Thanks for the new component. You tell here cure disease gain per three levels, but in the readme stands the following:Update: Restored Paladin Abilities completed.
This component adds missing PnP abilities to all the Bioware paladin kits (not mod kits as of yet). These include disease immunity, cure disease 1/day per three levels, and smite evil 1/day. The smite evil ability is based off of Icewind Dale's version.
They gain an additional casting every five levels (5, 10, 15, etc.)
What is right?
Additional I've seen that you added the new Paladin abbility before the item components. Userfriendlier is, if you additional give your components component numbers.
As example you can give your class components the first numbers, the item numbers starts with 1000 and additional ones in the next 1000 range.
Like in this way (only an example):
0 // Wizard Slayer Enhancements
1 // Immunity HLA -> Abjuration
2 // Immunity HLA -> Conjuration
3 // Immunity HLA -> Divination
4 // Immunity HLA -> Enchantment
5 // Immunity HLA -> Illusion
6 // Immunity HLA -> Evocation
7 // Immunity HLA -> Necromancy
8 // Immunity HLA -> Alteration
100 // Restored Paladin Abilities
1000 // Rod of Refuge
1010 // Butter Knife of Balduran
1020 // Hackmaster +12
5000 // Monty Python Portraits
If you want to include your new Undead Hunter HLAs component, then you can give it the following number:
50 // Undead Hunter HLAs
(I've seen in the readme, that you will make this component available before the Paladin component, that's why I give it a lesser number as for the Paladin component).
Normally you don't need to give components a component number, and you don't need to do it. It is only a suggestion, because we and others use batch-files for easier handling by installations. Without component numbers each time if you put a component between the others, the component numbers afterwards changed and therefore must be changed the batch-file. Like I said, it is a userfriendly suggestion only.

Greetings Leomar
Edited by Leomar, 02 April 2009 - 08:23 PM.