
This was your idea (and a good one) but I started while some things were fresh in my mind.
Let us use this as a TDD 1.12 version bug report/fix log but if we run into compatibility queries with other mods, it is possible (not promised) to be addressed. Anyone that notices a spell, item, NPC, or area that just isn't working right, post it here. It is hard to find some scattered posts since TDD doesn't have a forum.
I will edit and/or add findings and I hope more people will do as well. There is power in numbers

Testing of ALL kits to make sure every spell, ability, created weapon and feats/immunities are getting applied. Some are instant and some happen at certain levels.
Also looking into race/alignment restrictions should be addressed but I don't think they have problems.
One person can easily test 6 different kits by starting a multiplayer game (with TDD installed, at least) and picking 6 players with different kits. Then all you have to do is keep using CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("#") for each character. Some kits require vast level ups for abilities and some abilities are obtained after level 1 for other kits.
Vindicator kit repaired and Mage Hunter kit repaired with 2 spells>>>>>>>Mage Hunter kit receives spells like Avenger druid but has no means to apply them or use them (not a mage or priest). Left this alone as it is not important.
>>>>All fighter kits have been tested by sdrake<<<<<
Things to do so far:
Issue: Finalize TP2 coding for the fubar kit-Vindicator never worked at all to my knowledge.
temp fix with .rar http://www.shsforums...&
The .rar can be extracted to the override folder with TDD installed but there may be a messy string in different games for "Death Reaper" ability (minor)
Problem with Priest of Silvanus kit (not the same as the Neverending Journey kit component).
Issue: Kit is listed as Druid (11) in KITLIST.2DA but comes up in Cleric kit selection

This needs to be reassigned to the Druid selection of kits but I need more research as to how. I noticed in the non-Weidu TDD 103, the kit was correctly assigned to druid class.
I would prefer to revert it to the original Druid class as there are items from TDD that describe being used by Priest of Silvanus and Druid classes in the item description. Conceptual things really.
fix (temp) This allows the player to select the Kit from a cleric class. All spells are fine from CLABPR12.2DA. There may be one or two items not usable by the Priest of Silvanus with this edit as the items are flagged for Druids. Sorry, but it's a start.
>>>Quest Bug even from 103 where the Demon battle area cannot get access:
>>>Captain in Eshpurta fails to give the gold reward in dialog option 2 and is the only thing wrong with that DLG. Code fix (needs testing) below
Worldmap/ Area problem with Haunted Forest (DD8001C)>>>>>note to self: AR8001 needs a worldmap travel icon (wheel?) in its borders and I think that will fix it. It may take some time for area building
****DD8001 worldmap trvels attended to for new version. New searchmap (DD8001C) and new travel links in .tbl. Also will be finalized with Worldmap installed (worldmap greater than 7.1?)
more to come
Edited by Hoppy, 05 March 2009 - 09:14 AM.