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#61 DeusEx


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Posted 18 February 2009 - 08:33 AM

Yes, that CtB area needs a reworked search map.

CtB?, I thought it was TDD :huh:.

#62 Hoppy


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Posted 18 February 2009 - 07:31 PM

You can sometimes access the weird shelves by making your character go to it and wait to see if they open it. Sometimes placement is crucial and some of the shelves are empty so I don't know if you miss anything.

It is CtB that adds this area.
?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#63 DeusEx


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Posted 21 February 2009 - 07:03 AM

You can sometimes access the weird shelves by making your character go to it and wait to see if they open it. Sometimes placement is crucial and some of the shelves are empty so I don't know if you miss anything.

You can't access them no matter what and I'm sure they have something for reading :D.


Just an oddity. When you go inside the tents the game autosaves but when you go out it does not, in my opinion there is no reason for atuosave.

There is no journal entry for the quest with the mine & lich and the second part with the exorcist. In the tent with the sick guy when you return with the Dale Lotus leaf and give it to the man standing there the leaf still remains in the inventory and there is no journal entry for the quest.


When you accept the quest from the Captain there to clear the area of monsters and then return to him and say its done he gives you no reward even when you ask for gold and there is also no journal entry.

#64 Hoppy


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Posted 21 February 2009 - 07:16 PM

You can't access them no matter what and I'm sure they have something for reading

Oh I have. :P


TDD has needed a good journal entry/erased entry overhaul for some time. That is all noted in the ReadMe in the "to do" list of current version.

When you accept the quest from the Captain there to clear the area of monsters and then return to him and say its done he gives you no reward even when you ask for gold and there is also no journal entry.

What are the options or rewards again? I think you get the sword +1 if you choose the silly answer. That has worked for me but I will take a look at the alternative as well. Is there a rep increase that happens when you talk to him after slaying the giants and trolls? That should happen no matter what dialog you choose.



Can you test the rewards given for all three dialog options from the PC? One should be no reward is needed so that is nothing. Then there is "gold would be nice" or the "club for smashing". The club dialog gets the sword and the other is gold of course.

RE: the Auto Save in Purshkal

Thanks for pointing it out but I may leave as is because I do not like changing areas too much for fear of messing other things up.

Edited by Hoppy, 21 February 2009 - 07:32 PM.

?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#65 DeusEx


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Posted 22 February 2009 - 12:02 AM


What are the options or rewards again? I think you get the sword +1 if you choose the silly answer. That has worked for me but I will take a look at the alternative as well. Is there a rep increase that happens when you talk to him after slaying the giants and trolls? That should happen no matter what dialog you choose.

Can you test the rewards given for all three dialog options from the PC? One should be no reward is needed so that is nothing. Then there is "gold would be nice" or the "club for smashing". The club dialog gets the sword and the other is gold of course.

1. Nothing
2. Nothing
3. Two-handed sword +1

No rep increase on all 3 options.

#66 Hoppy


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Posted 22 February 2009 - 09:04 PM

Ok there are no rep increases anyway, I was thinking of another quest. So it is only the second option that does not give the gold.

Since he does not have the gold amount in his creature file we may have to change




in DDCAPT01.D file

I am not sure why one works better if it is having the gold on the creature prior is the requirement for the GivePartyGold to work.

I will also double check these action uses in the vanilla BG2 ACTION.IDS and clarify.

Thanks DeasEx! :cheers:

EDIT:Update in first post

Edited by Hoppy, 22 February 2009 - 09:06 PM.

?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#67 Isaya

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Posted 28 February 2009 - 04:40 AM

While working on the French translation of TDD 1.12, starting from the old one from TDD 1.03, I noticed a few issues either in the mod itself (scripts, ...) or in the English texts that I traced in a file. For some, I suggested a fix. For others I did just highlight the mistakes.

Here is a copy of my notes

Fix for Baurian in Talos temple
See post in Big Picture forum on Spellhold Studios
or in BG2 Fixpack forum on G3

The area has AR0334.BCS for script instead of DD0334.BCS, so the smith doesn't appear in game.

For state 6, second reply, use @11 instead. @14 is actually an item name. (checked from TDD 1.03A dialog file)
@14 can be removed from GANDAR.tra

There are 3 replies in state 3, number 3 being irrelevant to the place. There were only 2 in TDD 1.03A. => remove reply 3

Riatavin mage district
The enchanter Bobbin (from the walkthrough) is missing, and dialog RIATENCH is unused, the creature of the same name in TDD 1.03 is not present either

Orgoth01 dialog (ORGOTH01.tra)
Text @28, a player answer, is ~Greater Werewyvern~
As you can guess, this is a bug. This string comes from a text in ToB:
@72293 = ~Greater Werewyvern~
@72295 = ~Greater Werewyvern~

Actually the reference in the dialog in TDD 1.03 was still pointing to the reference used in TDD 1.02 (before ToB compatibility).
Checking the dialog.tlk from TDD 1.02 R, I found:
@72293 = ~We will see about that...~
@72295 = ~Can't blame you there... I can't even count how many times I've wanted to blow up Riatavin.~

First one is a text for Orgoth, so I guess the second one is right. In the dialog, it flows well. The player don't object about destroying Riatavin, then Orgoth says (@26) ~Indeed. Feel free to help when you find me there. I can't guarantee your life one I find you, though.~

So my suggestion is setting @28 to ~Can't blame you there... I can't even count how many times I've wanted to blow up Riatavin.~

"candx01" (Brother Masoj) and "candx07" (Brother Aldenis) are invoked twice

The trigger is wrong: Allegiance(Myself,ENEMY), there should be a starting !

The two dialogs open the same shop. That was a bug in TDD 1.03A too.

Once installed, Near Infinity reports errors and warnings about lines:
But OK in BAF !!!
Spell 1964 does not exist in TDD WeiDU. Was CUT_REMOVE_AVITAR (1964) in TDD 1.03A
However the spell SPPR964 didn't exit either

Once installed, Near Infinity reports errors and warnings about lines:
But OK in BAF !!!
Spell 1964 does not exist in TDD WeiDU. Was CUT_REMOVE_AVITAR (1964) in TDD 1.03A
However the spell SPPR964 didn't exit either
Strange command:
TakePartyItem("amulrat") // Collier

Texts are in the BAF file, not in TRA files
~Yes.~ can be recovered from @5069 in SoA, an absolute value may be used, #5069
~No, not now.~ does not appear in SoA and ToB
@20287 = ~Not now.~ is the closest
The sentence is also present in TOPESLAV.TRA as @8. The two strings, or at least the second one may be added to the SETUP.TRA files, recovering the translation in each language from the TOPESLAV.TRA files.

The creature and script variable "r800006" does not exist

AR0904.BCS, possibly others
Patch problem: the original content of the script appears twice


@20465, biography of Vesine
I could rescue one from the dialog.tlk from TDD 1.02 R
@78603 = ~When asked about her past, Vesine sighs heavily. She explains that she grew up near the Moonshai Islands with her Aquatic Elf brethren.
During her time there, she was taught the ways of druids, treating all sea life with reverence, and devoting her life to preserving it.
When she came to age, Vesine set out with a party of friends in a trading exercise with the surface elves. After a few days had passed, her party was ambushed by bandits. Unable to defend themselves adequately, the group split up, running for cover.
Vesine escaped successfully, and was resting in a clearning when she was knocked unconcscious. When she awakened, most of her possessions were gone, and she was injured very badly.
Vesine says that she recovered by crawling into a nearby pond where her injuries would heal faster. Ever since then, she has been wandering the forests, too weak to go back to the her sea.
You ask her for more information, but she turns away as if she doesn't hear you.~

There are clerical errors (word doubled, ...) in the english version, before @20585, but I didn't trace them.
What follows was traced. There may be more problems as these ones were spotted while retrieving only the texts that couldn't be retrieved directly due to changes between TDD 1.03 (non WeiDU) and the latest WeiDU version (1.12).

Description @20585, SPPR118
Duration is described as 1 round while it is 1 turn (60) in the spell

Description @20592 ~Freezing Hands~
"as it can hit inflict great damage"
-> remove "hit"

Description @20606, SPPR320
It should say that the duration is 1 turn every 3 levels starting from level 8

Description @20608, SPPR321
In the spell, there is no effect on enchantment, only on a characteristic or attack bonus and saving throws

Description @20644
It's a freeze spell, so description shall not say "freeze the area to temperatures of extreme heat"

Description @20652, SPPR422
The duration is not consistent between the summary and the description (2 or 1 every 3 rounds)
The spell itself uses the same duration for all effects, +2 rounds every 3 levels (starting from 6)

Description @20656, SPPR424
The regeneration is supposed to stop after 3 rounds but at some levels, it goes beyond 18 seconds
Description states duration 1 turn in the summary then explains 2 rounds / 4 levels: fix the summary
Range description shall be Self ou Touch, not 1
-> Fix the spell (duration) and the description

Description @20661, ~Static Charge~ (SPPR426)
description says 1 turn / level while it is 1 round / level
additionally, it seems that the 1-8 additional damage is delayed 1 every round, which is not clear in the description
initial damage is 3-16 (2D4 + 1D8), not 2-16.
there is no save allowed in the spell, so description is not correct (or the spell)
-> Fix the spell or the description

Description @20663, SPPR427
duration in the summary is wrong: 4 rounds while it is 1 turn (actually 70 s, so a bit more) as in the full description

Description @20667, SPPR429
fix "an effective Armor Class or 5 or a +1 bonus": "of 5" (instead of "or")
duration should be 3 rounds + 1 round / level

Description @20669, SPPR430
duration should be 3 rounds + 1 round / level

Description @20671, SPPR431
the spell cannot be targeted at two targets, fix description

Description @20673, SPPR432
there is nothing justifying "forcing saving throws vs. crushing blow on all items they hit" either in the spell or in the fist (GONDFIST.ITM)

Description @20681, SPPR521
there are two different values for casting time. The right one is 6 (from the spell)

Description @20703, SPPR616
casting time is described as 1 round while it's only 6 (in spell)

Description @20705, SPPR617
casting time is described as 1 round while it's only 6 (in spell)

Description @20715, SPPR622
casting time in the spell is 1, not instantaneous

Description @20728, SPPR628
casting time is 12, a bit less than the 2 rounds specified

Description @20740
"remain for 1 turn per round" -> "1 turn per level"

Description @20924, SPWI974
Actually, there is no protection for 0-4 enchanted weapons. There are 4 levels of protection: 0, 0-1, 0-1-2, 0-1-2-3 (RUNEZ1 - RUNEZ4)

Description @21394, @21395
"blackjack" is a single word with a meaning suitable for the item. The word shall be joined as it was in the original TDD
The duration and damage shall be below STATISTICS

I hope this helps improving the experience a bit.

Nythrun coded a safer version of the Baurian fix than the one provided by someone else if my post. It's available in this post of the BG2 Fixpack forum, but it didn't make it to the fixpack (yet?). The additional !Dead() trigger is safer and the UNLESS she used seems to check if the fix is already in, so it could be used as well in TDD even if added to the Fixpack at some point.

#68 Hoppy


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 09:00 PM

I hope this helps improving the experience a bit.

I am 100% positive it will :cheers:

Many thanks Isaya for your hard work and posting these. :Bow:

I will cross check some more with the 103 version as you have and implement your fixes now that I have some more free time.


>Spell revisions to match descriptions posted by Isaya.

>Incorporate Vesine Biography from 102R version posted above by Isaya.

>DD0334 change BCS to DD0334 instead of AR0334

>Talos Temple fix (known issue) and will use Nythrun's code to test. (ar0904.baf patch in TP2)

>Typos and double wordings in TRA and D files.

>get Bobbin back

>fix minor D and BAF bugs.

Edited by Hoppy, 28 February 2009 - 10:36 PM.

?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#69 Frog Dragon

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Posted 01 March 2009 - 07:07 AM

I can't access any of the TDD areas. When I click Trollford or Purskal nothing happens. The markers are blue, but I don't get transferred. I was thinking of just using CLUAConsole to get in there. So can I get the TDD area codes for CLUA?

#70 Hoppy


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Posted 01 March 2009 - 09:19 AM

@Frog Dragon

Your installation seems very buggy by what you describe.

TDD version 1.12 requires Worldmap Mod and you can download WM7.1 here.


Also did you install the G3 fixpack? That will get rid of any possible CTD's with worldmap installed. Fixpack installed before TDD and worldmap after TDD. Save games will be converted with the worldmap so no need to start a new game. However if you did not install the fixpack prior to TDD and you reinstall everything, your saves will no longer be valid.

http://www.camagna.n..._Fixpack-v8.exe is the BG2 fixpack download.
?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#71 Frog Dragon

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Posted 01 March 2009 - 10:57 AM

@Frog Dragon

Your installation seems very buggy by what you describe.

TDD version 1.12 requires Worldmap Mod and you can download WM7.1 here.


Also did you install the G3 fixpack? That will get rid of any possible CTD's with worldmap installed. Fixpack installed before TDD and worldmap after TDD. Save games will be converted with the worldmap so no need to start a new game. However if you did not install the fixpack prior to TDD and you reinstall everything, your saves will no longer be valid.

http://www.camagna.n..._Fixpack-v8.exe is the BG2 fixpack download.

Thanks. I'll download the worldmap, but I'll have to pass on the Fixpack. Guess I'll just have to accept a few more bugs since I don't want to restart my group of non Bioware NPC:S only.

And now I can't get Worldmap to work :blink:

Edited by Frog Dragon, 01 March 2009 - 12:04 PM.

#72 Hoppy


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Posted 01 March 2009 - 10:05 PM

Does worldmap install? If you decide to uninstall it you can use these:

DD8000=Deep Mir Forest

DD8001=Haunted Forest


DD5000= Hall of Knowledge

DD7000= Orgoth's tower

DD1900= Purskal

DD3300= Riativin

ARPO05= Rusted Scabbard

DD1800= Snake Woods

DD2500=Troll Mountains


Those are the main worldmap areas. Everything else related to travel is done by script.
?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#73 Leomar

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Posted 01 March 2009 - 10:55 PM

And now I can't get Worldmap to work

That's right, because you need the BG2 Fixpack for the BP-BGT-Worldmap. And for TDD you need the BP-BGT-Worldmap... ;)

Greetings Leomar

Edited by Leomar, 01 March 2009 - 10:56 PM.

A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#74 Frog Dragon

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Posted 02 March 2009 - 04:55 AM

And now I can't get Worldmap to work

That's right, because you need the BG2 Fixpack for the BP-BGT-Worldmap. And for TDD you need the BP-BGT-Worldmap... ;)

Greetings Leomar

Sigh..... Well I'll just CLUA. I don't want to restart everything

#75 redfield

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Posted 05 March 2009 - 05:18 PM


I am brand new here, so please forgive me if I have broken any typical protocols. I'm playing through the "Ninja" kit. As a ninja, you are supposed to be able to reach "grand mastery" specialization with a weapon of you choice (long sword, in this case). While this seems to be possible, I haven't noticed my character gaining any of the usual battle advantages. My "to hit" and "weapon speed" categories don't seem to be changing as my character adds proficiency slots, but I am only to 4 at present.



#76 DeusEx


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Posted 06 March 2009 - 04:26 AM

Hello, I bring bad news :devil:

Ellesime & Errtu

After you get sent to IWD and back (yet again) nobody tells you what you're supposed to do. When I entered the elven city a cut-scene occurred (no explanation why, what, where) and a new area appeared but it wasn't blue since you were already there during the cut-scene and that makes it a bit hard to find on that gigantic map. A hint or two in the Journal would be nice :).

Floating Castle

There is a CTD in the area with that monster that asks you riddles so you can't do the riddles but have to kill the monster to get out. The CTD happens only after you walk from the entrance/monster to the exit sou you have to use CTRL+J.

File: ChVidPoly.cpp
Line: 523

Exp: m_nVertices >= 3

Msg: no msg.
Run Debugger?

Now I haven't seen reports about this exact CTD anywhere else except @Kerzenburg

#77 Hoppy


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Posted 06 March 2009 - 10:31 AM

Floating Castle

There is a CTD in the area with that monster that asks you riddles so you can't do the riddles but have to kill the monster to get out. The CTD happens only after you walk from the entrance/monster to the exit sou you have to use CTRL+J.

File: ChVidPoly.cpp
Line: 523

Exp: m_nVertices >= 3

Msg: no msg.
Run Debugger?

Now I haven't seen reports about this exact CTD anywhere else except @Kerzenburg

Now on to the area in question... Is it the area with the Venoconanes staff or something to that effect?
@Deus Ex
Can you post a save before entering the area that crashes? That is the quickest way for me to test it and fix it.

EDIT: Nevermind I found the area and reproduced the crash. Now fixing it is going to be special :o

Edited by Hoppy, 06 March 2009 - 10:58 AM.

?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#78 Hoppy


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Posted 06 March 2009 - 11:16 AM

It seems I reproduce the same error if my whole party moves around the table in the middle. If I do one at a time at first, I can get to the other side. This may take some time to fix.
?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#79 Hoppy


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Posted 06 March 2009 - 07:29 PM


I am brand new here, so please forgive me if I have broken any typical protocols. I'm playing through the "Ninja" kit. As a ninja, you are supposed to be able to reach "grand mastery" specialization with a weapon of you choice (long sword, in this case). While this seems to be possible, I haven't noticed my character gaining any of the usual battle advantages. My "to hit" and "weapon speed" categories don't seem to be changing as my character adds proficiency slots, but I am only to 4 at present.



Thanks Redfield and I have a few more kits (mostly the thief kits) to check. I think there was a ninja kit bug report from an older version so I will have to see if I can repair it or find the version that it worked. Thanks and I will give it a look.

http://www.shsforums...;hl=Darkest Day

Edited by Hoppy, 06 March 2009 - 10:04 PM.

?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#80 Hoppy


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Posted 06 March 2009 - 08:59 PM

In lieu of this post I think I would like to add something to Mary Magus' dialog. MakeGlobal and MovetoExpansion work fine but it would be nice for Mary to start the same or similar cutscene that Ellesime does. This way the ToB movie will play along with the MoveToExpansion.


I am not sure which mod creator changes cut100a or cut100b but it works fantastically for what I want to do. >Got it<

CTB alters the cutscene (cut100a and cut100b.baf) and I am hoping that it will be OK to reproduce it. I will give credit to Ceeb Bisson in the changelog for the new TDD version and if there are objections to my intent or implementing of this feature, then I will drop the idea and leave Mary's dialog in its current state.

In the meantime I will try contacting Ceeb for permissions.

Any other opinions on what to do are very welcome!

EDIT: Maybe I will make a new cutscene for Mary based on what CTB adds to Ellesime since Ellesime displays a string that would not make sense for Mary. Other than that, CTB alters the cutscene for the transition perfectly for what would work much better in a megamod install and especially with BGT.

Edited by Hoppy, 06 March 2009 - 09:14 PM.

?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant