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#141 AndrewB

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Posted 22 March 2010 - 11:22 AM

For some reason, all the summon-able creatures in my game seem to have a proper AI for summons and act autonomously except for one, the Greater Wraith's [FIRWRA01.cre] summoned by TDD's level-8 Wizard spell "Monster Summoning V" [SPWI828]. Even the other creatures that are summoned by the spell (the Troll [ELETRO01.cre] and Greater Wolfwere [WOLFGRA01.cre]) act autonomously as summons. The Wraith's on the other hand, don't seem to do anything at all when summoned. They don't move, attack, or cast spells at all. But when I console create in a Greater Wraith, the AI is fine. It attacks and casts spells like a champ.

These are the scripts the creature has set in DLTCEP:

Are these correct? Is one of these in particular causing the creature to be a dumb summon?

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#142 Hoppy


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Posted 22 March 2010 - 12:21 PM

This isn't a TDD specific creature and from my knowledge and changelogs, TDD doesn't touch the creature but it does make a backup. I would first try searching for a backup file in another mod's folder and try some of those to see if they may have worked better. You can changelog the creature file and that will give you a real good idea as to which mods changed the file.

I can try to do something with TDD but I may just make a separate creature so other mods may not even touch it. Pros and Cons to that procedure and I will try testing some stuff. It may also be a dumb creature to have as an ally if the usual usage is an enemy like most wraiths.

EDIT: I tested with my version and something added a shitload of spells and AI to that creature. Not TDD and whatever adds all that makes those creatures useless as summons. You can cast the spells manually and attack manually I guess.

Restoring one from TDD over.bak folder (which is the BG2fixpack change) makes the creature behave nicely but it will trash all the stuff that SCS adds to the funky AI. Maybe it is a good thing and it's whatever you want to do. TDD will not change the creature due to 10 other mods wiping its AI.

If something was added by SCS to adjust a creature if it is an ally or summon, that would be a nice fix and would probably take care of circumstances like this.

Edited by Hoppy, 22 March 2010 - 01:02 PM.

?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#143 AndrewB

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Posted 22 March 2010 - 12:52 PM

Well everything else about the creature is cool. The creature strength is good, it's AI as an enemy is good, the only problem is that as a summon it is dumb as a rock. Basically what I'm asking is, do creatures have seperate AI's that they use as an Enemy, than as a Summon? Or does one AI determine both behaviors? If they are seperate, I can just assign it a gMinion script if I know which script is the Summon AI, and let it keep the Enemy AI it has now.

Edited by AndrewB, 22 March 2010 - 12:54 PM.


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#144 Hoppy


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Posted 22 March 2010 - 01:50 PM

Well everything else about the creature is cool. The creature strength is good, it's AI as an enemy is good, the only problem is that as a summon it is dumb as a rock. Basically what I'm asking is, do creatures have seperate AI's that they use as an Enemy, than as a Summon? Or does one AI determine both behaviors? If they are seperate, I can just assign it a gMinion script if I know which script is the Summon AI, and let it keep the Enemy AI it has now.

Sometimes they do have different AI's depending on what creature is summoned. That is why there are diffent Efreeti's, Nishruu, etc. in the game.

This creature is one of the wraiths in the Windspear dungeons and it's enemy script is modified considerably by SCSII, the DMW script thing. If you look at it you will see thousands of lines telling it what to do. Most of those tell the creature to look to see if Players1-6 have a winter wolf pelt or Carsomyr to tell it what it is going to cast. That stuff is what dumbs it down.

The original creature modded by fixpack works fine, just not as lethal as the SCS modified one. If you change scripts to the creature, it will possibly dumb it down as an enemy. If that is something you want to risk then change the Class script to GENSHT01 and that will ask the creature if it is summoned and change again to gminion script.
?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#145 AndrewB

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Posted 22 March 2010 - 03:15 PM

Okay, so I tried using the backup from SCSII. It wasn't much of an improvement. It did seem to have just enough AI to attack, and cast some rudimentary spells, but it's pretty obvious that it isn't using it's full complement of spells, and it's AI in general was vastly inferior as an enemy creature.

I did some comparing with some of the other Summoning spells (particularly with the way Spell Revisions handles them) and it appears it uses duplicate creatures so it can set the script differently without interfering with the generic version Charname would encounter. I'm wondering if that is the simplest solution. I'd be willing to try it, I just don't know what kind of loose ends I'd be looking at if I did.

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#146 Hoppy


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Posted 22 March 2010 - 03:40 PM

Okay, so I tried using the backup from SCSII. It wasn't much of an improvement. It did seem to have just enough AI to attack, and cast some rudimentary spells, but it's pretty obvious that it isn't using it's full complement of spells, and it's AI in general was vastly inferior as an enemy creature.

I did some comparing with some of the other Summoning spells (particularly with the way Spell Revisions handles them) and it appears it uses duplicate creatures so it can set the script differently without interfering with the generic version Charname would encounter. I'm wondering if that is the simplest solution. I'd be willing to try it, I just don't know what kind of loose ends I'd be looking at if I did.

A plausible solution and can be easily done by making a copy of that creature with Near Infinity and rename to something like FIRWRA0B;(8 character max) Near Infinty will tell you if something already exists. Then set the scripts to what you want or think will work effectively. Reload Near Infinity and now edit SPWI828 and where it had the original creature file, change it to your custom one. Save and enjoy not having an annoying summoned ally.

It is up to you if you want to change the death variable (script name) depending on what tool you are viewing it in. I would to eliminate any loose ends or weirdness. That creature will be totally independent in and of itself, a sort of creation if you will. ;)

Edited by Hoppy, 22 March 2010 - 03:44 PM.

?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#147 Hoppy


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Posted 28 March 2010 - 10:54 PM


The spell Cloud of Pestilence is bugged now because I implemented this fix from the BWP and now I am regretting it severely. :doh:


The fix was proposed to grant XP for kill by the spell which wasn't working originally and still doesn't with the fix. The bigger problem is that if a player character, specifically NPC is hit by the spell and does not save, they lose their override script PERMANENTLY!!!. The only remedy is to edit the character in a save game editor. Near Infinity works well but it is a little cumbersome and I don't know if one can change scripts easily with ShadowKeeper as I have never tried.

This will cause problems with NPC quests, romances and banters. Please do one of the following at the bottom to restore the spell to its original working state. No XP will be granted for a kill by the spell only and it is powerful so think of it as a balance thing until I find a way to fix this properly.

If you have already installed TDD, you can look up the spell SPPR427 in Near Infinity and click on the edit tab. Near the top is the spell name and clicking that displays a window at the bottom. Take note of the string reference 74567 or something and write it down.

Drop attached file into your override and reload the spell in Near Infinity. The name will now be messed up but you will click edit again and Spell Name again. Type the string reference number you wrote down before. Click Update Valueand save. It will ask you if you want to overwrite after the change.

This is a pretty good way to fix other bogus things in your game like items, creatures or spells if you find one that works or a repaired one. Saves having to reinstall everything to get rid of a bug or CTD.

OK spell

Attached File  sppr427.spl   634bytes   258 downloads

EDIT: Reuploading TDD at Dragon's Hoard Download center at http://dragonshoard....et/download.php

Uploaded at SHS temp server again and I don't really kow if it will make a difference. I won't be doing any more modding for a couple months so see you all then.


Edited by Hoppy, 29 March 2010 - 09:17 AM.

?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#148 Chevalier


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Posted 29 March 2010 - 04:48 AM

I won't be doing any more modding for a couple months so see you all then.


I hope you will have fun with whatever you are doing and see you when you are back with us!

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#149 Lollorian


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Posted 29 March 2010 - 06:30 AM

With the kinds of updates TDD1.13 and CtB1.12/a got, I'll say you deserve it :coolthumb:

Sincere hats off to ye mate Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#150 maximus2001

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 09:40 PM

Big Hopper you have done well my friend. Hope you return after some down time. Best wishes! :cheers:

#151 Lollorian


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Posted 03 April 2010 - 09:48 AM

These are some fixes for TDD v1.13 :)

- FaceObject("Player1") -> FaceObject(Player1)

- spdimdr -> spdimndr

- sppfirx1 -> sppfirxi (4 instances)

Extract over TDD before installing :D

Attached Files

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#152 Hoppy


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Posted 06 April 2010 - 09:51 PM

Here is a hard to notice bug in Chateau Irenicus. Replace this block with the block in TDD/SNIP/bAR0602.

		CreateCreature("bugbear",[617.2022],4) // Bugbear
		CreateCreature("bugbear",[670.2067],4) // Bugbear
		CreateCreature("bugarch",[717.1957],4) // Bugbear
		CreateCreature("bugarch",[763.1991],4) // Bugbear
		CreateCreature("bugarch",[823.1450],4) // Bugbear
		CreateCreature("bugarch",[796.1589],4) // Bugbear
		CreateCreature("bugarch",[904.1522],4) // Bugbear
		CreateCreature("ddogre01",[977.262],4) // Ogre
		CreateCreature("ddogre01",[1030.303],4) // Ogre
		CreateCreature("ddogre01",[3204.814],4) // Ogre
		CreateCreature("ddogre01",[3281.765],4) // Ogre
		CreateCreature("otyugh",[2496.2056],4) // Otyugh
		CreateCreature("otyugh",[2761.1962],4) // Otyugh

I noticed it when I reloaded a few times and the areas where the creatures spawned had stacks of them. Even setting the original global

SetGlobal("ar0602","GLOBAL",1) was worthless. Seems like an unstable global to use so I made it stronger. Not sure if this is because the area script gets large with BGT and other megamods but it is pretty strong now nonetheless. Added a continue() but not sure if it is absolutely needed.

Again hard to notice if not reloading a couple times or saving and modifying with ShadowKeeper and reloading or something.

F***'n TDD :)

Edited by Hoppy, 06 April 2010 - 10:11 PM.

?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#153 Lollorian


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Posted 07 April 2010 - 03:42 AM

This is the changed file, preserving the folder structure and stuff, just extract over TDD :)

Attached Files

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#154 Fennek

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Posted 09 April 2010 - 01:30 PM

I don't know if anybody else has experienced this (TDD, v.1.13):

Copying and patching 1 file ...

ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
Resource [ARAM00.BCS] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [The Darkest Day, v1.13], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 2458 files for [SETUP-TDD.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled 2458 files for [SETUP-TDD.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: Failure("resource [ARAM00.BCS] not found for 'COPY'")

Is this a problem linked with my chitin.key? Or did something with the fixpack / TDD get a bit out of control?
(Happened during a tactics install.)

Edit: To change the chitin.key did not help.

Edited by Fennek, 09 April 2010 - 01:41 PM.

#155 -Hoppy-

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Posted 09 April 2010 - 03:36 PM

I don't know if anybody else has experienced this (TDD, v.1.13):

Copying and patching 1 file ...

ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
Resource [ARAM00.BCS] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [The Darkest Day, v1.13], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 2458 files for [SETUP-TDD.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled 2458 files for [SETUP-TDD.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: Failure("resource [ARAM00.BCS] not found for 'COPY'")

Is this a problem linked with my chitin.key? Or did something with the fixpack / TDD get a bit out of control?
(Happened during a tactics install.)

Edit: To change the chitin.key did not help.

It is a problem linked with having BGT installed before TDD and the file not present or is in the override. BGT and TD have compatibility checks in either order but I modified TDD to work better before BGT.

TDD will only patch this file if:

ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~data/BG1ARE.BIF~ //BGT compatibility

If you notice in the TDD readme, some compatibility features work better if TDD comes before BGT. Otherwise TDD will change too many variable to BGT imported NPC's (used in TDD) and you will never get the TDD NPC quests to work.

Both BGT and TDD have reverse compatibility and I did not remove BGT compatibility from TDD (unless there is a small error) but some things will work better in the order that TDD is installed with other BG2 megamods before BGT. At least this is my opinion.

#156 Fennek

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Posted 10 April 2010 - 11:29 AM

If you notice in the TDD readme, some compatibility features work better if TDD comes before BGT. Otherwise TDD will change too many variable to BGT imported NPC's (used in TDD) and you will never get the TDD NPC quests to work.

I get your point that it is better to install TDD before BGT, but at the moment I (one?) cannot install TDD via BWP. So this either has to be fixed or the file be put in the override by the Fixpack or something like that, I guess. :blink:

#157 -Hoppy-

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Posted 10 April 2010 - 11:36 AM

If you notice in the TDD readme, some compatibility features work better if TDD comes before BGT. Otherwise TDD will change too many variable to BGT imported NPC's (used in TDD) and you will never get the TDD NPC quests to work.

I get your point that it is better to install TDD before BGT, but at the moment I (one?) cannot install TDD via BWP. So this either has to be fixed or the file be put in the override by the Fixpack or something like that, I guess. :blink:

It is not the file in your override folder, it is the bif in your data folder. Are you disabling Biffing or something?

#158 Fennek

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Posted 10 April 2010 - 11:42 AM

I'm testing the BWS-beta, but don't think that this is related with the problem. I just tried to install TDD in a Tactics-Installation.

#159 Hoppy


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Posted 10 April 2010 - 11:52 AM

I'm testing the BWS-beta, but don't think that this is related with the problem. I just tried to install TDD in a Tactics-Installation.

So BGT is installed already correct?
?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#160 Fennek

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Posted 10 April 2010 - 12:06 PM

So BGT is installed already correct?

No, it will be installed afterwards (5.1 in the pdf; Setup is currently not really available to look the number or the places up, since I found problems and Dabus will probably prepare a new version for testing), as it seems. (TDD 4.1).

(Are we installing in the wrong order?)

Edited by Fennek, 10 April 2010 - 12:07 PM.