, which seems to have cured a lot of persistent problems like occasionally being unable to talk to your party members until you save/restore or move to a new area. In that sense, the Banter Accelerator can now be considered a Fix, but for consistency's sake it will remain in the Tweak Pack.

2. The Scale of Souls mod has been replaced with scient's engine tweak that displays morale and alignment as numerical scores on the character sheet. The name of the tweak will remain Scale of Souls for posterity's sake, but the actual Scale item is no longer needed or found within the game.

3. The "Class/Armor Balancing Tweak" has been deprecated/removed. The class balance issue it was attempting to resolve is now fixed properly by version 3.0 of the Fixpack. The tweak was an attempt to fix an imbalance that I did not at the time realize was being caused by bugs, but now that the bugs are fixed the tweak would just unbalance things again, which goes against its purpose.

4. Due to popular demand, there is now a new tweak named Early Glabrezu which will cause UnderSigil to spawn Glabrezu just as it does after you return to Sigil near the end of the game. Though I wouldn't use it because it can be unbalancing, I can appreciate the desire for it... there's some wonderful rare drops off the Glabrezu that, by the point you can get them without the tweak, you really don't have anywhere left to use them. The Glabrezu spawns, however, remain exceedingly rare, and to lower the unbalancing aspect of the tweak, Early Glabrezu have their 70,000 xp reward nerfed to 12,000 to put them in line with experience point gains available at that point in the game. Glabrezu near the end game will give the full 70,000 experience reward.


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Edited by Qwinn, 18 December 2008 - 09:02 PM.