So does ESCAPE_AREA_2 need to be removed entirely or just assign it another row and number? Just in case?
I see ATTACK1, LEAVE2, and ESCAPE_AREA_2 in my Bassilus dialog so are there three different things supposed to happen or is the ESCAPE_AREA_2 just plain bogus?
The problem is LEAVE2 and ESCAPE_AREA_2 share the same row number (2) and apparently the engine can't recognise both, at least not in shoutids.ids - sometimes duplicate entries in IDS files do get recognised but a lot of times not. You're probably seeing 2 values in your bassil.d because of the duplication - the engine doesn't know how to decompile it properly (hence the error I linked).
This happens because the Fixpack comes along and does (from lib/ids_entries_shoutids.tph):
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~2 LEAVE2~ UNLESS ~^2 LEAVE2~
TDD and BP come along and do:
They don't do this for any particular reason that I can tell, except to make sure there's a value for "2" in the IDS. It makes more sense to APPEND it with LEAVE2 instead, for Fixpack compatibility. I did a full scan and couldn't find any scripts or dialogues that compile with a textual value of ESCAPE_AREA_2 (though they might try to decompile with it if it gets added to the IDS file).
Anyway, if you want to change it to LEAVE2 in CtD and
TDD, I'll handle it in BP and everything should be ok. I suppose we could get the Fixpack to change it to ESCAPE_AREA_2 instead, but who knows when that'll be updated (anyway LEAVE2 is shorter).
Actually, most of the APPENDed shoutids entries conflict with those added by the Fixpack. I searched my
BWP install and didn't find any scripts at all that compile with any of the textual values, with the exception of AjocMod, and I just posted a
fix for that. So since BP,
CtB and
TDD all use the same code for this, you can replace the entire APPEND ~SHOUTIDS.IDS~ block in all TP2s with the Fixpack entries instead (which I'm putting in my edit of BP):
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~2 LEAVE2~ UNLESS ~LEAVE2~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~66 DEAD_MEAT~ UNLESS ~^66~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~68 SUM_ATTACK_GOOD~ UNLESS ~^68~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~69 SUM_ATTACK_EVIL~ UNLESS ~^69~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~79 HELP79~ UNLESS ~^79~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~80 HELPARCHER~ UNLESS ~^80~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~81 FLEEARCHER~ UNLESS ~^81~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~82 COMEARCHER~ UNLESS ~^82~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~83 HELP83~ UNLESS ~^83~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~84 IM_BLIND~ UNLESS ~^84~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~89 ATTACK89~ UNLESS ~^89~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~99 HELPME~ UNLESS ~^99~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~100 HELP100~ UNLESS ~^100~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~101 HELP101~ UNLESS ~^101~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~111 WARNALARM~ UNLESS ~^111~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~115 HELP_ALIBAKKAR~ UNLESS ~^115~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~116 HELP_LURRAXOL~ UNLESS ~^116~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~121 HELP121~ UNLESS ~^121~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~122 HELP122~ UNLESS ~^122~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~151 HELP_ME_GROUP151~ UNLESS ~^151~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~152 ATTACK_MAGE~ UNLESS ~^152~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~153 HELP_ME_GROUP153~ UNLESS ~^153~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~154 FLEE_FROM_MAGE~ UNLESS ~^154~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~155 ATTACK_MAGE~ UNLESS ~^155~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~156 UNDER_ATTACK~ UNLESS ~^156~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~199 HELPME_DRUIDS~ UNLESS ~^199~
APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~200 POISONED_200~ UNLESS ~^200~
Edited by Miloch, 03 July 2010 - 02:57 AM.